Introduce yourself

Hello, I'm Carlos, 30 from Portugal. I have been having difficulty finding good metal albuns in recent times, let alone classic ones. It's impressive that you can't get a label to back you up, but after giving it some thought and knowing how the labels do work and how they manage their target audience, it actually makes sense. Neverthless, i came across Cybion a month or so ago in list of 2009 albuns and gave it a go in Kalisia myspace page. I wasn't prepared for the massive masterpiece presented. It's an instant classic, and definitely the best album i've heard this year and as a collector i would like a physical copy of it. Your website says you're out of stock. Any idea when you'll have some , and also, are you going to have the digipack version? One final question: Do you have plans for a tour in Europe? If so, see the possibilities of Portugal. I've been recommending you to some of my friends and their reaction has been pretty much the same as mine(one of them also wants a copy). Congratulations on the dedication and sacrifices of putting an album all at your expenses. You're great musicians and that will soon be recognized and compensated. Best of luck.
Hello from Canada! Name's Jeremiah and I discovered Kalisia and this site thru a member of yours that shared a youtube video on FB. Have been listening to Cybion tracks and I just wanna say that they are amazing!

Been a lurker here for a while now but decided to join your ranks as a regular member. More power to you! Kalisia rocks!!!! :rock::rock::rock:
Hi, all!

I'm 22, student, from Croatia. I've been listening to metal in general for quite some time, 11-12 years it must be now. I started with hard rock, transitioned to symphonic power metal, stayed there for quite some time, and during the last few years have shifted to progressive metal (and rock also) which I found suits me best. About a year back, I got heavily into doom metal, and a few months ago, I've discovered melodic death metal via "Into Eternity" whose vocalist Stu Block is now in Iced Earth.

So here I am now. It's funny because before I avoided black / death metal like the plague because I preferred (and still do, actually) clean vocals. I guess it was just about finding the right bands. I'm still very, very picky about the vocals, though. My favorite "growler" is definitely and by far Kohle from the melodic prog doom project Another Perfect Day (Dan Swano is a guest vocalist on the linked song!).

My musical tastes are rather eclectic, but I prefer the following types of metal: progressive (power) and (epic) doom ; I've found they suit me the best. I also like any mixture of the two or their subtypes. Like mentioned before, I've also gotten into melodeath as of late.

My favorite artists are:
Dio (the one and only) / Dio era Rainbow, Sabbath, and Heaven and Hell
Blaze Bayley (his solo career has produced what has to be the finest heavy metal of the last decade)
Communic (my favorite progressive metal band)
Solitude Aeturnus (my favorite doom metal band)
While Heaven Wept (epic power doom at its finest)
Hourglass (one damn fine prog rock / metal band from USA; also have a knack for long albums - their last Oblivious to the Obvious
is 10 songs spread on 2 CD's with 2 hours and 20 minutes of music in total)
Virgin Steele (my favorite epic power metal band, and I mean epic!)
Another Perfect Day (my favorite melodeath band)
Symphony X (the band that got me into power metal and ignited a spark for progressive metal, so it has a special place in my heart)
Disillusion (great progressive melodeath)

And now I can add Kalisia to this list.

How I discovered Kalisia? I'm a regular user, and I've been browsing the APD page, when one user compared Kohle's vocals to Vurtox's, of the German progressive melodeath band Disillusion. I was blown away with Disillusion's "Back to Times of Splendor" album. I seriously recommend it to all Kalisia fans.

Anyway, I visited Disillusion's group, where another user asked if there was another band out there with the level of epicness such as Disilussion's. A few named Kalisia, and Cybion. So I went and downloaded Cybion via torrents, had my mind blown (again), and now I just ordered the digipak because I want to support artists of such caliber.

And that's how I got into Kalisia.

Wow, long introduction is long. :grin:
Hey Im Kyle from Canada, Found about Kalisia from my cousin there, I play Bass guitar, love to listen to music write it and jam it... after all it is another language to me. My fav bands would have to be - Kalisia, persefone, wintersun, kalmah, symphony x, Devin townsend, dorn, ensiferium, Skyfire, opeth... theres too many great bands out there.

Thanks for the community welcome.
Mr. Legault
Hi all !
My name is Thibault, I'm from Rennes in France. I am more or less fan of all kinds of extreme melodic bands, such as Equilibrium, Cradle of Filth, Trepalium and many others.

I discovered Kalisia thanks to (the best encyclopedia of metal in the world :D) metalstorm as I usually do when I want to discover some bands. I was looking for good french bands and saw Kalisia as an invisible band (meaning that it's much less prominent on the site that you can't find it if you don't seek it particularly). I could not believe my eyes : how a band can have so many fans (93, but it's actually a lot in this website) being invisible ? It must be a fucking band !

And it was :)

Je m'appelle David, de Montélimar en France. J'ai acheté récemment Cybion. C'est vraiment de la bombe. Je l'écoute en boucle. Je suis accro. Félicitations!! Je suis par ailleurs libraire. Si d'aventure cela dit à Kalisia de venir faire un petit concert à Montélimar, on pourra organiser cela avec les commerçants du centre-ville et la ville de Montélimar, si elle est partante pour prêter une scène pour un concert au moment des beaux jours!!
Je voulais dire aussi que cela fait maintenant quelques années que j'écoute du metal. J'ai découvert Kalisia en écoutant Par ailleurs, j'adore Swallow the sun, Tristania, In Mourning, Rhapsody of Fire, Epica, Apocalyptica, Van Canto, Blind Guardian, Abhor, John Arch, Dream Theater, etc. Chez les Français, j'aime Benighted Soul, Kells, Adagio, Enneade, entre autres.
A Montélimar, c'est le désert musical. Pas de magasin de musique digne de ce nom (mais avec le téléchargement, il est compréhensible que ce soit compliqué pour un disquaire de s'installer dans une petite ville de 35 000 habitants).