Man, I remember when you first showed up you were a Krofius style fanboy, wouldn't hear a bad word said about the bandnow you've joined the doomlord ranks alongside myself, A88 and Eochaid. It's a beautiful thing.
Someone actually thanked Anders for the lyrics of I Am Above, lol.
hey when did I ever said that At the gates stuff!!![]()
Also, its pretty good to see @PlainVanilla back! Last time I saw him was SC thread I think. I remember him changing all the song titles with leak so they could leak.. Oh the mighty leak lord is back!Still waiting him to come to the bright side, Anders manlove crew missed you!
There goes my anal virginity...Yeah, that's... wait... what?
Uh... A88, Eochaid, you take over here.
Their audience is too busy spamming emoji to their favorite band's live stream of The Truth thoJudging from the lyrics these days that's about the average age of the audience they're aiming for.
Feel cold, weak, paralyzed and emptiness no hope, i hate you all, that video crushed me write whatever you want I am done
In fairness I think those are all coming from Krofius, Ciko and Slave, but yeah... lame.
I honestly think that the truth is their worst.