IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

What about "Colony" though!?! It's great in the sense of being conducive and congruent with the record, yet in all fairness, a very boring album title. If they put out a record of that same title today that had not previously existed, I think everyone on here would be crying a river, including myself, on just how lame the title really is. lol
However, I am in agreement with you on "Playground"! I absolutely loved that title when I first heard it and I remember it feeling so dark and intriguing. Like a little kid during Halloween!
Colony is a lot cooler if you think about it in terms of an alien colony or a borg colony — something futuristic like that. I guess I’ve never thought of the title without the art in mind.

After Clayman the titles became much less suggestive of imaginative themes. Except Siren Charms. That one could have been pretty sweet. Makes me think of the Whoracle returning to seduce us.

All the other titles suggest commentary on Anders current or desired state of mind.
Colony is a lot cooler if you think about it in terms of an alien colony or a borg colony — something futuristic like that. I guess I’ve never thought of the title without the art in mind.

After Clayman the titles became much less suggestive of imaginative themes. Except Siren Charms. That one could have been pretty sweet. ie Whoracle 2
I hear that! I actually didn't know what a Siren was when "Siren Charms" was released as the title. lol. I was like..."What the fuck are they talking"
Once I found out, I was totally stoked because of, just like you pointed out, the theme of this was open to be imagined in a lot of cool ways! And amidst the vast majority of IF fans, I have always loved SC. I am huge on melody though, thus I don't require all the typical metal nuances in the music or vocals. A good hook and melody is right up my alley! Now do I want them to put out SC # 2??? Absolutely not! I love that they keep changing and that AT LEAST I know I will hear a very different sounding new album then the previous. In this case Battles!
SC music is not bad really. Imagine if the lyrics were more poetic and like a story about Odysseus at sea or some other encounters with the sirens. I think we would all appreciate it more.

And yeah, if new album is Battles #2 we know this band is totally fucking dead. They’ve never repeated a sound twice.
What about "Colony" though!?! It's great in the sense of being conducive and congruent with the record, yet in all fairness, a very boring album title. If they put out a record of that same title today that had not previously existed, I think everyone on here would be crying a river, including myself, on just how lame the title really is. lol

I think Colony is fine :D and it totally fits with the story thread continuing from the previous two albums. I don't see how it's boring, unless you encounter the word "Colony" regularly? Maybe you're a history teacher?

However, I am in agreement with you on "Playground"! I absolutely loved that title when I first heard it and I remember it feeling so dark and intriguing. Like a little kid during Halloween!

I wasn't sure about SOAPF until I heard the title track lyrics, which totally sold me on the name and concept. With Anders it could have gone two ways - either really childish and dumb, or pretty cool. Fortunately for that album it was the latter.

After Clayman the titles became much less suggestive of imaginative themes. Except Siren Charms. That one could have been pretty sweet. Makes me think of the Whoracle returning to seduce us.

Siren Charms is a cool album title, but has literally nothing to do with the music. It isn't descriptive of the album in the slightest. It's like they just picked what they thought was the coolest song title and went with it as the album name. "Everything's Gone" or "Through Oblivion" would have been much more fitting for the album's themes and atmosphere. Siren Charms doesn't convey the album's personality at all.
In spanish, siren charms have, also, the meaning of promises that won't be fulfilled.
In Plain View or With Eyes Wide Open as titles would have paired well with Come Clarity and Sense of Purpose.

Paralyzed would have been an ironic title that would make album reviews simply too easy.

Monsters in the Ballroom would have been possible. IF obviously likes to refer to music in titles. And the Monsters thing would fit 2008 ASOP style IF.
And yeah, if new album is Battles #2 we know this band is totally fucking dead. They’ve never repeated a sound twice.
Scientists are still arguing to this day as of which IF record was the first, which started the infamous "if the new album is like the last one, then we know this band is fucking dead".

For the newer generation, who study this issue from the history books, the clear answer is R2R. However, thanks to radiocarbon dating, we have scattered evidence that it started as early as Colony. Scientists are at an odds against eachother whether Whoracle predates it or not.

One thing is sure: never have a band died so many times before, than In Flames. Will they do it again? Let's find out in a couple of months!
That was okay. It seems Soilwork suddenly went ultra-awesome with The Living Infinite and have kept it going ever since. It's like everything that came before that album is just nowhere near as good in comparison now. I don't know what magic powers they've obtained but it seems to be working for them.

This song didn't quite hit the mark for me but it's still typical Soilwork, which is always good.
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I like the new song from soilwork. I’m really surprised we got a new single from them before IF considering Their album wasn’t completed and delivered to their label until end of August/beginning of September.
As far as IF album titles go, I think they've always been pretty good. Soundtrack to Your Escape was so cool when I first read it. I was strapping in for an adventure. Sounds of a Playground Fading was disappointing because it was another Sound album and I think it just sounded like a typical modern IF phrase, you know?

Love Siren Charms, though. "I'll set you free if you follow me / reach out, touch the hand of God" "Monsters descend, feeding on us / there's no sympathy" Haunting themes. I've always liked siren mythology so I projected a lot of that into the album when I first listened to it.

Battles was just mediocre for sure. You might as well just call it "Conflict." Which is what nearly every metal album's themes boil down to anyway, so it just felt insubstantial.

At the Gates stays winning with the best Gothenburg album titles.
At the Gates stays winning with the best Gothenburg album titles.
I’ve been listening to the hell out of The Red in the Sky is Ours this week. I think I finally “got it”. So many amazing songs and riffs. It’s honestly not even that weird. Just awesome. Production is initially flat or weak sounding but now I realize how good it is to not be saturated out and after a few minutes your ears adjust to it. No ear fatigue, turn up the volume and hear more stuff, great clarity — no downside. Similar to why I love the Subterranean production. Good stuff.
That was okay. It seems Soilwork suddenly went ultra-awesome with The Living Infinite and have kept it going ever since.
I’m going to need to go back and listen to their stuff. This new song is pretty impressive. I’ve never been a huge fan but have had respect for them all along.

New Soilwork, everyone! What do you think?

It’s quite hilarious to see people in that video comment section talking like “awesome song.. why can’t new In Flames be this good?”

So true it hurts. It’s like the whole fucking metal community is hurt by what In Flames has done.
The new Soilwork track is fucking awesome. On first listen I was like hmm this is pretty good, but then after 2-3 listens I really started to get it. I'm really fucking looking forward to the album, and I'm also stoked that they seem to have 2 Swedish songs, or at least 2 songs with Swedish titles, would be really cool if Björn sings in Swedish on those since it's my native language. They're really on a roll the last couple albums.
Yeah, checking out Rise to Fall music and the comments are all "take that, In Flames!" I'm kind of puzzled that people still care this much about IF's sound at this point. Seems to me that Dark Tranquillity, too, has sort of faded back into the underground after their prime 2000's years.

Nah, I don't think Soilwork and In Flames really intersect much in terms of their styles. Sure, they're both melodic metal, but Soilwork's focus is more on percussion and ultra-fast sections. They have a lot more pizazz to their music. In Flames sounding like Soilwork would be as big a departure from their classic sound as anything else they've done.