IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Cloudy skies, dark ambient, apocalyptic structures and or figures... all of them made and positioned in the same way and place, almost the same angle and perspective. Not really inspired or inspiring. At least, from R2R onwards they tried to be original when choosing the covers.

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Well, fortunately art is subjective and I like it. Reroute is cool too.





I'll take TJR, Whoracle and Colony, you take STYE, CC and ASOP. Deal?
Well, fortunately art is subjective and I like it. Reroute is cool too.





I'll take TJR, Whoracle and Colony, you take STYE, CC and ASOP. Deal?

I like this one:


And, no matter how you look at it, the composition in ASOP cover is pretty good. It doesn't look like IF? As if there's a cover that looks like an IF cover.
Looks like something a 14 year old emo kid would draw. Very cool if you're into that sort of thing I guess.
Jeez, this place has become a bit weird. I think I'm out until the new album arrives.
So I was into deep dark hole called Youtube tonight, checking IF and shit, you know fan gay stuff as some might call. I didn't even thought they played this one live, but mighty Krofius presents it. I already like this song but never thought Transparent could be so much better live. As Anders says: Use and abuse it.

The screams at 3:22 and 3:31 though. I love Anders's 2004-2009 era. His voice was so freaking powerful. Shame he didn't use them on ASOP that much.

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Yeah, you can just about make out most of it.
In Anders words, he says this album is more upbeat than Battles, exciting!
And that that he would say this is closer to SOAPF than the last record but that is subjective, I know I’m of the unpopular opinion but I’m stoked as shit
What gives you that impression?
When they wrote ASOP with Roberto Laghi we didn’t get a ASOP part 2, we got Sounds of a playground fading, and then Siren Charms. All equally different and unique albums in their own right. I can’t say any two In Flames albums sound the same or even close to identical besides perhaps their older works, which are all classics and a staple to MDM for sure. I can understand people’s frustration with wanting an older and heavier style which they previously incorporated and how it can be easy to say we’ll just get a Battles part 2, but I think it’ll be something new and fresh, just maybe not to everyone’s tastes but.. time will tell
What gives you that impression?
The fact that they follow the same pattern. They are recording again in America, probably the producer will interfere again too much ( they used to be protective with their songs ), they have another mercenary American dude in the band, Anders and Björn wrote everything by themselves in a short period of time and very close to the previous release. All of these point to a rushed album with maybe some uninspired parts, which was the main problem with Battles ( I don't consider it a bad album, just average).
To be fair, you are right about every In Flames' album sounding different than the previous one, so hopefully, they will prove me wrong. My expectations got a bit higher after reading that the new album will have SOAPF elements.
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The fact that they follow the same pattern. They are recording again in America, probably the producer will interfere again too much ( they used to be protective with their songs ), they have another mercenary American dude in the band, Anders and Björn wrote everything by themselves in a short period of time and very close to the previous release. All of these point to a rushed album with maybe some uninspired parts, which was the main problem with Battles ( I don't consider it a bad album, just average).
To be fair, you are right about every In Flames' album sounding different than the previous one, so hopefully, they will prove me wrong. My expectations got a bit higher after reading that the new album will have SOAPF elements.
Agree with the America part with the same producer etc but...It's not short time between albums, they've been writing a bunch I assume since they haven't been touring like madmen, so I don't agree it's rushed in anyway. You gotta remember that for example there was just under 14 months between arguably two of IF's best albums Colony & Clayman, so the timeframe doesn't paint any story whatsoever. Sure it was an side-effect of not doing 2year+ world tour cycles after every album so there was more time to write stuff but still. They just finished recording the album, Battles was done recording the album more than 2years ago before this album recording.
dunt, duntdunt, duntdunt,duntdunt, duntdunt dunt
dunt, duntdunt, duntdunt,duntdunt, duntdunt dunt

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So it’s the first show back on tour this evening.
Wonder what the set list will be? and if they’ll debut any new songs