IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Who could forget this classic high school rib?

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Ok I' m sorry that i was fucking stupid and attack jester, honestly I have nothing to this guy, he is smart and has good taste of music, he writes very interesting things here, all of you guys are real fans and it was honor to meet you, thank you !
Ok now i can leave. Bye !
It's just that it's our job to make fun of him. You shall first ask for permission.

And this is why I say that women cannot understand jokes.
Jeez, if we all decided to run away from the forum as soon as Slave insulted us there'd be nobody left here :D
Jeez, if we all decided to run away from the forum as soon as Slave insulted us there'd be nobody left here :D
Nah. It's ok to make fun of others as long as you'll accept others making fun of you. But people should also try to be original.
Dude are you an incel or something? We can talk shit without being misogynistic, no need for that.
We can but do we want to? It's just jokes. Don't take them too seriously. I'm just showing people the proper way to be offensive. Or to pretend to be offensive.
It's funny because you didn't care about homophobic insults. Or pretended homophobic insults.
I'm married to a spaniard. Of course I'm incel. I still cannot understand how we came to have to children.

:rofl: my friend was going out with a Spanish girl once. She was the craziest female I had ever encountered. She got mad because he told her he thought a German passport was better than a Spanish passport, and didn't speak to him for two days.
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Yep. That's how they are. We, spanish people, should be extincted by now but anyhow we are still able to reproduce ourselves.