In Flames

Band like At the Gates and Carcass may have begun the whole melo death sound, but it wasn't until the likes of In Flames and Dark Tranquillity that the melody side of it really became massivley important. On their middle three album inparticular In Flames took that whole idea to a new level, although there early output hints toward it with the likes of December Flower. I don't really think you can say the weren't original.
Slayer101 said:
I never did like In Flames, seemed like it had already been done way to many times.

I actually hadn't heard the sound before. I simply did not like the sound. Major snooze fest. The other bands mentioned as well.
NineFeetUnderground said:
right. maybe you can explain the "nightwish" in your signature's playlist then?

Nothing to do with Inflames, sorry. Try again? Classically based power metal versus melo-death wankery? Please.
Prognostic said:
how is in flames melodeath wankery? theres maybe 4 or 5 real solos in their entire discography and one of them wasn't even played by their guitarists

That goes more to the point of it being wankery than not. I didn't say fretboard wankery. As a guitarist I am usually entertained by fretboard wankery as long it's not endless pointless jam session forever only semi-good at it Van Halen loser shit. :)

As for being classically based in a loose sense, er yes.....that's a lot of power metal, but classically trained musicians beat out melodeath retards who most likely can't read music.