IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

yea had to rip it
Did you rip that yourself? The quality doesn't seem 100%, it sounds distant. The rhythm guitar sounds really nice, I like the riff. The solo is awesome but WAY to short like usual. Chorus is somewhat decent, except the last one where he stretches the notes, sounds just like Battles choruses. But at least it's really different sounding.

ripped. I accidentally deleted the wrong post. meant to with the other link lol. will fix it later
Vermyns door at the moment

Vermyn you're a legend for doing it
Is it another House or more like I the mask or I am above?

Try neither. Musically it's good but too short, vocally it's REALLY weird. Sounds like the rip is slightly pichted too high, but if that's how the vocals actually sound it's fockin weird.
Is it another House or more like I the mask or I am above?
I would say that it's not like any of those. Specifically nothing like our house. The guitar work is heavy, as many of the previous songs, but more... "original". It has some very good parts. Anders voice is almost clean all of the time.
Vermyn you're a legend for doing it

Try neither. Musically it's good but too short, vocally it's REALLY weird. Sounds like the rip is slightly pichted too high, but if that's how the vocals actually sound it's fockin weird.
Anders says in an interview that he trained to reach a higher pitch. So it's probably how it really sounds.

I can clearly see his head exploding at the end of the song if he intends to sing it live. Though he will probably sing it with that lame attempt of a growl or whatever might be called that thing that he's doing live these days.
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Do we have any ideas which riffs were lifted from past songs?

I’ll toss one out there: the chorus guitars are plagiarized from “Save Me”
I’m trolling.

There’s a very slight similarity but it’s not the kind of self-plagiarism the band has started being accused of.
So, tnx for the song bro(s).

Well, this one has an actual interesting riff, that is NOT a ripoff from some of previous if albums. And it has a good sounding 4 seconds of solo.

That's the positives.

Negatives - that solo part is repeated and ends fast after fantastic 8 seconds, and that has to be a some kind of record even for modern IF. What is the point guys? Like why that wasn't a proper solo or melody? Don't get it, it is just stupid.

Except that single cool riff can't remember any particular piece of music from the whole song. The rest is just generic stuff.

Vocals = shit. I get it, the guy wants to sing, he can't sing, he goes to lessons, benson is working his studio magic etc. But it is just painful to my ears. Does this high pitched atonal, nails on the chalkboard thing even qualifies as real singing? I think not. So, this here is a 3 minute song, with 3-4 not so catchy choruses and some weird verses... I really don't want to hear again.

Anders, man, just stop. Please. It burns, it rips, it hurts.
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