I think it would be nice if all forum participants (and visitors) introduced themselves briefly. E.g.
- your native culture, language,
- country, age, name,
- interests,
- when and how did you learn about Orphaned Land,
- which OL songs/albums you like most of all,
- what musical instruments do you play,
- what other music than OL's kosher-halal metal you adore
etc. - anything you considering worth writing about yourself.
I think this thread is going to be especially useful to new people here, however the "older" participants can also learn something new about each other here.
PS: Please no off-topics here. You can use Private Mesaging system intensively to discuss anything not very relevant, e.g. communicating with people from your country.
Sorry for being such a "control freak", I have experience of moderating a 500-participants totally international online community, and I learnt how quickly a thread can become a complete mess (very difficult to follow and scaringly huge) because of endless offtopic comments.
I think it would be nice if all forum participants (and visitors) introduced themselves briefly. E.g.
- your native culture, language,
- country, age, name,
- interests,
- when and how did you learn about Orphaned Land,
- which OL songs/albums you like most of all,
- what musical instruments do you play,
- what other music than OL's kosher-halal metal you adore
etc. - anything you considering worth writing about yourself.
I think this thread is going to be especially useful to new people here, however the "older" participants can also learn something new about each other here.
PS: Please no off-topics here. You can use Private Mesaging system intensively to discuss anything not very relevant, e.g. communicating with people from your country.
Sorry for being such a "control freak", I have experience of moderating a 500-participants totally international online community, and I learnt how quickly a thread can become a complete mess (very difficult to follow and scaringly huge) because of endless offtopic comments.