IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

The new Cyhra was described as very riff oriented and much more guitar heavy with both Jesper and Euge contributing equally. They aren’t going to have death vocals but I’m going to bet Cyhra2 is going to beat I, The Mask. Euge was super hyped and in beast mode all along for the recording, obviously has something to prove and the energy to do it. They ran out of time in the studio to finish everything and spent several weeks/months afterwards finalizing solos and everything. I’m expecting SOAPF quality or higher.
Well, Jesper has come out and said he disagreed with the direction the band went and thinks they lost their 'uniqueness' from STYE. So what should have happened, if the band members cared about the band's legacy (I know they don't, but if they did), is Jesper saying "I'm not cool with this nu-metal, vocal-orientated approach, I'm out". He splits to do his own thing, then the others continue on as something different, even if it's just "Anders Friden's In Flames" as that's basically what it became. I'd nominate "In Frames" if it changed after SOAPF, because, y'know, dem hipster frames.

But are we seriously doing this fucking debate again? :D
In Flames is fucking us in the ass. Hopefully, Soilwork will arrive just in time to give us a tap on the shoulder:
Oh thanks for the link, I saw Soilwork posted a teaser earlier today, didn't expect to hear it this soon after. Soilwork is also one of my favorite bands and have been on a roll especially last 2 albums. First single was amazing, second was only okay though in my eyes. This third one is also fucking awesome, I love that riff/keyboard duo in the verse, really fucking catchy along with a really smooth chorus.

The new Cyhra was described as very riff oriented and much more guitar heavy with both Jesper and Euge contributing equally. They aren’t going to have death vocals but I’m going to bet Cyhra2 is going to beat I, The Mask. Euge was super hyped and in beast mode all along for the recording, obviously has something to prove and the energy to do it. They ran out of time in the studio to finish everything and spent several weeks/months afterwards finalizing solos and everything. I’m expecting SOAPF quality or higher.
Even if it's better than the first album riffwise I won't listen to it cause I can't stand those fucking vocals, it's just not for me.
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Oh thanks for the link, I saw Soilwork posted a teaser earlier today, didn't expect to hear it this soon after. Soilwork is also one of my favorite bands and have been on a roll especially last 2 albums. First single was amazing, second was only okay though in my eyes. This third one is also fucking awesome, I love that riff/keyboard duo in the verse, really fucking catchy along with a really smooth chorus.

Even if it's better than the first album riffwise I won't listen to it cause I can't stand those fucking vocals, it's just not for me.

It's one of my favorite bands too. Actually my favorite band is The Night Flight Orchestra which is actually the main composers behind Soilwork changing names in order to do something totally different. :p

I saw them in concert three times, here are pictures from their show in Paris this month:
Pardon my ignorance, but doesn't Jake only do cleans? Taking that into account it would be strange to expect any band fronted by him to be "the new IF".
And still people was surprised. As if only Jesper background counted.
I like Soilwork, and their last two albums have been killer. I think sometimes they can go a little overboard with blast beats and uber-fast drumming, especially on their latest material. Not that I can't handle it, but I think a little restraint can go a long way. They're a talented group, nevertheless.

Also, expecting some new Dark Tranquillity next year. Loved Atoma — as a huge Projector fan, it ticked all of my boxes in ways that Construct did not (Construct was billed as another Projector so I was deeply disappointed when it wound up being bland af).

To round it off, doesn't At the Gates have a new EP coming out soon? Not too excited, personally — while the music was excellent, the production on To Drink from the Night Itself was the worst I'd ever heard on any album and ruined the whole experience for me. Almost St. Anger levels of bad.
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Aw yiss. That third SW single is fantastic. Thanks for the link!

This latest album seems very much NFO oriented. I'm not sure how I feel about that - I definitely think that they're more experimental stuff on The Living Infinite bonus tracks was more inspired (Resisting the Current, Your Nerves- my every day tool, etc.).

The Living Infinite was the apex of modern melodic death I think.
Soilwork has always been melodic. There is no influence between NFO and Soilwork and I can tell you that because Björn told me directly. The only thing is that Björn did so much clean vocals lately that he is now way more comfortable with it. :)

Welcome back. You've been missed.

Soilwork has always been melodic. There is no influence between NFO and Soilwork and I can tell you that because Björn told me directly. The only thing is that Björn did so much clean vocals lately that he is now way more comfortable with it. :)

Eh, not sure I agree. The riffs from the Verkligheten songs are very much reminiscent of NFO in terms of tonality. Additionally, Björn seems to have abandoned his toned, high pitched scream in all three songs so far and the guitar tone seems more in the vein of NFO too.

The song structures also seem simpler and 'poppy'.

There's a reason people find it to be a mix of NFO and SW.
None of these points makes sense. The proggy structures in Soilwork were brought by David Andersson who is the main composer in NFO. Just listen to "The Heather Reports" or "The Last of the Independent Romantics" by NFO, they are really proggy.

The riff tonality? It's not even the same tuning come on.
Another one returns :cool: like the JENOVA reunion, they're all drawn back. He might like it plain, and he definitely likes it vanilla, but we accept that.

Jester313 still conspicuous in his absence...
Hahaha man!


Man, I remember when you first showed up you were a Krofius style fanboy, wouldn't hear a bad word said about the band :D now you've joined the doomlord ranks alongside myself, A88 and Eochaid. It's a beautiful thing.