IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I have to say that besides the extremely shitty intro, (This is Our) House is actually a very enjoyable song. I also dislike the pre-chorus because I think Anders voice sounds way too high-pitched. That being said, I have to agree with most of the people here when it comes to creativity; the songs seem a little bland and uninspired, yet they're still very good songs its just average for in flames standards. What makes it great is that they still manage to bring out that 'In Flames' Essence. After the part he sings "would you join me in the fight... fight for our lives," there's this 1.5 second segment where the guitar is just extremely catchy and the melody is so harmonious i absolutely love it. The solo is very meh but I don't actually mind the outro even though it still incorporates that kids orchestra. I think its cause of the melody being played over it, and it makes it very head-bangable actually. I would love to listen to this song live if Anders can pull it off lol.
I can't get into black metal but Ihsahns last two solo albums have some really good songs in them.
I'm starting to think JSS and Sister actually worship Slave as some kind of god :D he's always on their minds.

Unrelated to Slave I found this when reading Emperor's wikipedia page:

Integrity. I would ask Anders about having some integrity but I take one look at those stupid hipster glasses and just know we're on different wavelengths.
What does it matter though, Ihsahn releasing the music under his name or if he would just do it under the Emperor name? The same music is still being released, has nothing to do with integrity. Sure if it's someone's sideproject after their main band, but if it's the only music you're writing I see no reason for it to have to be under a new name, especially if you worked many years building the band and touring with it.

It's like the norwegian band Ulver, started out as pure black metal for first couple albums and since then they've done some sort of avant-garde electronic/dark ambient sounding stuff. Why should they have to discontinue the band and start a new band cause it's different sounding?
In my opinion that's absolutely retarded logic. Sure if like 2 members of the band died in a car crash and you don't want to continue the band in respect to them, but that's a completely different story.
If you care about your band's legacy then obviously you should change the name if you make wildly different music that the majority of your original fans despise. If you're looking at it from a business perspective then you keep the name the same and take every last penny from those suckers. Good to see you're finally onboard the "IF is a business" train Krofi-kun, next stop Cyhra City for some actual good music.

For the record I'm not a huge fan of Black Metal either (and the early "scene" is embarrassing) but In the Nightside Eclipse is an awesome album and it sounds even better live, mainly due to the album sounding like it was recorded in the depths of the ocean. I know that's what they were going for because that was "trve", but, no. Better production thanks.
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I have to say that besides the extremely shitty intro, (This is Our) House is actually a very enjoyable song. I also dislike the pre-chorus because I think Anders voice sounds way too high-pitched. That being said, I have to agree with most of the people here when it comes to creativity; the songs seem a little bland and uninspired, yet they're still very good songs its just average for in flames standards. What makes it great is that they still manage to bring out that 'In Flames' Essence. After the part he sings "would you join me in the fight... fight for our lives," there's this 1.5 second segment where the guitar is just extremely catchy and the melody is so harmonious i absolutely love it. The solo is very meh but I don't actually mind the outro even though it still incorporates that kids orchestra. I think its cause of the melody being played over it, and it makes it very head-bangable actually. I would love to listen to this song live if Anders can pull it off lol.

Remember when instead of 1.5 seconds of catchy guitar melodies it was the entire fucking song? Now we're grateful for 1.5 seconds :D

As for Anders being able to pull it off live, have you seen any live footage from the last 15 years or so? If the song has majority cleans in it, assume it's going to sound like shit live (but at least it'll sound like something). That said Andurz uses so many backing tracks nowadays that you may as well just take your phone and some headphones with you and play that whilst watching the band onstage.
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Ulver SHOULD have changed their name when they turned into downtempo jazz/electronic. They kept it for the clout. That said, from Ulver’s perspective they were always experimenters from the beginning and never maintained a sound over two albums. Berg tart was amazing, Kvellsanger was amazing too but was all acoustic. Then Nattens Madrigal came back and trolled the whole world with the absolute rawest sound possible. From Garm’s perspectivr maybe nothing in their purpose or founding principles changed. But clearly they changed musically and by a large amount aesthetically as well (primitive forest metal to cocaine urban lifestyle).

Emperor also did the right thing artistically. It frees the artist too. They don’t have to play the old stuff that they are tired of. That way they don’t have to come up with weird excuses like “the old music goes completely over our fans heads” (implying that new fans are musical idiots).
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It frees the artist too. They don’t have to play the old stuff that they are tired of. That way they don’t have to come up with weird excuses like “the old music goes completely over our fans heads” (implying that new fans are musical idiots).

