"Anders: That is not a love song, but it's about overcoming your obstacles in life, and how important it is to say to someone you care about that they are great and how you feel you're on top of the world. Now it sounds so simple, but back then I tried to write using a lot of metaphors because I don't like to tell everything - I want people to make up their own minds. I'm happy if people can adapt my lyrics to their own life. "
Hmm, cant really make the connection though, any thoughts?
Hey, I'm not that old motherfucker

As for Deliver Us, honestly it's a pretty weird and vague set of lyrics. At a basic level it feels like Anders is talking about trying to appreciate life, and not letting negative elements drag him down. He wants positivity out of a person or the people around him, but he isn't always getting that, hence asking that person to "fly into the distance, disappear for a while" - he feels like being by himself for a while allows him to gain perspective about the world and everything going on around him. He just wants to appreciate "being alive" and not have outside bullshit pollute his mindset.