IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

This reviewer shreds into the album.. I'm really starting to get worried that "Stay With Me," "We Will Remember," "All The Pain," and "In This Life" are going to be absolute garbage radio-pop songs... So the first half of the album to me seems like they're paying homage to their old style, while the second part serves as a transition into something new which could mean that their next album (whether there'll be one,) will probably not be metal at all.

Those song titles DO sound like radio pop songs. Gonna be disappointing if true. And why isn’t IF debuting any of those songs as singles?

Are they purposely misleading us into thinking this will be a full metal album?
I'm 100% sure we've heard the best "metal" this album has to offer (and most of the better parts were rip offs of their own work) so yeah, if you want more good metal from IF prepare yourself for disappointment once the rest of this shit drops. Or try to get paid by Nuclear Blast to pretend that it's the most amazing, deep album ever. Dat mask metaphor, who could have come up with that but the genius Anders Friden? You might be faking happiness but at least you'll have some cash.

Ask and you shall receive... Eventually! Finally a proper review of the album.

Better review for sure, but I'm still going to take issue with some of it.

When In Flames releases an album, their core fan base collectively hold their breath hoping for a return to the melodic death metal that made them famous. Will I, The Mask satiate those looking for another Whoracle?

Totally wrong. IF's core fanbase nowadays doesn't even know that Whoracle exists, and doesn't care. He's talking about people like me and A88, fringe IF fans who remember the good ol' days but like some of the new stuff too. And we aren't expecting or holding our breath for another Whoracle either - we would just like another SOAPF. So it's a fail from the very first sentence, but anyway...

Sure, I’m still a sucker for the voice of Anders Friden

:D did Ciko write this?

These guys have shown for years that riffs may be one of their greatest strengths.

Well, except the last 8 years, as the riffs on SC and Battles were total shit.

The breakdown near the end is riff city

LOL :D riff city, bitches.

With songs like “Call My Name” and the ballad “Follow Me”, they embrace what they excel at

Now we've heard Call My Name, we can categorically conclude that this sentence is BS. They do not excel at whatever Call My Name is supposed to be, unless he means they excel at creating mediocre, largely boring metal with shit vocals. In which case yeah, I guess so.

“Burn” and “Deep Inside” feature big riffs, a classic guitar tone, and a vocal range that all gave me a little wave of nostalgia.

Sounds like Deep Inside might be the only worthwhile song left to hear.

I think the songwriting isn’t up to their potential, as the themes are a bit tired and somewhat generic

Thank you, finally somebody admitting that Anders' isn't some kind of brainiac with this incredibly basic "mask" theme.

While some of the angst is still there, there’s a lack of mystery and poeticism in the lyrics that In Flames of old did so well.

More like it's recovered from the shitty depths of the last two albums and is back at SOAPF level, which is still way below anything pre-2008. He's again going back to TJR/Whoracle when talking about the "missing poetry and mysticism", which IF literally hasn't done since 1997 and nobody is expecting that any more.

Will I, The Mask please fans of In Flames who wish for more output similar to albums from 20 years ago? In short, no.

All five of them who still listen to this band and genuinely expect another Whoracle. Irrelevant statement.

Even without the history that I have with them, I still think I would enjoy what at least most of what this record offers.

Bullshit. You and everybody else would barely give this record a passing listen if the band didn't have a history.

Anyway, it's an OK review, but weakened by the author being stuck in 2008 when there was a sizable portion of people still hoping for another classic 2000s album. Ten years later none of those people remain. Author isn't some kind of enlightened guru because he's "come to terms with the fact that this band has evolved". Everybody has.
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Good analysis of a review gone astray.

But let’s consider something. How do we know that there IS a real fan base for the latest music? Maybe it’s all made up and hyped up by a very very select few. In the age of viral social media marketing it is plausible. The only way to know is to conduct a poll of fans going to an IF concert in person. And even they don’t represent the entire fan base. Are they there to see the new music? Or do they really hope they play as much of the old stuff as possible.

Just saying, it IS possible that the entire fan base is holding their breath. This forum might represent a bigger % of their core fan base than you think. It’s like we were safe inside a nice isolated mountain village and meanwhile for years an apocalypse happened and we’re the last people on earth. We come down one spring and look around and realize... it’s just us. But to be fair most of the metal world is a fan of old In Flames. So in some sense it’s David (IF) vs Goliath (fans). And we all know how that goes. Goliath disarms his David.
Fanbase... That would depend on what you and other people consideres what's the meaning of this word.

Current if fanbase could be people among 12 and 14 years old that jave discovered the band like two years ago and are telling people to move in if they don't like what they're doing know.
I would judge In Flames "core" fanbase as the people who are still buying their albums without any hesitation. Generally I assume this is the "IFWT" crew on FB/YouTube. They are nowhere near as large as they used to be but still somewhat decent size. These people could not care less about Whoracle, poetry and mystical lyrics.
I bet that the most of the people saying how great they are and how they have evolved and to not say shit about them have bought zero albums.
Was it Slave who once said he hadn't bought any IF albums? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
Slave has bought SC since selling albums is not something that bands are interesting in. Or something like that.
I’m very surprised this album hasn’t leaked yet considering how long they waited to start advertising for it. Looks like tomorrow may be the day then. However we do have like half the album already. Probably the better half
Was it Slave who once said he hadn't bought any IF albums? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
I bought like 2 music albums for myself in my entire life, one of them was SC, though I mostly bought it because they were dedicating and I had nothing for them to dedicate. Also, the girl who sold them was cute *_*

I don't believe in buying records, other than as a guilty pleasure.
Those song titles DO sound like radio pop songs. Gonna be disappointing if true. And why isn’t IF debuting any of those songs as singles?

Are they purposely misleading us into thinking this will be a full metal album?

I think that's the label's fault. The band doesn't pick the singles as Anders said.
I agree that Deep Inside is probably the only "heavy" song left to listen to, based on the reviews.
I still haven't listened to Call My Name. But it's ok, I think it's a matter of hours for the album to leak.
Does it matter what you do believe?

Could it be that sis is that girl?
I said cute.

And I don't know if it universally matters what I think, but as for my priorities, it defines them. There are surely people out there to whom owning an original record means much more than to me for example, and that is fine.
It's more than buying the physical record. But is om if you believe that bands can be successful not selling albums.
Good review. More or less lines up with my thoughts on modern IF. What they’re doing now musically is very strange but I really dig it, except for half of Battles.
Also, it’s probably important to realize that the “will they return to the old style with this new release” is just the popular way of thinking regarding IF. It’s been that way for years and nothing’s really changed. It might not seem that way in here because let’s face it, we’re in Expanded Brain territory on these forums.