IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Ok I' m sorry that i was fucking stupid and attack jester, honestly I have nothing to this guy, he is smart and has good taste of music, he writes very interesting things here, all of you guys are real fans and it was honor to meet you, thank you !
Ok now i can leave. Bye !

Rule #1 for this forum: never take anything too seriously.
Bryce Paul (left, bass) and Tanner Wayne (right, drums) Bryce has been the bassist since Peter left, excluding the first couple of tours in early 2017. Tanner replaced Joe when he left after recording the new album, due to back problems
Congratulations, guys! You made somebody leave the forum.

You know sometimes it's not that easy to understand if someone is joking or is dead serious behind a computer screen.
I don't give a fuck if you thought that my point of view was "bullshit excuses" or if you called me IF flat earther. But, Sister had enough of your misogynic insults. You were totally bullying her and then you were like: Don't take it too seriously.
Keep in mind, there's a thin line between joking around and being offensive.

To be fair, the same thing is doing JesterSlaveSucks (and Sister but no so profoundly)...his very excistence in this forum is for attacking Jester Slave, but the latter is very cool with it. Good for him. We don't have all of us the same level of tolerance...and we should respect each person's boundaries.

Personally, I am here to talk about my favourite band, exchange opinions, share thoughts on new songs and have some fun with you guys, no matter if we agree or not. You 've been such a fine company since SC thread ( I was only reading your replies back then, I joined the forum in 2016 ).
It really sucks to disencourage people and make them leave our conversation sad and frustrated.
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Oh Jesus, stop being a fucking pussy. A girl gets offended on the internet and you come licking her ass, yet you couldn't give a rats ass when we were calling each other mentally retarded for years now? Absolutely pathetic.

Shut the fuck up about misoginy, when everyone is a 20+ years old adult here and can defend themselves. I call DE4life retarded like 100 times, you don't give a fuck, I point out how Sister is a pretentious, lazy moron (I'd say "bitch", but then you would collectively have an aneurism) and you come here white-knighting. What do you expect, her pussy? Amazing.

The thing is, I was misogynistic for not calling her out sooner. If it was anyone else, I would've told her pages ago that she has 0 substance and just posting random shit, but I was like "hey, she's a girl, everyone kisses her ass, give her a little leeway". Then today I decided to include her into the conversation and give some punches to her too, and oooh, now she's leaving, bruhuhu. Who the fuck cares, honestly? If you can't stand being called out, then leave, holy shit. I am probably the most insulted person here out of everyone, yet I don't bitch about it, because I am fully aware I put myself out there. Whether the criticism is warranted or not does not matter, if I am being big-mouthed and keep getting in others' hair, I am bound to get some angry replies. Giving and taking.

So stfu to all of you asskissers and "incel"-ing folks. Send her private messages how you appreciate her and think she is the best human being, then look into the fucking mirror and say you would do the same if she was a boy. Oh, you wouldn't? Then gtfo.

Man, we live in some dark times.
I somewhat agree with you, I'm not sure she was serious when she said she was leaving though, hard to tell.
I don't why some people started flaming her because she's a girl, a bit retarded in my opinion. There's lots of funny jokes you can do about gender but just saying women are stupid and can't understand jokes is maybe a bit rude, dunno. I personally don't care for anything cause I don't take anything personally, side effect of being hardcore gamer and used to banter and toxicity all the time, but I guess other people might feel otherwise, especially people new to the forum. Us others we already know of each other and can say anything to each other without anyone caring (i think).
Oh Jesus, stop being a fucking pussy. A girl gets offended on the internet and you come licking her ass, yet you couldn't give a rats ass when we were calling each other mentally retarded for years now? Absolutely pathetic.

Shut the fuck up about misoginy, when everyone is a 20+ years old adult here and can defend themselves. I call DE4life retarded like 100 times, you don't give a fuck, I point out how Sister is a pretentious, lazy moron (I'd say "bitch", but then you would collectively have an aneurism) and you come here white-knighting. What do you expect, her pussy? Amazing.

