Incubus Returns!

Yeah. That solo owns.

Ben Kinney fills in nicely. Dirk was on another level, but Kinney doesn't deserve the bad rep.

If anyone does, it's DJ Kilmore. Where the hell is he? He's doing sound effects and shit, but no scratching!
I've liked some of their singles (Don't like this "Megalomaniac" one, though), but that's pretty much everything outside "SCIENCE" that I've heard. Some kid lent me SCIENCE and never wanted to take it back, so i got stuck with it. I can't get through the whole CD, cuz my brain starts to explode, cuz I can't stand it.
A damn shame.

Edgecrusher said:
They changed it to Opprobrium.

Oppressor was a death metal band from the mid-90's who are now the rock band Soil.
Yeah, I knew about that(SOiL) too. You can see how I'd mess the names up. Both start with "oppr" and both bands went through a name change.