IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Remember seeing In Flames in December 2015, and my brother and sister and I were in the front row. Bjorn made eye contact with us and did a "YEAAAH" kind of thing. I pointed at him knowingly and was like "you and I, we're spiritually connected". He did a disappointed "aw man" look and I was like fine, okay, and I did the horns (as Bjorn demonstrates in my avatar) and he was like "yeaaah, that's what I'm talking about." It's lame as fuck but it's what you gotta do at a metal concert.

That was cool. I know it was because we were right there but Bjorn interacted with us the whole show, and my brother and I like to believe it was because he recognized us from a meet n greet a few years back.



Anders also pointed the mic at us for an "Only for the Weak" chorus because fuck yeah, we know the words, also that song isn't all that great lmao
I had a similar experience with Andurz in 2006 at the Download festival, except he pointed at me when I was singing the verses to Cloud Connected. It was the part where he goes "you remember my name". Kind of gay in retrospect but w/e. Had I known what was to come I would have given him the middle finger salute instead of the horns, but I was young and naive and had never heard of Howard fucking Benson. At the time Come Clarity had just been released so I thought the boys were back in town. Little did I know ASOP was just around the corner and ten years later they would release Siren Charms. The worst album I knew of them in 2006 was STYE, and that wasn't so bad.

I did have an even weirder experience before that though. I'd gotten to the front row really early because I wanted to be there for In Flames and there were literally tens of thousands of people there, so if you weren't in the front row pretty early on you were shit outta luck. So I'm up front and centre for the first band of the day, Breed 77. I only knew one song of theirs which I had downloaded for free from the metal observer website a while back, called "La Ultima Hora". Man, when the lead singer saw I was singing along to that he got off the stage and headed straight towards me. I was worried he was going to start asking me to sing it, since my grasp of spanglish was adequete at best and I was basically just singing what I thought it sounded like, rather that what it actually was :D but no, instead he gave me this crazy tight hug and said something in Spanish. No idea what, but I was a little scared. Anyway he let me go and gave me the thumbs up and went back to the stage and the people next to me were like "do you know him??" ... obviously I should have replied "yeah, we're lovers obviously", but at the time I was just like "nope". Life's little regrets.

The song is OK I guess. After Download I listened to more of their music and they're actually alright. Nothing special but a cool blend of metal, rock and crazy spanish.
Had I known what was to come I would have given him the middle finger salute instead of the horns, but I was young and naive and had never heard of Howard fucking Benson.
Damn dude, don’t let your present anger taint your good memories from the past. Haha
Damn dude, don’t let your present anger taint your good memories from the past. Haha

The moment TCP was released all of my past IF memories were forever tainted :D SC and Battles just further darkened my heart. Anders & Bjorn have a lot to answer for.
I had some older IF on the other day and it really struck me how much better the drumming is on Colony/Clayman compared to TJR/Whoracle. It's much more dynamic, there's a pretty huge upgrade in quality from Bjorn to Daniel. I know Bjorn was only really a stand-in drummer so it's not like I was expecting him to be amazing, but it's only recently come to my attention how pedestrian a lot of the drum work is on TJR/Whoracle.
I don’t want to shit on Bjorn too much but if they hired an actual contributing second guitarist we could very well be saying the same thing about the riffs.
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I don't know why they don't let niclas write more, he wrote wallflower mainly himself, from what I've heard from interviews, and that was a good song. Also you only need to listen to his own band, Engel, and their latest record "Abandon All Hope" to see he can write some amazing stuff. That album is filled with a amazing riffs. I assume most of you have proba ly heard the album, but if you haven't, check it ouy as it's well worth it!
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Why let a scrub like Niclas write anything when you've got LA legend Howard Benson and his crew to propel you to stardom, amirite?
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I think that they should hire a thrid guitar player to add more depth to their music. And maybe a background vocalist so that Anders should only be pretending to sing live. Milli Vanilli comes to mind.

Though I was being serious about the third guitarist.
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A rapper would definitely compliment nu IF sound. It'd give them that edginess so that Anders could be "down with the cool kids" or whatever he's aiming to be these days.
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If they had a backup singer then Anders could do more dancing. Right now he is so busy with the vocals he rarely has time to do anything else.
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Yeah, but if Anders wants Sister to be interested in him he's going to have to start lifting too. Maybe bring some dumb bells on stage and do some bicep curls whilst singing "I'm the Jester that wants to be ripped". Sister is like:


But Anders should be careful. Sister will only love him if he changes to suit her tastes. Ciko loves Anders for who he is. Maybe he should consider what path he really wants to take before bringing gym equipment onto the stage.
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I don’t see Anders getting serious about working out ever, unless he has some health scare about his liver dying due to all the drinking... but it sounds like you have more experience with the man than most of us after your “encounter” and all.
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Is there a chance that Anders wants to "sleep" with all the crowd because he's still looking for DE4 kun?
Ironically, all the new albums are trying in vain to appeal to the young buck DE4life so Anders could see his face in the crowd once more.

Anders: “The old shit is for 30 year old Germans. The new shit is for 30 year old Brits... aww fuck.”
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