The thing is, I was misogynistic for not calling her out sooner. If it was anyone else, I would've told her pages ago that she has 0 substance and just posting random shit, but I was like "hey, she's a girl, everyone kisses her ass, give her a little leeway". Then today I decided to include her into the conversation and give some punches to her too, and oooh, now she's leaving, bruhuhu. Who the fuck cares, honestly? If you can't stand being called out, then leave, holy shit. I am probably the most insulted person here out of everyone, yet I don't bitch about it, because I am fully aware I put myself out there. Whether the criticism is warranted or not does not matter, if I am being big-mouthed and keep getting in others' hair, I am bound to get some angry replies. Giving and taking.

So stfu to all of you asskissers and "incel"-ing folks. Send her private messages how you appreciate her and think she is the best human being, then look into the fucking mirror and say you would do the same if she was a boy. Oh, you wouldn't? Then gtfo.

Man, we live in some dark times.
Lol relax there dude, this is maybe the reason you're the most insulted person here, cause you post the weirdest shit. Not everyone likes writing 20 paragraph essays, some people just like to put some oneliners in, post some sarcastic shit, hell, there probably tens or hundreds of people not even posting and just lurking around.
Us others we already know of each other and can say anything to each other without anyone caring (i think).
And "us" get to know eachother by being mean sons of a bitches to one another. It's not required, but it's bound to happen, so we might as well include everyone. The number of veins I have popped in my head whenever I wrote 5 paragraphs of A+ insight about a topic, then DE4life quoted one thing which had two meanings, decided to interpret it in his way, then dismissed everything else I wrote , is too damn high. I don't believe I will ever get closer to commiting a pre-mediated murder.

As for eochaid, he is Spanish and sometimes he phrases things weirdly, it's a thing to get accustomed to. Don'T fucking tell me that 4 years after the SC thread people suddenly care about his blunt writing style when a girl gets offended.

As for Sister, she proudly wears herself as her avatar, so she willingly puts herself out there. If you don't want some easy insults your way, then don't do it. You disagree? Okay, then put your own face as your avatar. Spoiler alert: you won't. Also, pretty much all my insults had her praised as a decent looking girl, so fuck off; if I called her ugly or something, I'd kinda agree with you, but let's be real, we would never praise eachother's looks as boys.

As for Sister number 2, she is known to being sarcastic, so her farewell messages may as well be just trolling. Either way, I couldn't give a shit. If she's trolling, I'm glad she exposed all of you beta cucks here. If she's leaving, then she never had a place here to begin with.
Holy shit I'm surrounded by idiots

I'm going to just wait until we get more In Flames news to look at this shit, y'all too petty and too harsh, all at the same time. Fuck. Today this place has gone from being the only place on the Internet to have a sensible discussion about In Flames to being more cancerous than Facebook comment sections. Chill out guys, seriously. How hard can it be to to talk abort some music without beint cunts to each other. You're being even bigger dicks by criticising observations that sister left. FUCK.

Edit: the term "Beta Cuck" jusy got used unironically. I'm done.
Who's sister 1 and who's sister 2 though? Didn't know there were 2 of them. Also you must be able to come up with something more creative than beta cuck. I mean you have an loli girl in your Avatar so I don't expect anything else but still come on
Lol relax there dude, this is maybe the reason you're the most insulted person here, cause you post the weirdest shit. Not everyone likes writing 20 paragraph essays, some people just like to put some oneliners in, post some sarcastic shit, hell, there probably tens or hundreds of people not even posting and just lurking around.
I am absolutely chilled, as I had no problems with anyone. I am not even sure why anyone is apologizing to me, when I never implied I am offended to begin with. I very much enjoyed the status quo.
Edit: the term "Beta Cuck" jusy got used unironically. I'm done.
Incel being used unironically: I sleep
Beta cuck being used unironically: REAL SHIT

Yeah, you are part of the problem. Run away then.
Who's sister 1 and who's sister 2 though? Didn't know there were 2 of them. Also you must be able to come up with something more creative than beta cuck. I mean you have an loli girl in your Avatar so I don't expect anything else but still come on
1 and 2 meant to distinguish two things related to the same Sister.

