In Flames


New Metal Member
Aug 4, 2007
Canada Eh?
so In Flames managed to get themselves kicked outta wacken...for the signatures of there says there photo blog, does anyone know why this occured lol
i am wanting to learn guitar thanks to In Flames, why isn't there a In Flames Guitar Tab Book out there...maybe this was talked about before i was here, can't find the answer
P.S. i live in Canada
Metal Pick's for Metal Music:rock:
He's obviously new to the forum. Hey bud, here's some advice: Just lurk around a while and learn how things work here; at least until you know when to or when not to make a new thread.
technically i asked a question wether or not there was a tab book out there in a country other then canada...maybe sweeden? yeah i am new to this forum but not forums in is there a Tab Book?