Nah, the basis of Anders producing some embarassing lyrics, especially as of late was true.
Wow, I did not expect that concession. One down, two to go. Krofius, Ciko, do the honourable thing and concede defeat.
Nah, the basis of Anders producing some embarassing lyrics, especially as of late was true.
Wow, I did not expect that concession. One down, two to go. Krofius, Ciko, do the honourable thing and concede defeat.
And I'm actually grateful to Anders for changing his lyrical style. I really dont give shit about the space and stuff lyrics cause its boring. He has some shitty lines (I feel like shit etc.) but also has great lines that I can relate.
Tbf this is the Slave school of thought again, suggesting that if we don't want silly, childish lyrics we must want stuff about space (and stuff?). Nobody is asking for TJR/Whoracle style lyrics. Literally nobody on this thread has even suggested that. Colony, Clayman, Reroute, STYE & Come Clarity had plenty of personal lyrics which actually had some thought behind them. Even ASOP and SOAPF have some really good moments.
I never said that why do you guys want space lyrics I just said that I prefer this kind of lyrics, how did you come on that conclusion from that post?Dont know if I wrote something like that (which I checked now and I'm sure I didnt even mention it on the 2 posts I wrote) or you just twist my words to win an argument. Or maybe you're just too sensitive about anything, even my opinion feels like I'm attacking you.
It hurts so much to see Anders at his worst (or is it?).
I want so much more of the time & space & stuff lyrics from the guy, while he's been producing some of the worst since ASOP.
With In Flames, for the last couple of years all I heard was "I'm brokenhearted, it hurts, cut my throat to sleep". And all I can say is, it really hurts. And I can already imagine Anders whining about being the ghost, like he did in Alias. And I'm truly brokenhearted, cause at some point he was seeing beauty in dead flowers. And at the time being, he's at his room. And he is sad. And all I can hope for, is one day he get's better.
And don't get me wrong, I love listening to this guy, both live and on album. I just wish he was better. And not sad. And not in his room and singing for his children.
I wish I was a smoker instead of ever finding this board, because then I'd have less chance of getting cancer.
Anyways, SC had decent to good lyrics as well, and I believe it was the least high-schooly lyrics in recent years, including SOAPF and ASOP. As someone said, he may have made the mistake of trying too hard to be MySteRiOuS there, but that's a different question now.
And no one said the new lyrics are awesome. I said that one snippet looked decent, good. How am I being criticized for hyperboles when you do the same?
Also, aren't you a fucking yankee? Shoudln't you celebrate stealing others' land or something? You have way too much freetime today.
Yeah, I think they’ve made a business decision to continue with the core members as it is. And there are no more new ideas from them. I’m sure they are counting on it for income and retirement now. Inviting someone new would be splitting dividends further.Sadly, judging from this lyrics and artwork... not gonna happen. It's a different group of people. And not in a good way (like the new guitarist of Judas Priest, or new Nightwish singer or any other example of that kind).
Is this really true? I could understand it being the case 10-12 years ago, but now? What kids are listening to modern In Flames? I find it really bizarre to think that anybody much younger than 25 is seriously listening to this band's latest output. Maybe I'm wrong and the world has passed me by, but I'd be really surprised if In Flames have a significant younger fan base.
Drained in particular has to be up there as some of the most shitty, puerile, vomit-inducing words ever put to paper or music
I have quite few lyrics from the Battles and Siren Charms that had my feelings at that time. I'm not high school student though, I even finished University this year.It's not just IF, every band has good or silly lyrics and I can't blame Anders if he feels that things and write about it, sure it might be silly but it still has some value to me. And I'm really hyped about new single cause it has some lines that I can relate. Some lines are silly to me too but not all of them.
What are you talking about? The use of metaphors is great in that song.And please, don't say shit like Clayman had great lyrics. If Only For The Weak's lyric sheet was released today, you would tear it apart for being extremely edgy. But since it's on Clayman, it's great.
This is really interesting music from the front lines. Maybe I am just getting old. But it seems like there are still plenty of metal heads like us out there. It’s not like we died off.And they love In Flames, especially SOAPF and Battles. And I mean *loved* SOAPF, the way we worship The Jester Race.
This. I want to know where all these new fans are hanging out. Is it on Anders’ Instagram? Any one do social media analytics and can say if this is “popular” or not?it's just strange because nowadays I see very little chatter about In Flames. Their reddit page is dead as a doornail, JesterHead is dead in all but name, their record sales have been in consistent decline for years...