As for my avatar, or writing style or anything else I do or don't do: refer to my previous post. I never meant to grandstand anyone, except maybe for these few asskissers. But really, that's the only valuable aspect of myself, that I have the integrity to not lose my personality and common sense whenever a girls' genitalia enters the picture. Aside from that, I am just as - if not more - flawed, than any other human. :)
Wow, it's the first time I get into an argument with really are impossible to talk to. I 've just written that each person has different limits. You may call names with each other for years and not being offended...good for you, guys. Sister was offended and left the forum ( at least that's what it seems) and there is the difference and the problem. It is wrong to turn people away from a conversation.
Trust me, if you ever get offended by what they are saying to you, I will stand up for you too. I'm not hitting on an unknown girl from faraway as you're accusing me of ( Really, how did you jump to this conclusion? There's a logical gap there. I bet you think that every girl who is nice to you is also flirting with you). I have 3 and half year relationship and I'm more than happy with it. It is just a matter of what is right, being civilized and having some manners. You should give it a shot someday...
Myyyy Goddddd c'mon guys i was joking you know that I love you soooo much, and yes Jester is 100% right so stop defending me, I was fucking rude and i am really sorry for that .
Wow, it's the first time I get into an argument with really are impossible to talk to. I 've just written that each person has different limits. You may call names with each other for years and not being offended...good for you, guys. Sister was offended and left the forum ( at least that's what it seems) and there is the difference and the problem. It is wrong to turn people away from a conversation.
Trust me, if you ever get offended by what they are saying to you, I will stand up for you too. I'm not hitting on an unknown girl from faraway as you're accusing me of ( Really, how did you jump to this conclusion? There's a logical gap there. I bet you think that every girl who is nice to you is also flirting with you). I have 3 and half year relationship and I'm more than happy with it. It is just a matter of what is right, being civilized and having some manners. You should give it a shot someday...
Okay, so what do you honestly expect from me? Ask every single people in private about your limits?

"Hey, Ilias7, I am goig to call you a fucking moron in my next reply. Is that okay for you? Is that too much? Please let me know, XOXO Slave."

You can't be serious. What you are doing is white-knighting. Do you know why you are doing it? Very easy: Sister played the victim card. Twice. If she hasn't said that she is leaving, you would have never defended her. She said it twice. You know, she left so fucking hard the first time, that she came back and announced it again :) How old are you? I hope I don't have to enlighten you about these basic human tricks of self-pitying. I mean, even her own title is "bipolar". Absolute case study of self pity my man.

I can't stand it, but you know what, I leak a weak point of mine: me being upset is more at the current world than any of you. I don't despise the asskissers, because they kiss ass; I despise them because they represent that part of society I absolutely fucking hate. You may not be the people I loathe (actual beta cucks), but right now, you are acting similarly to those. It is sooooooo fucking tiring that I called others mentally retarded and autistic for 4 FUCKING YEARS now, yet no one even sent me a private message that it may have been too much. Trust me, it was too much. The first time a girl is called shallow or whatever, 3 of you are up in arms and trying to talk shit to me. In 1 day. Dude... just don't.
Am I ugly because I'm funny? :(
I don't think you are funny, so you are probably good looking.
Myyyy Goddddd c'mon guys i was joking you know that I love you soooo much, and yes Jester is 100% right so stop defending me, I was fucking rude and i am really sorry for that .
It's fucking retarded how we had a good thing going, where most of the people were insulting me, and I was insulting back some of you on uneven rotations, then others had to jump in the first fucking time I gave you a harder punch.

Also, you are Polish to begin with, so I am obligated by my nationality to never bury you too deep, but oh no, we can't have some old-fashioned fun, because the white-knight virgin army is watching. Sad.
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