IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Laiho's vocals totally sucks probably the worst vocalist in metal community, he creat great riffs and he is great solo guy but his voice ...:puke:
Laiho's vocals totally sucks probably the worst vocalist in metal community, he creat great riffs and he is great solo guy but his voice ...:puke:
I'm kinda used to them so I don't mind them, they were definitely worse in the early albums though. I think CoB is the only band I haven't even checked the lyrics for almost any tracks. I think I've listened to Downfall a 1000 times but I don't even know if I know one sentence on the song cause he doesn't articualate any words at all. I would put Kalmah in the same vocal category. Very high shrieky vocals on the first couple albums, they're nothing great but the music is great.
Also Anders sounds fucking great here IMO

You say that about literally every IF live performance ever though :D

As far as Bodom are concerned, Hate Crew Deathroll is cool... most of the rest of their stuff bores me though. They're obviously not a band that take themselves very seriously but even so, their fans are so obnoxious and lame that I find it hard to pay any attention to them. Their fans are the kind of dudes who wear guyliner and quote Edgar Allen Poe, whilst the girls are those typical middle class teens who pretend to be goth but in reality get temporary tattoos and run at the first sight of an actual metalhead. Surprised Krofius likes them tbh, Bodom fans are the scurge of the bodybuilding world.
As far as Bodom are concerned, Hate Crew Deathroll is cool... most of the rest of their stuff bores me though. They're obviously not a band that take themselves very seriously
Hatebreeder? Follow the Reaper? 10/10 amazing jams.
Hatebreeder? Follow the Reaper? 10/10 amazing jams.

They're alright, although I only regularly listen to "Everytime I Die" and "Hate Me!" from FTR, and "Bed of Razors" from Hatebreeder. Most Bodom albums just sound so samey to me. HTC is the only one I could get through the entire way without getting bored, for whatever reason.
COB have a distinctive sound and Alexi Laiho is a respected musician. I always find a couple of songs that I like from each COB album, but never a full record. The only album that I enjoyed almost in its entirety is their latest, I Worship Chaos, where they showed a more commercial (?) aspect of them.
So I thought House would have a huge backing track. But Anders is really trying to do most of it live. Not bad, not great, but a lot bigger balls than I expected.

No, listen what you want but for me CoB is too childish and boring, they have some good songs but its nothing special compare to in flames
I was just joking. Maybe your theory is true though, I was a much bigger CoB fan 10 years ago than nowadays, mostly because I haven't really liked the last 3 albums that much, but first 4 albums are still good quality music IMO. Nothing will ever compare to In Flames though, even though they're not my favorite band nowadays they will always be one of my favorite bands and they were band that got me into the heavier side of Metal
also CoB is the edgecore flowerpowermetal band of melodeath.
They ruined the genre to be honest. Used to be about shit like Carcass and ATG with some speedy thrashy song structures with iron maiden riffs, now it's shitty symphonic metal with harsh vocals.

I think CoB is the only band I haven't even checked the lyrics for almost any tracks. I think I've listened to Downfall a 1000 times but I don't even know if I know one sentence on the song cause he doesn't articualate any words at all.

You haven't been missing out on much, necessarily. I remember Alexi saying in an interview that a lots of lyrics get written at the last minute in studio, and that sometimes he just makes shit up as he goes. :D

That interview was a long time ago though, so I don't know if things have changed. I haven't really listened to CoB since the first 2-3 albums.
Good to know I've just been reduced to "the British guy" :D although I've been called worse on here. I guess I'll start talking like this going forward:

Ps. Still better than CoB