IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Finally, I need no lesson on values from someone who stated that women are not genetically designed to understand jokes.
I just have to stop reading some people's replies here when they are not
You still don't understand when people is using irony. Don't you?
Eye for an eye it's not a good way of thinking. You insult me, I insult you. Someone has to be the better man.
Not eye for an eye. I'm open and don't care about being made fun of because, in the end, those are just jokes. But the same applies to everyone. You can make fun of me as long as you allow me to make fun of you. And we both are supposed to laugh about it.
@ilias 7 I'm pretty sure the gay stuff started with the (clearly) fake facebook message done by Sister, where I said I'm gay. I mean, I thought it was creative, at the very least she had to work on it. That's pretty much what saves her usually shitty jokes for me. :D
You still don't understand when people is using irony. Don't you?
To be fair, it's not always easy to pick it up with you.
Just tell me. I wont tell anyone.
Zzzzzzzzzzz, ITS NOT THE POINT.
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I don't know you well enough, my friend. It's hard for me to tell behind a computer screen and probably for some others who are not for so long around here. Just try to be more clear next time in such sensitive topics and we can avoid misunderstandings.
If you mean this, I though it was just a continuation of a joke you started, but maybe she had no right to bring JS into.
She involved a third person. A peraon that's been target of this kind of jokes. I would've no problem if she had mentioned DE4life, Krofius or my father.
You can make fun of me as long as you allow me to make fun of you. And we both are supposed to laugh about it.

@ilias 7 I'm pretty sure the gay stuff started with the (clearly) fake facebook message done by Sister, where I said I'm gay. I mean, I thought it was creative, at the very least she had to work on it. That's pretty much what saves her usually shitty jokes for me. :D

Ok, I didn't even bother to see this picture. My bad
I don't know you well enough, my friend. It's hard for me to tell behind a computer screen and probably for some others who are not for so long around here. Just try to be more clear next time in such sensitive topics and we can avoid misunderstandings.
My fault. It's just that I think it's not as fun if it's crystal clear that you're joking. Obviously my wife knows me so she won't listen to my bullshit anymore. And it's annoying. But I understand that you don't need to know.

Ok, I didn't even bother to see this picture. My bad
And that lead us to my previous comment. If she, or anyone, can make this kind of jokes then she should be able to handle and welcome jokes that might seem offensive to her.
Juat so that you be aware of the kind of person that I am. Just yesterday told my daughter "I'm going to die this weekend. Be sure that your mother incinerates me".

The day before I told the same to my wife. She answered "that's not funny. Don't make jokes with this". To which I replied "you're just upset because if Indie you won't be able to say me TOLD YOU"!

Yep. That's me.