I had a similar experience with Andurz in 2006 at the Download festival, except he pointed at me when I was singing the verses to Cloud Connected. It was the part where he goes "you remember my name". Kind of gay in retrospect but w/e. Had I known what was to come I would have given him the middle finger salute instead of the horns, but I was young and naive and had never heard of Howard fucking Benson. At the time Come Clarity had just been released so I thought the boys were back in town. Little did I know ASOP was just around the corner and ten years later they would release Siren Charms. The worst album I knew of them in 2006 was STYE, and that wasn't so bad.
I did have an even weirder experience before that though. I'd gotten to the front row really early because I wanted to be there for In Flames and there were literally tens of thousands of people there, so if you weren't in the front row pretty early on you were shit outta luck. So I'm up front and centre for the first band of the day, Breed 77. I only knew one song of theirs which I had downloaded for free from the metal observer website a while back, called "La Ultima Hora". Man, when the lead singer saw I was singing along to that he got off the stage and headed straight towards me. I was worried he was going to start asking me to sing it, since my grasp of spanglish was adequete at best and I was basically just singing what I thought it sounded like, rather that what it actually was

but no, instead he gave me this crazy tight hug and said something in Spanish. No idea what, but I was a little scared. Anyway he let me go and gave me the thumbs up and went back to the stage and the people next to me were like "do you know him??" ... obviously I should have replied "yeah, we're lovers obviously", but at the time I was just like "nope". Life's little regrets.
The song is OK I guess. After Download I listened to more of their music and they're actually alright. Nothing special but a cool blend of metal, rock and crazy spanish.