In Flames-Soundtrack to your escape(It Leaked)

I think Colony and Clayman are their best albums, and a lot of people would disagree with me, but that's my point. Don't just say it's garbage because you don't like it, that's dumb. If you don't like something just say so, a lot of dumb arguments could be avoided by being mature, but oh yeah, that's almost impossible for some of you.
Anders Friden's clean vocals in Passenger are better layout with more emotion than on the last 2 In Flames cd. Anders should do the production for In Flame becuae his production style is awesome look at Passenger and Dimension Zero.
i'm gonna have to say that this album was.. just decent. it wasn't great by far, but it wasn't terrible either. i don't believe people when they say that in flames is taking a "nu-metal" approach.. thats bullshit. If you truly listen to this album.. i really can't find any hint of nu-metal in there. they're still pretty heavy.. at least a lot more than they were in RTR (which i thought was just decent as well). I can even hear hints of black metal incorporated into this album. I just don't see how people can come out and just say that the album is absolute crap because it doesn't sound exactly like the older albums.. and why should you even reply to this thread to give your insight about a band that you don't even like (Guardian of Darkness).
Y'know, I should have given this album more time to sink in. I noticed something that's not cool at all I should have mentioned in the review. 80% of the record is in the same tempo. That and the fact that there are very few leads makes the songs a bit hard to distiguish after more then a month of listening. So much for longevity :(. Damn, I hope they just pull it together.
80% of the record is in the same tempo. That and the fact that there are very few leads makes the songs a bit hard to distiguish after more then a month of listening.
That ain't encouraging.
Eh, for the sake of boredom, In Flames were a shitty folk-influenced Maiden ripoff (with random meatbeats thrown in every now and then ;) ) with a frog as the vocalist, and they started playing mall-friendly hardrock. Nothing more, nothing less.
Jean-Pierre said:
Eh, for the sake of boredom, In Flames were a shitty folk-influenced Maiden ripoff (with random meatbeats thrown in every now and then ;) ) with a frog as the vocalist, and they started playing mall-friendly hardrock.
Except that they weren't shitty, and the Maiden influence settled in on Whoracle.
Guardian of Darkness said:
If a band who'd released 7 shitty albums suddenly released an amazing one, I wouldn't hesitate to praise it. With In Flames it isn't the case.

You don't hesitate with ignorance or arrogance either do you?

For now you can just raise your computer chair to it's highest possible point and look down upon the world; informing people that music appealing to their own ears is invalid.
Pull The Plug said:
You don't hesitate with ignorance or arrogance either do you?

For now you can just raise your computer chair to it's highest possible point and look down upon the world; informing people that music appealing to their own ears is invalid.

Jean-Pierre said:
Eh, for the sake of boredom, In Flames were a shitty folk-influenced Maiden ripoff (with random meatbeats thrown in every now and then ;) ) with a frog as the vocalist, and they started playing mall-friendly hardrock. Nothing more, nothing less.

Allow me to rate your particular critique of the band:


not only are you completely inaccurate with your mallcore claims, you fail to even recognize the brilliant Mikael Stanne as the vocalist for Lunar Strain.

O and maiden rip-off? what riffs do they have that are the exact same as Maiden? their maiden influenced but i have heard no riffs from IF that are the exact same as a maiden riff and until then your claim is wrong.
I will take this opportunity to mention that the first few IF albums were Maiden-influenced, but retained their own sense of atmosphere through exotic folksy melodies and rhythms. Ever since Colony, and to a lesser degree, Whoracle, their melodies have been Maiden-fellating as opposed to truly original. They are not ripoffs, no, but there's a big difference between Dead Eternity and Man Made God(yuck).
O.k. this is what I think of In Flames-Soundtrack To Your Escape:

I personaly enjoy listening to this album on many accounts, but that is because I am very liberal when it comes to musical tastes.

I have to go right now, but I'll edit this once I get back with a review of the album.
J Mann said:
Allow me to rate your particular critique of the band:


not only are you completely inaccurate with your mallcore claims, you fail to even recognize the brilliant Mikael Stanne as the vocalist for Lunar Strain.

O and maiden rip-off? what riffs do they have that are the exact same as Maiden? their maiden influenced but i have heard no riffs from IF that are the exact same as a maiden riff and until then your claim is wrong.

I know that Mikael Stanne was the fucking vocalist on Lunar Strain. "Yelp Yelp Yelp I'm Sad, My Lyrics Are Pretentious Assbabble!" Not as bad as the frog croaking of Usless Anders, but it may as well be.

Listen to all of Killers (especially Genghis Khan) and the self titled album. Some parts of Powerslave as well. Hell, their whole fucking 80's catalogue.

Criteria for an In Flames song:

One mediocre to decent riff

drive it into the fucking ground

sprinkle a bunch of slooooowed down Maiden melody meandering

