Damn bro, you mad about Brexit or the climate conference or something?
I’m going to say something controversial. From In Flames’ recordings and performances, Bryce Paul is just as good as Peter. Prove to me otherwise.
Even Anders and Bjorn admitted they [everyone besides Anders and Bjorn] were just bodies before. They don’t let them write anything and half the time they produce the albums so shitty you can’t hear the bass anyway.
Bryce Paul is just as good as Peter and you should go see the show. Otherwise you are gonna die bitter, sad, and alone bro. You’re too young to be like this. LOL
Mad? No, I am recovering from a really shitty virus though so it's possible I'm being a bit grumpier than usual
I don't disagree as far as the comparison between Bryce Paul and Peter is concerned. I mean, you could have a monkey playing bass and it'd be hard to notice a difference. It's just really funny to me how IF managed to get the most stereotypical bro style American named guys to join them. Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne

it kills me. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I checked their social media accounts and they're exactly as I pictured, too, which makes it even more hilarious/tragic. I bet Anders loves it, thinking he's in with the cool, young, hip American bro crowd. Probably slaps a high five with Tanner and Bryce, doing the "WAZZZUUUPPP" thing from two decades ago. Tanner and Bryce pretend to find it funny and do it back, but really they're thinking "bro, this old dude is bogus".
As far as seeing these fuckers live again - sorry, but IF are going to have to at least meet me half way first

I saw the band multiple times when they were still good, so I'm pretty content with that side of things. It's not like I'm sitting here thinking "maaaan, I really wanna see In Flames, but Bryce Paul ;<" ... no, it was a fleeting thought of "maybe I should go and see them, just to see how bad it is?" - but why bother? I could do something more productive with my time like clean the bathroom or dust my bedroom.