IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I seriously thought Slave was being sarcastic until that last post. Actually still not sure.
I wasn't. SC doesn't have the only for the weaks or the deliver uses, but it's also not a radical shift in sound like r2r or asop. It is possibly the least outstanding record in terms of how much buzz it created alongside Whoracle.

It doesn't mean these albums are shit or great. All it means that other records have bigger spotlight for various reasons.
Not sure if I can agree with SC being compared to Whoracle in the lineup. Whoracle has several huge hits that immediately were taken up as classics like Jotun, The Hive, Episode 666.

They basically “perfected” the earlier sound and still had a ton of energy and good songwriting. I guess there were some super old school die hards that didn’t like it, but the vast majority of the IF fanbase enjoyed Whoracle immediately and it even brought in more fans.

How many people started getting into IF due to SC? And then how many finally said “I’m done”?
I'm fairly confident you are wrong. If sacrificing your health for a role makes you more likely to win an Oscar, than having a solid, conceptual sounding record is bound to - for better or worse - be remembered as an underappreciated material.

It was the listener's health that was sacrificed with SC. Bjorn certainly didn't sacrifice much effort or time.

The reason "nobody gives a shit" about SC is that it's not explosive nor controversial enough. It's a great record to listen to, but when you are racing against songs like Trigger or TQP, you are going to lose, and there is no shame to that.

I wouldn't call SOAPF explosive or controversial, but it's still awesome. SC is the musical embodiment of a shrug of the shoulders.

Songs perform differently live to begin with. I voted for the title track and Rusted Nail for example, but what can you do when the band thinks "the" live song from SC os EG? Talk about insanity...

As far as I remember all the SC songs sound like ass live, mainly because Anders can't sing. Everything's Gone is about the only one he can do half-decently and funnily enough that's one of very few SC staples on modern setlists.

Anyway, given how it'll be a co-headlined tour with possibly a limited set list, I have serious doubts about this vote.

Someone should hack it and have something seriously obscure like Murders in the Rue Morgue or The Inborn Lifeless win.
Not sure if I can agree with SC being compared to Whoracle in the lineup. Whoracle has several huge hits that immediately were taken up as classics like Jotun, The Hive, Episode 666.

They basically “perfected” the earlier sound and still had a ton of energy and good songwriting. I guess there were some super old school die hards that didn’t like it, but the vast majority of the IF fanbase enjoyed Whoracle immediately and it even brought in more fans.

How many people started getting into IF due to SC? And then how many finally said “I’m done”?
By mentioning Whoracle I meant people overlooking it for TJR. Personally I find Whoracle is an amazing record, and eclipses TJR by a mile, but that's just me.

I don't know how many people SC hooked in, but I wouldn't judge a record by that. As for how many it people turned off from IF because of it... I'd guess a really negligible amount. People are crying for nearly two decades now about SC's sound, so it's hard to take seriously whenever people jerk eachother's cock about how they will totally leave the band now. They are still very much so desireable live.
The only play about two SC songs on their set nowadays, which obviously helps :D their last setlist on has:

LS/Sub/TJR/Whoracle: 0 :rolleyes:
Colony: 1
Clayman: 2
R2R: 1
STYE: 2 (they're playing LYBD, awesome)
CC: 1
SC: 2
Battles: 4

Why they can't drop Here Until Forever for a song from pre-Colony is beyond me. I get that HUF is Anders song to his son and everything, but leave it on the fucking record and replace with literally anything off a pre-Colony album. I appreciate the likes of Behind Space, Stand Ablaze, Moonshield, Jotun, Food for the Gods or Episode 666 might not get the same crowd reaction and dat movement as HUF :rolleyes: but hey, take a risk. You never know.
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I forgot to mention that even though the only punch SOAPF had was Deliver Us, it was still the first record without Jesper, so it's bound to be a topic of discussion. I firmly believe that from TJR through Battles, Whoracle and SC are the two most overshadowed records. Whoracle IS appreciated and SC IS shit upon, but it's nothing compared to the other records. Probably Colony comes as a close third.

I wouldn't base anything off of their current live set. The fact that Crawl Through Knives is not a staple since the release of CC should be alerting. That song is possibly the single best thing In Flames has ever produced. It may not be the catchiest, it may not be the heaviest, it may not be the most melodic, it may not be the most technical, but all things considered, I blieve it is their absolute best, which will never be repeated.

Also, SC as a whole is a rather slow paced record. WHen half of your fucking songs is a slow song, it's really hard to get into a setlist which has to fight with other slow songs. I mean, they don't even play Evil In A Closet, so that should say a lot about the chances of Dead Eyes, WEWO, SC or TO.

