IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

No way it’s Jesper, way too much restraint. It’s gotta be Daniel or Peter. So is that the rumor you guys were trying to shut this forum down for?
I'm really amazed by this knowledge. How can you even possibly know that? :D
Most likely from some older interview, don't remember exactly where from.
No way it’s Jesper, way too much restraint. It’s gotta be Daniel or Peter. So is that the rumor you guys were trying to shut this forum down for?
You got me, busted...
In seriousness though, only difference between you and me is that I'm from the same country as the band meaning I got way more content about/from the band from national radio/tv/articles/magazines.

My English teacher from highschool was (maybe still is) Anders neighbor in Stockholm though, so you could say I'm pretty much a member of the band.

With my shitty English i am probably Niclas XD
Hey don't diss Niclas super enunciated swenglish, it's beautiful.
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I could believe Sister is Niclas. Not many other people have noticed his awesome leg genetics before lol
Krofius is Naslund, guys. Believe in the conspiracy.

To be honest, I love Krofius's insights. To my siblings and I, In Flames is as much a cosmic mystery as deep space, so these little trivia tidbits are like discovering new planets (in cold, ceremonial perfection!!!)
Actually I'd be more inclined to believe JesterSlaveSucks is Jesper, as Slave has repeatedly ripped into Jesper on here :D

My previous conclusion was that Krofius is Peter or Daniel and I've gotta stick with that. Definitely been a shift in tone post-SC :err: nonetheless, he is a fountain of knowledge as far as In Flames are concerned and should be both respected and feared in equal measure.
I noticed IF are playing a show on their UK tour pretty close to me. I considered buying a ticket, but then was like... nope. This current version of In Flames is so far away from the band I recognise as In Flames (Anders, Bjorn, Jesper, Peter, Daniel) that it's almost like going to watch a cover band. Not quite, but seeing Tanner fucking Wayne and mondo cool bro Bryce Paul on stage alongside the hipster version of Anders and a bald Bjorn might be too much for me to take. Last time I saw these guys was... 2010? Can't remember if Jesper or Niclas was on stage but either way the setlist was good, the band were mostly in tact and Anders was yet to fully transform into the hipster we all "love" and hate today. SOAPF hadn't even been released at that point - ASOP was considered the worst IF album :rofl: magical, innocent days.

I just can't put myself through it. I know I'd be disappointed. The only time I can see myself going to see them live again would be if the current band broke up, then a few years later reformed for a reunion tour with at the very least Peter & Daniel back on board alongside Niclas. No Americans
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No Americans
Damn bro, you mad about Brexit or the climate conference or something?

I’m going to say something controversial. From In Flames’ recordings and performances, Bryce Paul is just as good as Peter. Prove to me otherwise.

Even Anders and Bjorn admitted they [everyone besides Anders and Bjorn] were just bodies before. They don’t let them write anything and half the time they produce the albums so shitty you can’t hear the bass anyway.

Bryce Paul is just as good as Peter and you should go see the show. Otherwise you are gonna die bitter, sad, and alone bro. You’re too young to be like this. LOL
Damn bro, you mad about Brexit or the climate conference or something?

I’m going to say something controversial. From In Flames’ recordings and performances, Bryce Paul is just as good as Peter. Prove to me otherwise.

Even Anders and Bjorn admitted they [everyone besides Anders and Bjorn] were just bodies before. They don’t let them write anything and half the time they produce the albums so shitty you can’t hear the bass anyway.

Bryce Paul is just as good as Peter and you should go see the show. Otherwise you are gonna die bitter, sad, and alone bro. You’re too young to be like this. LOL

Mad? No, I am recovering from a really shitty virus though so it's possible I'm being a bit grumpier than usual :heh:

I don't disagree as far as the comparison between Bryce Paul and Peter is concerned. I mean, you could have a monkey playing bass and it'd be hard to notice a difference. It's just really funny to me how IF managed to get the most stereotypical bro style American named guys to join them. Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne :D it kills me. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I checked their social media accounts and they're exactly as I pictured, too, which makes it even more hilarious/tragic. I bet Anders loves it, thinking he's in with the cool, young, hip American bro crowd. Probably slaps a high five with Tanner and Bryce, doing the "WAZZZUUUPPP" thing from two decades ago. Tanner and Bryce pretend to find it funny and do it back, but really they're thinking "bro, this old dude is bogus".

As far as seeing these fuckers live again - sorry, but IF are going to have to at least meet me half way first :D I saw the band multiple times when they were still good, so I'm pretty content with that side of things. It's not like I'm sitting here thinking "maaaan, I really wanna see In Flames, but Bryce Paul ;<" ... no, it was a fleeting thought of "maybe I should go and see them, just to see how bad it is?" - but why bother? I could do something more productive with my time like clean the bathroom or dust my bedroom.
I got Meet and Greet tickets for the London show, so I'll be meeting the Remaining Swedes and the American boys, I can't wait but I'm curious as to what Anders is like, whether he is all up his own arse or if hesh humble
I got Meet and Greet tickets for the London show, so I'll be meeting the Remaining Swedes and the American boys, I can't wait but I'm curious as to what Anders is like, whether he is all up his own arse or if hesh humble
I bet he's a cool guy.