That's a good point actually. If the classic albums (1994-2000) were under one band/project name, and everything post-2000 was under a different name, then there would be no expectation for the new project to play the older stuff live. They could throw an older song in every so often as a treat to any older fans in attendence, but they wouldn't be expected to do so. Then they could happily dismiss the older albums, like I'm sure they still wish they could, and focus on getting their teenage audience to jump da fuck up whilst "cool uncle" Anders pretends he's in a heavier sounding version of Depeche Mode.
Yeah, that’s why Ishahn ditched it I’m sure. Obviously the dude is an artist with integrity and they established Emperor with a certain idea, musically and aesthetically.

Now does it make sense financially? Not sure. How do classic Emperor albums sell compare to classic In Flames albums? And would Emperor albums sell better than Ishahn albums after changing to weird avant- garde 18 years ago? Best reference point might be At The Gates. Up until 2014 were they getting rich off Slaughter sales?
I'm not saying you should do it, I'm saying you shouldn't have to do it. ''Band legacy''? That's a fan perspective. Musician perspective is: I'm writing music, it shouldn't matter under what name it is.

And we're not talking about releasing Lunar Strain and next album being Battles. It's a span of 12 albums. I mean compare Lunar Strain to Clayman and try to convince anyone they sound more similar than Clayman and R2R.

Especially when it's the same fucking bandmembers between the albums, makes even less sense creating a new band/project if it's the same fucking people writing songs as the album before. Absolutely retarded
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I agree with you that there is a window where it should be done. If they don’t do it in that window it doesn’t make sense. Maybe IF should have done it at the same time as Reroute. But financially that would have been idiotic so I don’t blame them. Also their live show and momentum was still heavily based on the classic stuff. Even now it is. Not to say they play a lot, but they lean on that heritage. When people call them guitar heroes that’s because of the old shit, period.

Fact is Anders and Bjorn are performers first. They want to play, have some fun, and get paid. Abstract artistic ideas isn’t what they do. They can barely even compose. Even for the classic albums people had to project metal ideas and a metal image onto them for the most part. Maybe Jesper was thinking abstract thoughts early on but then all of them got sucked into alcoholism and party lifestyles and that went out the door.
Especially when it's the same fucking bandmembers between the albums, makes even less sense creating a new band/project if it's the same fucking people writing songs as the album before. Absolutely retarded

Well, Jesper has come out and said he disagreed with the direction the band went and thinks they lost their 'uniqueness' from STYE. So what should have happened, if the band members cared about the band's legacy (I know they don't, but if they did), is Jesper saying "I'm not cool with this nu-metal, vocal-orientated approach, I'm out". He splits to do his own thing, then the others continue on as something different, even if it's just "Anders Friden's In Flames" as that's basically what it became. I'd nominate "In Frames" if it changed after SOAPF, because, y'know, dem hipster frames.

But are we seriously doing this fucking debate again? :D
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Jesper’s In Flames would sell. He could just do one tour. He could recruit Henke Foerss to do vocals and finally pay that guy back for his Subterranean work.

I’m not saying Jesper’s In Flames would be better. The real In Flames is a well-oiled machine and super tight at this point. But if he recruits guys like Euge they’d be very competitive.
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I would be interested to see how a tour purely based on their classic albums would draw. Jesper, Daniel & Peter back in the band for the tour as well. No songs after 2000.

1. Bullet Ride
2. Food For The Gods
3. The Jester Race
4. Behind Space
5. Stand Ablaze
6. Episode 666
7. Jotun
8. Moonshield
9. Pinball Map
10. Colony
11. Zombie Inc
12. Artifacts of the Black Rain
13. Embody the Invisible
14. Gyroscope
15. Ordinary Story
16. Satellites & Astronauts (or Square Nothing)
17. Scorn
18. Swim
19. Jester Script Transfigured
20. Only For The Weak

Just take my money. All of it. :cool:
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How about December Flower WITH the real solo by the original guy on the album? Amazing.

Seriously, in 10 years I bet we’ll see something like this.
Jesper’s In Flames would sell. He could just do one tour. He could recruit Henke Foerss to do vocals and finally pay that guy back for his Subterranean work.

I’m not saying Jesper’s In Flames would be better. The real In Flames is a well-oiled machine and super tight at this point. But if he recruits guys like Euge they’d be very competitive.

Jesper could call his band "In Flames of Fire" :D (following that power metal band Rhapsody that had to change its name to Rhapsody of Fire)

Seriously though, that would be really interesting.
It's funny because there was people here expecting cyhra to be the new IF and then they were dissapointed because it was not. It seems as if only Anders has the right to do whatever he wants.
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(following that power metal band Rhapsody that had to change its name to Rhapsody of Fire)

They go by even more names now :D Rhapsody, Rhapsody of Fire, Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, Turilli/Lione Rhapsody, and I think Turilli played Rhapsody stuff when he was touring as Dreamquest as well.