SC could have never been made without the achievments of IF. SC is not a record you will break through people, it is not a record that will propel you into fame. But IF had already achieved it; SC was made in a time when they had already achieved everything a metal band could hope for, and they had showed that even with the departure of a key member, they can produce great music. SC did not have to be the best in anything, and I think this is what a lot of people are missing. SC is an absolute blast for what it is, and everyone is more than welcome to turn the page if they don't like it.
I agree that Whoracle is criminally underrated, even by people who prefer the older material. It's often seen as a lesser version of TJR, but I totally disagree with that assessment. Whoracle stands on its own merits as an album. There's a clear move away from the folkier elements of TJR towards the more standard heavy metal sound that Colony and Clayman embraced. Anders' vocals on Whoracle are a significant improvement on TJR, and tracks like Jotun, FFTG, JST, WWTM and Gyroscope are, imo at least, as good as anything off TJR.

The only thing that lets Whoracle down, for me, is the production. It actually feels like a step down from TJR, but again I think it's partially due to the band gravitating towards a more standard heavy metal sound. They hadn't quite gotten it right during the Whoracle recording sessions, but by Colony and Clayman they'd nailed it.
I think I should clarify that I am aware that Siren Charms is near-universally hated by the fans, and my effusive praise for it as an underappreciated gem is just a joke.

Like I've said before, I personally consider it one of my favorite In Flames albums. It gets shat on for having apparently no effort put into it, but I think otherwise — there are so many little touches that are just perfect that, to me, shows that these guys knew what they were doing when writing the album. To make a weird comparison, it's the closest In Flames will ever come to writing their own Projector, which is my favorite melodic death album ever. I think it sucks that almost nobody else agrees, but that's really just my opinion and I don't take it too seriously.

Jester Slave more or less expresses my views on the album a couple posts above.
Yeah I’m really surprised everyone is saying the consensus is that TJR is better than Whoracle. In my experience many people who weren’t into black metal and other extreme metal wouldn’t seriously listen to it. It was considered a footnote in the band’s history before the band got “serious” with Whoracle. Like the way we listen to Lunar Strain. Whoracle is wayyyy easier to digest for the more mainstream metalhead.
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They're very similar albums, but TJR evokes more expansive imagery for me. When I'm listening to the album, I picture the landscape featured on the cover art, various scenes of, I don't know, armies and gods and decay and what have you. The album is very adventurous and the melodies tell more of a story, I think. What it lacks in raw aggression it makes up for with its strong composition.

When I listen to Whoracle, on the other hand, I just picture In Flames playing the music. It's a tighter and more focused album in terms of its structure, and obviously it's a great album, but it doesn't stoke my imagination like TJR does.
Whoracle sounds and feels much better to me. Unlike TJR, it aged much better.

And I wouldn't say fans unviersally hated SC. You overestimate how many people are actually actively complaining about them alltogether. Even the shitty reviews were just written by some angry folks in amateur review site. It could have been me or you. Then they pointed at eachother, trying to validate their low effort review.

Show SC to someone who is not unbiased and not keen to hate it before it even starts, and they may very well like it. At worst they'd find the amount of slower paced songs boring, if it's not their cup of tea, which is fine.
Guys, did you listen to Disturbed's new album? Probably it's their worst one...the only song I actually enjoyed was In Another Time. All the other "heavy songs" are generic or mid-tempo and they seem to drag ( especially the choruses ). The 5 ballads have some good moments ( the best one is A Reason To Fight ), but it feels like they are trying way too hard to replicate the sound of silence.
No, Disturbed became an absolute sellout, pathetic band. Sure, they were never original, but at least they were doing some fun music to bop your head to. Then came the sound of silence, and they smelled money. Disgusting.

When I skimmed through reason to fight, it was more than enough reason to not be interested in this record at all. Cheesy lyrics, cheesy music video, and that pretentous, bald mothercuker acting like he cares about people with addiction, just to garner sympathy and fuel the emotions. Disturbed easily skyrocketed to the number 1 most despicable metal bands out there.
Let's not bring this topic down by talking about Disturbed :D

I'm with galvanized, for me TJR/Whoracle are equal in terms of quality. I love the folky elements of TJR, interspersed with outstanding guitar work and incredible lyrics. The vocals could do with some work but they don't ruin the album or anything. Whoracle is a bit more straightforward musically, but I think it fits the cold, dystopian theme of the lyrics. It still has some amazing musical moments and the vocals are definitely far more controlled. TJR has a bit of a mystical feel to it, whereas Whoracle is more gritty and heavy. I could listen to either of them any day and be entertained.