IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I met the band in ‘09 during the ASOP tour. Anders was real zen-like and laid back. They were all really cool, albeit kind of awkward. Niclas was filling in for Jesper, so I got my Passenger album signed.

My brother actually saw Anders on the street and ran up to him screaming his name. I was fucking mortified. But he was cool with it, just zonked out after just waking up on the tour bus. We apologized during the meet and greet and Anders dropped some timeless wisdom: “There’s a time and place for everyfing.” Such Obi-wan.

During the meet and greet my brother asked Anders how he managed to get his dreadlocks so long. “Do you just, like, let them rot?” Anders laughed and was all like “rot??” He cut off his dreadlocks, like, a couple months later. You can thank us for that.

Of all of them, Bjorn was probably the coolest. I told him that he was my inspiration for picking up the guitar, and he was like “I’m so sorry, there are so many better ways to spend your time.”
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I met them in... 06 I think? I remember Bjorn being the most approachable by far. I joked with him about bribing the band with some alcohol to play Square Nothing, but they already had some so that plan was out the window. He laughed and said they hadn't rehearsed that song in a while, but he seemed really cool. Jesper looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. Daniel was quiet. Peter was pretty laid back. Anders seemed fairly reserved.

At the time I was a Krofius-level fanboy of the band. Really fucking embarrassing. Admittedly I was still only a teenager, but it makes me cringe thinking about it. I was so excited to meet them :D had the dumbest smile on my face the entire time they were signing my stuff, and was super nervous. I also gave them a burned CD with some covers of their songs on by various people from the Everdying community (an old IF messageboard), plus a few random dance music tracks for my own amusement. I'd even printed a small sheet inside detailing the songs and who had performed them :rofl: as if they were going to listen to that shit.

Anders and Bjorn opened the case, Bjorn was looking really interested, whilst Anders looked at me with this total "WTF" stare. I just smiled back, because I was a fanboy dickhead and had no idea what I was doing.

So my overall point is, be cool, don't be weird.
WTWE is uninspired garbage, and I'd just copy and paste everything others are saying to TCP onto this song.

Btw, I solved the meaning of This is our house: a far right anti-migration song. Makes sense. You think Anders is singing to edgy teens, meanwhile....

But do you like it or don't you? :err:
I don't. But I don't hate it.
They are all very down to earth meeting them in person. We stayed a while with them after their show in dallas in 2017. Bryce gave some dude a shave and haircut lol. I guess he has some barber experience. Did a good job lol.
Ah, FUCK. Just saw Anders’ latest instagram photo. He’s standing a couple miles from where I work. Forgot they were playing here last night!

But maybe no big loss. I think they were just opening for Breaking Benjamin. Which is sad, but w/e. Plus I’d never be caught dead in the same room as Five Finger Death Punch. I’ll catch them next time with Within Temptation.
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Can't find many setlists posted from this tour but apparently the set for Dec 7 was:

Everything's Gone
Cloud Connected
Where the Dead Ships Dwell
The Truth
Take This Life
The End

So... yeah. A bit surprised to see Colony in there, but otherwise it's more or less your standard "here's our heavy metal hits" compilation. Fuck knows why Everything's Gone is in there - do they really like it that much? I mean, if it was me I'd much rather see something like The Quiet Place or Trigger in there, if the band are just playing the hits. I don't really count EG as a hit, it's the odd one out in that set by some margin.
Well, it IS brutal, but not in a good way :D brutal like the morning after you've eaten a very spicy curry and it's burning your intestines.
Only 2 days until official word on I Am Above / I, The Mask, cannot wait.

I find it strange they've used the album art for the Tour poster, before they announced the album.
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I Am Above "premieres" today on SiriusXM

Edit: So does this is our house
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I'm starting to think JSS and Sister actually worship Slave as some kind of god :D he's always on their minds.

Unrelated to Slave I found this when reading Emperor's wikipedia page:

It was around 2000 when Samoth and Trym started to gravitate more towards death metal, while Ihsahn directed his musical exploration towards his side project, Peccatum. Thus, in 2001, Emperor decided to disband after releasing one final album, Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise, composed entirely by Ihsahn.

Ihsahn later recalled that "When we announced the split up in 2001, we didn't think we would do anything more with Emperor ever again...The decision was also based on the feeling that Emperor had a lot of integrity, and that if we were going to end it, we should end it while we still created great music. For us, the decision was made in the black metal spirit. Since Samoth and I pulled in different directions, we didn't see any point in continuing. The core of the band wasn't intact anymore".

Samoth echoed Ihsahn's position: "At that point, we both had other priorities that we wanted to pursue and we both felt that splitting up Emperor was the best thing to do. We really wanted to focus on other things, and felt it was the only right thing to do".

Integrity. I would ask Anders about having some integrity but I take one look at those stupid hipster glasses and just know we're on different wavelengths.
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Fucking Emperor :cool: legends. Smashing a wrecking ball through Anders' shitty house.