IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Literally zero criticism of anything, so either he thinks it's a 10/10 record (which we already know from the singles it isn't), he was paid by Nuclear Blast or just isn't very good at reviews. If he liked the album then okay, fine, but come on. No review is worthwhile unless it looks at both sides of the coin.
Literally zero criticism of anything, so either he thinks it's a 10/10 record (which we already know from the singles it isn't), he was paid by Nuclear Blast or just isn't very good at reviews. If he liked the album then okay, fine, but come on. No review is worthwhile unless it looks at both sides of the coin.

Reviews nowadays lack people with the ability to play devils advocate. I believe that’s an absolute must in any review. Base a review more objectively and then give your personal opinion. Being objective to a record can be difficult however, as usually music is created with the mind and heart. Which means it’s subjective.
5 days out and nothing. Mueller is going to be investigating Nuclear Blast next after seeing all the money they paid to Russians to stay quiet.
I rather a reviewer stay neutral, than play him/herself for whichever fans he/she tries to appeal to. It is getting really fucking lame how some of them are trying to reap good points with their target audience. Whether it's "hurr durr old IF was better lol XDDD" or "fuck the haters, this is the best!!!".
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Resin and The New World are the main filler tracks to me. I have always skipped them or been bored by them halfway through.
I don't really skip songs, since I like listening full albums, but I do love Resin. Would take it any day over Embody the Invisible. Fantastic drums build-up and brutal delivery from Anders. No way this is a filler.

The New World is not a best way to go out, but still a decent track.
Reviews are subjective. They depend on the reviewer personal tastes, interest in having early access to the album and being paid or sponsored by the record label.
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Reviews are subjective. They depend on the reviewer personal tastes, interest in having early access to the album and being paid or sponsored by the record label.
Well, this guy has done a decent job. Talked about how the album sounds, mentioned 3 outlier tracks which he liked, talked about how the lyrics glue the varied sounding album together, and to not expect any [past In Flames record] number 2.

I think it's fine. He didn't say it was shit, but he also didn't say this is a must buy. He pretty much went all out for Follow Me, stating that track may be already his favorite ballad for 2019.
He didn't say anything critical about the album at all. I pretty much guarantee if this had been the other way around, but negative, Slave would be shitting all over it. But since it's positive, nope, it's fine, herp derp. Try to give yourself some credibility.

What is the takeaway from that review? That the album is "melodic" and the lyrics are "the glue"? Fucking wow. Amazing insight. Oh and that one of the ballads will be "the best ballad of the year" :D I nearly lost it at that remark. The guy has about as much critical intelligence as a slug. I'm not expecting the musical equivalent of Ebert and Siskel but give me something to work with. The only thing I learned from this review is that the reviewer has low standards and repeats the same words often. Cool. I await something slightly better.
Well, he did say there are fillers, they are just not packed at the end of the record.

He said the album is perfectly balanced from beginning to end, so even in his mind the fillers are well worthy of their place. As for "go into it with an open mind and no expectations maaaan" ... fuck off. How does anybody who has been following In Flames for any period of time actually do this? "Well, I'm going to purposefully forget everything I heard from them in the past and disregard the excitement I had for the album coming out, and pretend instead that I've never heard of them and judge the album based on that". It's such a bullshit statement. Every person will listen to this album with some form of preconception, you'd have to literally be a robot not to. This guy is clearly predisposed to liking the album, as he's way too positive to be considered "neutral". He's not taking about Master of fucking Puppets here.
How can the album be balanced when our house clearly breaks everything that we've heard so far? Are there some transitional songs between both extremes? Are we gonna find more pop bullshit there?
How can the album be balanced when our house clearly breaks everything that we've heard so far? Are there some transitional songs between both extremes? Are we gonna find more pop bullshit there?

As far as I remember he didn't even mention House. You'd think a reviewer might want to mention the most controversial song on the record, but nah, everything's good. Just talk vaguely about three songs and say the whole album is "melodic" and the lyrics are "the glue" (for about five minutes, we got it the first time you said it mate) and that's your review. Thanks and hit dat subscribe button.
“Perfectly balanced” is hyperbole no matter what. You can’t say that after a few listens or exposures to the album. That’s something you can only say in retrospect, 6-12 months later... or years. Not a credible reviewer if he’s gonna talk like that.
I just love this idea of how the only way you can experience the incredible deepness of "I, the Mask" is to let go of all your preconceptions and just let the music wash over you. Like the symbolism of a person wearing a mask to hide their true face is some kind of insanely complex vision that Anders is trying to convey. It's one of the most basic fucking ideas in history, and unless the released singles and Voices are wildly different from the rest of the record, we aren't exactly getting music that's redefining the metal genre here. It's the same shit as always, heavy verses, dat catchy chorus, Bjorn solo #6, chorus repeat. What exactly are we supposed to be impressed by here? The level of hyperbole IF fanboys and girls will go to to try and defend the band is extreme to an absolutely absurd scale. It's genuinely laughable.

I will enjoy the record for what it is - basic melodic metal. That's it. This isn't going to be some kind of masterpiece to be held up as one of humankind's most ingenious creations. It's just going to be an average metal album.
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A review has to be subjective, otherwise it will be bland. I do appreciate it when the reviewers are giving us a bit of their background regarding the band, their favourite albums, their general opinion. This way I can tell if we are on the same page. Also, I expect them to justify everything they say, to be respectful and not to exaggerate. This is what makes a good review, imo. Everything else has to do with personal music tastes.

This specific reviewer had called IF sell-outs after comparing IAA and December Flower, while lacking proper information regarding the band. Now he is totally praising the new "sell-out" album.
Moreover, if you watch his reviews or his reaction-videos with his son, he hardly ever says something negative about a song or an album. Overall, I don't think he is a professional reviewer, just someone having fun while listening to metal...and it's totally fine, cause he and his son seem like cool guys and I sometimes enjoy watching them.
I say Pallar is a filler. Response: OMG, you moron, it is a nice little, slow melody to take a break in the heavy and fast paced album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has its place!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so fucking great man, you just don't get it do ya'? Omg man, you trolling, or what?

Random dude says that you should focus on the record as a whole. Response: OMG, sooo deeep, a mask, huh? Wow, what's the next idea they are going to copy? Boo-hoo, I am hiding behind a Mask, man, so fucking deep. I tell you what's deep: this fucking mediocre, shit record.

I think he just casually reviewed a metal album and thought it was decent. Not sure he really needs to explore all the angles about it. It's not like this is Watergate. There will be negative-leaning reviews to balance his out, I'm sure. Either way, no reason everyone can't be happy.

Also, "Resin" is fucking massive. I'll hear no hate towards it. If that solo doesn't give you chills I don't know what to tell you. Over the years it's slowly inched its way up on my IF song rankings (which are arbitrary and change all the time).
If non-professional youtube reviewers have heard the entire album, then a leak must be really close. I also have a feeling about tomorrow...although, Battles leaked only 2 days before its official release.
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I think he just casually reviewed a metal album and thought it was decent. Not sure he really needs to explore all the angles about it. It's not like this is Watergate. There will be negative-leaning reviews to balance his out, I'm sure. Either way, no reason everyone can't be happy.

Also, "Resin" is fucking massive. I'll hear no hate towards it. If that solo doesn't give you chills I don't know what to tell you. Over the years it's slowly inched its way up on my IF song rankings (which are arbitrary and change all the time).
You have to get to the solo, man. That is a hard task, when the main riff lulls you to sleep.
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