IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Soilwork put the Witan music video on facebook... I love how literally all the comments about their new album are positive, talking about how great it is. The difference between those comments and the train wreck that is an In Flames comment section on FB is really funny.
What I ultimately gather from all of this is that In Flames should continue not giving a shit what people think, lmao

I also gather that, due to their negative social media presence, In Flames should not run for President.
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I still remember that Hungarian interview with Björn where he said he is not comfortable with solos, as he is not a solo guy, but he has to do it since Jesper left. For someone who is not a solo guy, he puts out an awful lot of solos.

What does that even mean. Right in the feels, because it's so bad? Right i nthe feels because you can 200% relate, and it is so much about you that you are in the verge of breaking down in tears?
But Jesper wasn't the solo's guy.
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What I ultimately gather from all of this is that In Flames should continue not giving a shit what people think, lmao

I also gather that, due to their negative social media presence, In Flames should not run for President.
No politics here. Krofiu's terms and conditions.
Soilwork put the Witan music video on facebook... I love how literally all the comments about their new album are positive, talking about how great it is. The difference between those comments and the train wreck that is an In Flames comment section on FB is really funny.
Well that's obvious since Soilwork hasn't really changed their sound that much during their career, maybe Steelbath Suicide was much more raw, and obviously had no clean vocals but since their 2nd-3rd album they haven't strayed away to much. In Flames on the other hand is completely different, also they have a much bigger fanbase. But all Soilwork albums haven't always been super well received. Sworn To A Great Divide wasn't that great, mainly because of production, and Panic Broadcast wasn't super good either, but all that was kind of pre social media.

I checked IF's facebook though and it seems largely positive in the comment section on The Mask. If we're talking about This Is Our House then that's a different question. IF has always had a split fanbase though, you have the people who haven't listened to In Flames in 10 years who for some reason always have to chime in how much they dislike the new material everytime an new album is on the way.
My overwhelming sense, listening to every track on ITM so far, is that I've heard the band do this before, but better. I don't need to specifically find the songs or riffs in question, it just immediately sounds like a rehash to me. Structurally, audibly, lyrically... it just sounds stale. I don't mean it in a nasty way, but I really do think they should have a 4-5 year break from releasing music. Do some touring, spend a bit of time with their families, listen to a lot of interesting music... just reset everything and then if they feel ready and able come back and try again.
The split fan base thing is IF’s own fault. Old fans CANT make a clean break with the band because IF keeps playing old material. It’s hard for old fans to ignore IF coming through town when they very likely will play 2-3 of this person’s favorite songs ever. IF can use that to their advantage to sell more tickets and even more albums out of curiousity rather than pure fan purchases.
Why the fuck would they take a break doing their dream job that they love doing? Because people on an internet forum thinks the music they write nowadays is garbage and uninspired? Lol. I could care less if I liked or disliked their music, if they are doing what they love to do then all the power to them. It's not hard to realise that plenty of people absolutely loves this music, and plenty of people absolutely hate it. There are people who hate everything In Flames has ever released while others hold their early material as some of the best music ever created. There are people who can't listen to any types of Metal because they feel it's to fast and aggressive...I mean show The Mask to the general person, 99% would say ''It's just screaming''.
The split fan base thing is IF’s own fault. Old fans CANT make a clean break with the band because IF keeps playing old material. It’s hard for old fans to ignore IF coming through town when they very likely will play 2-3 of this person’s favorite songs ever. IF can use that to their advantage to sell more tickets and even more albums out of curiousity rather than pure fan purchases.
Well of course it's their fault, it's their music. Some people will like your music and some won't. Why wouldn't they play old material live? It's their own songs, of course they will play them if they want to. Then there's like any bands songs you ''have'' to play like Cloud Connected etc cause they're live staples and people expect to hear them when they go see them.
Well, of course if they don't care about the quality of their output they can just keep on going. There will always be mindless idiots buying their albums just because it says "In Flames" on the front. That's obviously not a problem. It's more about how they want to be remembered. They're a joke in metal circles these days, and there's no other genre they'd get any respect in.

Now it's possible and very likely they don't give a shit how they're perceived, but imo it'll be quite sad for history to record them as the band that had four amazing years followed by a hit and miss decade ending with the band becoming a hollow shell of former glories, churning out formulaic faux metal that nobody really cared about. They're still young enough to avoid that fate, but right now that's where I see the band's legacy ending .
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Yeah I'm sure when they're on their deathbeds they will remember DE4life on Ultimate Metal Forum and wish they released music that he loved instead of releasing music they want to because his opinion is obviously superior and also, a fact. I don't know if you're as stupid as you seem, but people like different stuff. Not every group or band likes to write intricate Prog Metal or Technical Death Metal, and if you don't do that doesn't mean your writing uninspired simple garbage music.

Maybe it's all an conspiracy to you. I don't know how many times they're going to have to say they're doing what they want and writing the music they like for you to believe them, probably never I'd say.
Krofius just got triggered :D you know he's lost his rag when he starts resorting to personal insults. Poor form Krofi-kun and I won't respond in kind. In your keyboard mashing rage you did spectacularly miss the point of my post though, so congratulations on that.
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