IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

After playing this little part for like 10 times it sounds very familiar. I'm pretty sure that it reminds me of something from Siren Charms. But the tempo here is faster I think. But I can't put my finger on the song. I don't know, maybe the opening riff of "The Chase" or something?
It's already been stated that Joe Rickard recorded the drums for the album like 50 times, how can people have missed that? Also the sample sound nice, reminds me a bit of In Search For I.
We know it's been stated that Joe recorded the drums. But even if that's the case, it doesn't change the fact that the drums sound like shit. I don't know what they did, but the result is not good. I already miss Daniel.
We know it's been stated that Joe recorded the drums. But even if that's the case, it doesn't change the fact that the drums sound like shit. I don't know what they did, but the result is not good. I already miss Daniel.

The problem with the drums is the production, not the playing. having Daniel back wouldn't change the drum sound much.
After playing this little part for like 10 times it sounds very familiar. I'm pretty sure that it reminds me of something from Siren Charms. But the tempo here is faster I think. But I can't put my finger on the song. I don't know, maybe the opening riff of "The Chase" or something?

The problem is that it's an extremely generic and simple pedal tone riff. Hence it sounds extremely similar to other stuff.
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But I bought it on I-tunes as well and it was mixed oddly on my digital copy also. I am really surprised by that! Oh well.
I just read another post. I am shocked that it was a faulty mistake. Thanks for the input! You have to give me credit though for my creative thought process on what the issue with the cd!
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I was not trying to bullshit anyone. And I was not attacking Jester 313 or speaking to this individual with any condescension. I legitimately felt with today's could a mistake like that happen? Especially during the mastering process when they EQ the album. It was the only possible source of reason I could think of that could have made sense at the time.
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In Flames are well known for being lazy. It's no surprise to me that something like this would slip under their radar. They are extremely lucky that Nordstrom was around at the beginning of their career to give them the platform for their later successes.
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I don't know man... at least Daniel had a say in the band, you know? and now they have this new guy, who will do anything they ask him to.
Are we white-washing history again? Don't tell me the mixing of drums were great on all records; R2R gets the biggest flak for it probably.
Wow, it's an actual riff ladies & gents.

Too bad they fucked it up with the most generic written and sounding drums ever.

And this is where good creative drummer comes into picture. No, I do not expect IF doing some wild experimenting complex stuff, but a good drummer with fresh ideas and some integrity would elevate this song so much.
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Are we white-washing history again? Don't tell me the mixing of drums were great on all records; R2R gets the biggest flak for it probably.
I'm not saying the mixing of drums was great on every album. But it's definitely Anders' and Bjorn's world now. And this Joe guy is nothing but a session/live player. And you can hear that on both new singles and here, on the new sample. It just sounds so bad. And I know a thing or two about drums, as I've playing the drums for years now. I just hope the rest of the album sounds better, mixing wise.
Never really was into guitar play like that. That all over the place riffing was always whatever to me

Sounds like could be from ASOP in the first 10secs or so
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I was not trying to bullshit anyone. And I was not attacking Jester 313 or speaking to this individual with any condescension. I legitimately felt with today's could a mistake like that happen? Especially during the mastering process when they EQ the album. It was the only possible source of reason I could think of that could have made sense at the time.
I liked your thought process there, it was clever. Wrong, but cool. Also, I don't think the error was a product of IF being lazy, because the final mix was fine on digital, it was the mistake of whoever printed the CDs.
Moving on from discussing possible faults on the quality of the Siren Charms CD... I'm glad to hear a fast paced riff for once, SOAPF (while my favorite In Flames album) had only really mid paced tracks, and Siren Charms' only proper fadt paced riff (Monsters in the Ballroom) was let down by shit drumming. Can't wait to hear the whole song on Friday :D
I have to say that given the negative new drummer comments and everything else about what IF is doing right now... That teaser riff sounds the tightest IF has ever been!