In Flames-Soundtrack to your escape(It Leaked)

I like The Cure and Depeche Mode, but In Flames just can't do it.

Comparing Anders to Rob Smith or Dave Gahan is like comparing the guitarwork of Fred Durst to that of David Gilmour.
It's amazing that so many people love this mediocre album. I always knew the majority of In Flames fans were stupid...
anonymousnick2001 said:
I like The Cure and Depeche Mode, but In Flames just can't do it.

Comparing Anders to Rob Smith or Dave Gahan is like comparing the guitarwork of Fred Durst to that of David Gilmour.
What's interesting is that Anders Friden's side project PASSENGER had several depeche mode / goth 80's pop elements in it...I've not heard the new IF, but it doesn't surprise me to hear this news.

By the way, what is up with that catfish in your signature?? Do they really get that big?? Sheeyat, I think I'd rather take my chances in the ocean with a friggin' Hammerhead shark! :loco:
Passenger attempted 80's gothrock, and failed miserably. A lot of it wasn't bad, but horribly mediocre.

And Wels Catfish can get up to the size of a VW beetle.
first let me say hello i dont even know what forum i am in i followed a link here because i am reading alot about the new in flames.
my name is wes jaques and i used to be the head of the american office of the metal observer.whe i reviewed r2r i hated it i thought it was a major hunk of shit i thought it was worthy of driving over the disc in my car and thats about it i hated it and stood by it even under pressure from the label and the band!it has taken me untill now to realize the amazing qualities in r2r.its not a supreme album and its certainly not a melodic "jester race/whoracle" type recordbut i have decided and i will stand by this and this goes for the new album as well.
in flames have turned into a supreme nu-metal band light years ahead of their time.
though songs like f(r)iend are no doubt heavy they are heavy in the bottom end of things hence the bass playing a moajor role in the band is too heavy it was not needed i think it was just a scream of "we can still be heavy" when heavy was never really in flames bag o' tea anyhow.
they used to live on guitar harmony and now they live on vocal harmony which is exactly whay makes nu-metal what it is with 7 string bottom heavy b string tones.the new album lacks any cath though to me i listened to it and was berated with uncommenly heavy riffs and poor vocal hooks.i just dont think they have completly decided what to do with themselves.
it is not a poor album but a poor representation of who they is not a question to me that they were following in the footsteps of soilwork after the brilliant "natuaral born chaos" but failed to pull it off with r2r though they made some suprising discovories they tried to expand on with this record.
i would say by the record and come to grips with the fact 800,000 bands stole in flames jester period sound and they have decided to move on to something else i am excited to see what happens when they all decide what to do i think there is a struggle within the band of what to be heavy or not.
i invite you guys to come listen to me station sometime thanks for your time.
COBSteele02 said:
You wouldn't know what mallcore was if it came up and fucked you in your inbread deformed ass.

You're named after fucking Children of Bodom. Your opinion is worthless.

'Soundtrack To Your Escape' is utter garbage: And I guarandamntee you that NO ONE who listened to In Flames before 'Clayman' will get anything out of it.
Sonicarnal Artist said:
You're named after fucking Children of Bodom. Your opinion is worthless.
I doubt that.

'Soundtrack To Your Escape' is utter garbage: And I guarandamntee you that NO ONE who listened to In Flames before 'Clayman' will get anything out of it.
I don't doubt that.
i cant stand where in flames are going, it was all downhill after whoracle, sure colongy and even clayman are still good, but pre-colony was imense...
now they're trying to persue the way of rap metal, by the looks of it,
i'd rate the album 2/10..... that's probably generous because i like the cover,
OMG! How can anyone possibly state that In Flames incorporate 'rap' in to their music and not think that they are talking absolute crap? Simply because an album has less leads, and the fact the lead singer experiments with vocal techniques other than hocking his guts out constantly throughout the album does not mean they are 'washed-up' or 'rap' or nu-metal' they've changed their's still METAL's not like it's f***ing pop dancey synth miming sh*t.

STYE sounds sweet from what I've heard so far :rock: ...F(r)iend is a badass song...and I think that In Flames have most definately progressed and made a formidable counter-album to boost the downfall of popularity from R2R (even though I like that album also) :D
OMG! How can anyone possibly state that In Flames incorporate 'rap' in to their music and not think that they are talking absolute crap? Simply because an album has less leads, and the fact the lead singer experiments with vocal techniques other than hocking his guts out constantly throughout the album does not mean they are 'washed-up' or 'rap' or nu-metal' they've changed their's still METAL's not like it's f***ing pop dancey synth miming sh*t.

I agree. I hated r2r but this shows signs of hope. People are way too critical me thinks. I mean I think they are kind of blowing it with the whole korn nu-metal attitude thing going, but it's STILL a considerable improvement over the last album. If they kept on making the same album over and over again people would get critical of that too wouldn't they? I'm sure they'll find a style that suits them soon. Guardian of Darkness has never liked them, so he has NO reason to comment positively on this album, but for those of us that have followed this band through the years then there IS reason to give them a chance to do the fine tuning. If they had quit after whoracle like atg did with slaughter then they'd have all sorts of respect. But that's a very, VERY easy way out. So why bash them for trying? I for one wouldn't mind at least one more classic In Flames album, and that's what they're slowly working toward. Besides, it's a great thing they're doing-exposing the underground. People who are into bands like korn will hear this, be blown away(for lack of taste) and from there find all the better bands, and in turn give money to bands that deserve it. The fact that Dan Swano has to work a full time job because his music career doesn't bring in enough money is enough for me to support what this band is doing. In an age where linkin park get more recognition thenTiamat, or even Dimmu Borgir or Opeth (who are huge for still being considered underground by many) SOMETHING has to be done!!
Let's just wait till it's officially released and the band has toured and evryone's had a chance to digest and process...then let's judge.
thing is though, that is a bullshit statement, saying that NOBODY who started listening before Clayman won't like it. its not one of those things that "might turn out to be true", and its not as if only 100 people started listening before clayman. think about it, you are just saying that because you dislike the album, if you did, you'd be saying the exact same thing as me.
thecrimsonchin said:
Guardian of Darkness has never liked them, so he has NO reason to comment positively on this album, but for those of us that have followed this band through the years then there IS reason to give them a chance to do the fine tuning.
If a band who'd released 7 shitty albums suddenly released an amazing one, I wouldn't hesitate to praise it. With In Flames it isn't the case.
Guardian of Darkness said:
If a band who'd released 7 shitty albums suddenly released an amazing one, I wouldn't hesitate to praise it. With In Flames it isn't the case.

To me, whoracle was a groundbreaking, exhilarating listen. I've been following them ever since hoping they release a record half as good. Besides there's no denying we have different tastes. You don't like dream theater, I love them. I don't like necrophobic( :ill: ) you do. I like older in flames, you don't. Should I continue? If they released an album better then whoracle or tjr, you wouldn't care because you didn't even like their original style. But to the rest of us, it would be the best the thing to happen in a long while. Point made.