IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

You know sometimes it's not that easy to understand if someone is joking or is dead serious behind a computer screen.
I don't give a fuck if you thought that my point of view was "bullshit excuses" or if you called me IF flat earther. But, Sister had enough of your misogynic insults. You were totally bullying her and then you were like: Don't take it too seriously
You mean the girl who was bullying jester slave from the very beginning by using homophobic insults? Homophobic insults that you did not care about? Congratulations to you for your values.
I don't why some people started flaming her because she's a girl, a bit retarded in my opinion. There's lots of funny jokes you can do about gender but just saying women are stupid and can't understand jokes is maybe a bit rude, dunno
Another one. So you did not care about her pretending that calling someone homo is an insult but you care about some misogynistic jokes? I was trying to teach her a lesson but it looks as if that lesson was also intented for some of you.
As for eochaid, he is Spanish and sometimes he phrases things weirdly, it's a thing to get accustomed to. Don'T fucking tell me that 4 years after the SC thread people suddenly care about his blunt writing style when a girl gets offended.
No. I'm just like that. I mean, I like to provoke. She was trying to get you and I offended. I just showed her how to properly iffend people.

Third time saying this now. She, and jss, think that calling someone homosexual is an insult. That's very homophobic. Now our gentlemen here did not care about it. But don't mess with a woman because the white knights will come to her rescue. They are fucking hypocrites.

I'm no misogynist but people needs to be put on their place, to receive a little of their medicine. Do you like to make fun of others? Then accept when others make fun of you. Period.
I'm going to just wait until we get more In Flames news to look at this shit, y'all too petty and too harsh, all at the same time. Fuck. Today this place has gone from being the only place on the Internet to have a sensible discussion about In Flames to being more cancerous than Facebook comment sections. Chill out guys, seriously. How hard can it be to to talk abort some music without beint cunts to each other. You're being even bigger dicks by criticising observations that sister left. FUCK.
This you should have said when two people created an account with the only purpose of bullying online another user.
Ending this right now.

Peopke has been calling each others names here for some time and nobody fucking cared.

I was called retarded, stupid, moron, asshole. Nobody cared. I did not care.

I called krofius dense and other things. Nobody cared. Krofius didn't seem to care.

We have been in angry diacussions with jester slave. Nobody cared.

There's an account named jesterslavesucks whose only purpose seems to make fun of jester slave. Nobody cared.

There have been some lame attempts to offend slave by calling him homo, as if that's an insult. Nobody cared. Until I started to think this was not funny anymore.

So I started being offensive on purpose. That's not how I think. I shouldn't be saying this. Anyone should know by the context and by my behaving on this board. The white knights cared.

My opinion. You should reevaluate what you care about and stop pretending being offended because you're not.
You mean the girl who was bullying jester slave from the very beginning by using homophobic insults? Homophobic insults that you did not care about? Congratulations to you for your values.
Not defending the obvious double-standard here, but that gay stuff was pretty mild, so not sure how it got spiraled out of control. I mean, I do know what made things worse towards the end, but it should have been just another day in the block.

The way I see it, it was your own personal debate with Sis about how lame or not lame "gay" is as an insult, to which Sis used her usual sarcastic style to announce that you are right, and she is leaving, and this is where our white knights lost the plot and came out from woods with their pitchforks, and suddenly became the beacon of morals. In hindsight, it was a marvelous, cunning social experiment, but none of you can take credit for it, as it pretty much happened by accident.

Btw this is why I can't stand the hardcore metal fans who dress like hobos. They always remind me of the prehistoric societies with the few metal chicks surrounded by the countless of horny metal dudes, who would wrestle you to death just to get a chance to get into some sweaty metal lady panties.
No that's me lmao, you thought that was Anders the whole time?
Of course I did. Dreadlocks + a face that looks like Anders' + shitty photo quality which makes it look like an ancient band photo. If I had a hundred dollars and I had to bet on whether it's actually you or Anders in the picture, I'd still say it's Anders.
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I think that's my first time reading your full text. Kind of dissapointed it was that short. :p
Well I've pretty much said all that can be said drunkenly at midnight, so I could only repeat myself now - not that it stopped anyone discssing Anders' voice for the 100th time.

