In Flames-Soundtrack to your escape(It Leaked)

Guardian of Darkness is obviously a 16 year old kid living in his parents basement trying to rebel by wrapping electrical tape around is arms and painting his face white.
nordic viking lord said:
Did you not see the part where I said they make it all fit together?
I disagree though. They don't even incorporate other styles. Anyone can 'folk up' an Iron Maiden riff but it isn't capturing the spirit of folk. It's not blended into the music, it's just pasted in somewhere as another (barely) catchy hook. In Flames are repetitive, plodding and not memorable. They focus predictable riffs around a verse-chorus structure. Nothing Iron Maiden haven't done before. While At the Gates (pre-Terminal...) are the masters of writing textured, melodic, epic riffs and structuring them with a balance of chaos and coherence.

EDIT: Note that I'm talking about Jester Race era In Flames.

Guardian of Darkness is obviously a 16 year old kid living in his parents basement trying to rebel by wrapping electrical tape around is arms and painting his face white.
Leaftek is obviously an asinine dolt with shitty taste in people and music. Stop wasting resources and slit your own throat, you filthy cretin.
Nice, "slit your own throat", that's mature. Anyway, there really isn't much of a difference between pre-TSD or post-TSD At the Gates except for the former using less melody. In Flames craft awesome riffs and melody lines and just about every song they have is distinguishable from one another and that's a tough task when you write music like that. As I said before though, not everyone is gonna agree, so you have your opinion and I have mine. I'm through.
nordic viking lord said:
Nice, "slit your own throat", that's mature. Anyway, there really isn't much of a difference between pre-TSD or post-TSD At the Gates except for the former using less melody. In Flames craft awesome riffs and melody lines and just about every song they have is distinguishable from one another and that's a tough task when you write music like that. As I said before though, not everyone is gonna agree, so you have your opinion and I have mine. I'm through.
I just thought I'd ask, hopefully he'll take my advice.

Early ATG is MORE melodic. Just less accessable and far FAR more complex. Slaughter of the Soul is just watered down speed metal.
Soundtrack brings the suck in ways that humanity had not previously conceived of. In Flames is just thinking of new and exciting ways to beat their uninspired semi-melodeath into the ground. I've heard better riffs coming out of scratched Emerson, Lake and Palmer records, and the drums are god-awful annoying. And Anders still makes my ears develop cancer.

If you like death metal, save your money for the new Dismember...I assure you, they WILL deliver the goods.
For the record, I never found post-TSD ATG to be that melodic anyway. And pre-TSD is, but I never got into it.

I like what In Flames were. I'd never been exposed to that sort of major-key metal before. Even Maiden play in E minor.

I've heard so many C major In Flames melodies it's crazy. I could care less about simplicity. In the end, it sounds awesome.

I dislike R2R and the new IF because it no longer sounds good.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I like what In Flames were. I'd never been exposed to that sort of major-key metal before. Even Maiden play in E minor.

Exactly. I think Whoracle was their greatest achievment actually. It had a real sense of quality in the writing. Buy hey, that's just me.

I generally am 'anti-mainstream', but not just for the sake of being so. It's because mainstream music appeals to the majority - this is why it is mainstream. The majority are idiots with appalling taste.

I think most people would have decent taste if they tried. Instead they choose to swallow whatever type of horse shit the media says is good.

Purgatory Afterglow isn't a bad album, by the way.

Damn straight, Swano is the man. Can't say I care of his nightingale project, or anything else with exclusively clean singing for that matter, but he is a phenomenal song writer, and I love the contrasts he has in edge of sanity.

I'm curious, what do you think of this band?

Elegant and perverse and wholly night are the best tracks I've heard from their new album so far, but they aren't offered as demos anymore.
The only songs I have a problem with the singing on are TQP and Borders and Shading. Anders' clean vocals sound way better on the other songs and sound far better than they did on R2R. This album is definately heavier than R2R and the riffs are better and there are also more solos. They might not be very involved, but this album is way more involved and quality sounding as a whole than R2R.
Great album. id give it about an 8/10. Not their best work but an overall improvement on R2R. In Flames was the band to get me into a lot of the metal i like today and I am glad to say that they still have it. I especially like Evil in a Closet and In Search for I.

To the idiot who says In Flames has no compositional ability what is wrong with you? There old stuff is extremely influential and with good reason, it was great music that was well written and well arranged. Also if you hate them so much why do you go out of your way to say they suck as much as possible. All you needed to say was u dont enjoy the album, no need to go overboard shoving your opinion down other poster's throats.
Well I hate to break the news to you guardian of darkness, but at the gates pre-terminal spirit disease has little or next to no melody, which leads me to believe you have no idea what melody is. Besides pre terminal spirit disease material is pretty much garbage in my opinion. Sounds more like "crust punk" bands like dystopia who suck a fat one. However, ATG definately progressed and ended thier run with their best album. I like that "slit your throat" comment. Definately goes to prove the point that you are a 16 year old kid trying to rebel. Next time you try to dis me, at least be creative. Now go grab an oatmeal cookie your mom just baked and say goodnight.
LeafTek said:
Well I hate to break the news to you guardian of darkness, but at the gates pre-terminal spirit disease has little or next to no melody, which leads me to believe you have no idea what melody is. Besides pre terminal spirit disease material is pretty much garbage in my opinion. Sounds more like "crust punk" bands like dystopia who suck a fat one. However, ATG definately progressed and ended thier run with their best album. I like that "slit your throat" comment. Definately goes to prove the point that you are a 16 year old kid trying to rebel. Next time you try to dis me, at least be creative. Now go grab an oatmeal cookie your mom just baked and say goodnight.
:lol: Haha, brilliant.
I downloaded it almoust week ago. Ofcourse it sucks coz now In Flames will lose lots of money. Anyway i dont think i would have bought it anyway. I dont even like it too much. Well, it's good and all but maybe just not my favourite music style.
I'd definately agree that ATG got better at the end, the guitars might not have been as complex, but there definately is more melody and the drumming is definately better. I never really listen to pre-TSD At the Gates.
nordic viking lord said:
I'd definately agree that ATG got better at the end, the guitars might not have been as complex, but there definately is more melody and the drumming is definately better. I never really listen to pre-TSD At the Gates.

I liked it all. But slaughter was by far the best IMHO. Did any of you check out that arsis link I gave? Trust me, there is much to like in that band. I don't think their new demo's really do justice to their sound though.

By the way, I checked on that Necrophobic, and although it's just opinion I think they suck. Haven't listened to anything by the others yet.