Having a good sleep and reading your replies just made me understood the whole picture, how things turned out the way they did, and how the fuck I have ended up in the middle of this, when I haven't even done anything extreme in particular. Though I have probably got away with murder before, so I guess I had it coming. =)
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Hey I'm not going to get put in with the white knighting shit. I'm just saying the way you handled responding to Ilias was both childish, and incredibly stupid.

I have no reason to white Knight over sister, she's busting my balls by trolling that she has a burn leak, so if anything I'm more inclined to say it's karma ;) XD
Hey I'm not going to get put in with the white knighting shit. I'm just saying the way you handled responding to Ilias was both childish, and incredibly stupid.
Which one? I thought that I was being stupid all of the time so you've gotta be especific.
Well I've pretty much said all that can be said drunkenly at midnight, so I could only repeat myself now - not that it stopped anyone discssing Anders' voice for the 100th time.

Having a good sleep and reading your replies just made me understood the whole picture, how things turned out the way they did, and how the fuck I have ended up in the middle of this, when I haven't even done anything extreme in particular. Though I have probably got away with murder before, so I guess I had it coming. =)
Murder? Like what kind of murder?
You mean the girl who was bullying jester slave from the very beginning by using homophobic insults? Homophobic insults that you did not care about? Congratulations to you for your values.

To be fair, the same thing is doing JesterSlaveSucks (and Sister but no so profoundly)...his very excistence in this forum is for attacking Jester Slave, but the latter is very cool with it. Good for him. We don't have all of us the same level of tolerance...and we should respect each person's boundaries.

Maybe you missed this paragraph, so I'm posting it again.
I wasn't so annoyed from the essence of the insults as from the fact that somebody left the conversation because of them ( supposedly ). Same thing now happened with JestersDoor and I am equally annoyed...I want to see this thread grow, not people turning away.
JS was cool when they attacked him and that's remarkable. He never expressed intentions to leave this board. If he ever does, trust me I will be bothered again.

I remember JSS attacking JS, but when did Sister called him a homo?
I'm trying but I must say that rather like when there's other people fucking me.
People Like Jester Slave?

If you mean this, I though it was just a continuation of a joke you started, but maybe she had no right to bring JS into.
If she ever called him homo as an insult and I don't remember it, then I apologize. Sometimes I skip the pages when the conversation is getting way out of topic. I don't like any kind of homophobic or misogynic insults and I reprove anyone using them. We're educated people living in 2019, we are above this bullshit.

Eye for an eye it's not a good way of thinking. You insult me, I insult you. Someone has to be the better man.

Finally, I need no lesson on values from someone who stated that women are not genetically designed to understand jokes.
I just have to stop reading some people's replies here when they are not about In Flames.
Hey I'm not going to get put in with the white knighting shit. I'm just saying the way you handled responding to Ilias was both childish, and incredibly stupid.

I have no reason to white Knight over sister, she's busting my balls by trolling that she has a burn leak, so if anything I'm more inclined to say it's karma ;) XD
It's hard to remain civil, when someone opens with "Congratulations, guys! You made somebody leave the forum."

Trust me, the response I ended up sending him was already heavily censored, because my knee-jerk reaction to smartass remarks like this are not pretty. I mean, one adult telling another adult that a third adult has left an internet board because of some mean words? Give me a break.
Murder? Like what kind of murder?
It means I've done much worse. Getting away with murder is an expression, and also a good Papa Roach song.
I wasn't so annoyed from the essence of the insults as from the fact that somebody left the conversation because of them ( supposedly ).
Yep. I misread that part. To leave or to remain in the forum it's everyone's decission. Nobody's forcing that. If she can't handle being mocked then it's her problem, not mine.