Introducing ourselves.

Sister Morticia,

Yeah, I had to find my place among like-minded individuals, i.e., people who are not sheeple, b/c they think for themselves, but their thoughts lead them to a place upon which we all, due to our own quests, converge, at least roughly.

From the # of characters I'm splashing on the OL screen, it seems like I've got pent-up words that are just dying to get out, ain't that the case? Really, that's a reflection of my love of the written word. But you're spot on, b/c I know what you're referring to, namely, the content of my, uh, hopefully coherent comments and commentary. God Help me. I'm so sold. And that's great.

Of course I noticed your quote from Rbt. Frost. He's my favorite American poet and my sister lives just a few miles from his old haunts (so what? well *shrug*). The Road Less Traveled is an honor to take, because you'll be going to a place/places that others overlooked. And when the traveler finds her/his place in due time, a life well-lived enters an even better chapter. That's the beauty of not following the hysterical crowds. Yes, it's been many years in the desert for me. I'm not whining, mind you, I'm glad that I've been involved in so much, some due to my choices, most due to things I could not control. Life is to be lived often exposed to harsh elements, oh yeah, no matter what's dished out for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Girl, as I'm sure you do, I've got stories and what makes them (I think) interesting, aside from how weird they are, is that they're 100% true.

I'm a little bit wary to share with Lord Knows who (who reads this? potentially, anyone, oh whatever) the various stops I've taken on my long and winding road (Lennon/McCartney). But it seems to me that I'm not the only Seeker here, and perhaps I have found what I was looking for (with apologies to U2). That would be very nice. Y'all have no idea how special that would be for me. We'll all get to know one another. After all, when another Sister (am I starting to talk like a Born Again Christian?!) welcomed me to the "community," I was a bit startled. But, yes, there's community to be had, revolving around OL. There's a Movement that's building steam and it's getting increasing attention from those who like it, those who don't, the undecided, and the indifferent. That phenomenon does not occur with "another good rock band." Anyhow, the more attention, the better, preferably from those sympathetic to what OL's all about, but, in the end, the more attention, the better, from whomever, so bring it on!

In a way, OL's music and message are like the inkblots of the Rorschach Test. We all see different things that relate to both our conscious and subconscious memories, wishes, and here-and-now thoughts and feelings. Yet it converges, as I wrote earlier, and that's because there's something very Jungian going on here. There's a collective subconsciousness of what's good and right and it's rising to a level of consciousness. I'm not trying to turn this into another rock-academic treatise. I hope it doesn't seem that way. But all I have are my tools to comprehend what is making me take a 180 from many previous pursuits, with other gone-but-not-forgotten ones left in my personal history.

Morticia, I'm happy. I wish I could spill my beans here entirely and totally explain why this is the case but (a) that's not a good idea, (b) It'll bore e/o to tears, (c) those of us who take this seriously will eventually meet and, in the meantime, correspond via a more secure modality and be candid.

Or have I gone bloody mad? If I have, it's a great experience. Which means that I haven't, because I have seen hundreds of patients who have "lost their minds" and they are anything but thrilled, those poor souls.

Love to all, all to Love,

O la laaa- I guess you had to be silent for many years five string. Or you just found your place amongst like minded people? I opt for the latter. Until I met Orphaned Land I never knew what it was I was searching for. With them, and everyone around them, I found this brotherhood of people that are into light, positivity and showing there is another way. Then I understood which path it was I wanted- needed- to take (see my signature) I always knew that metal was about much more than just music, but only with Orphaned Land I understood what that "much more" was.

Every 2-3 months or so, I'd be hooked with a new band. I thought OL would be a passing phase, but surprisingly it wasn't. It may be so heavily cliched, hearing about something new that came and changed one's life, be it any form of art, a game or a person even. On two levels, the first, I love the music. Its very thoughtful done, and one can easily experience the richness offered. The second is just the very idea of what's going on.

[Open post to the members of the band]
You have no idea in how many countless ways you have moved people beyond words and inspired to look forward to a utopia.

End of emo-ish reflection
The age is supposed to be 18-21. Well, as with anything, that doesn't count for much here :D I'm 17 but heck I've had my share of alcohol :muahaha:

I'm amazed by the intellectual capacity of the people here, you included. Reading these posts are actually thought provoking.

Brother Ananth,

My Orphaned friend, your terrible transgression, your damning safe with me. Now IDK about the others, but I suspect you're in supportive company. Now darn it, obey the law!!!! :hotjump: :Smokedev:

Lamb of God calls its fan-club The Congregation. I happen to love those boys. Back when I was playing in DC/NYC and whatever, they were bustin' a** just down I-95 in Richmond, VA. And they made it. I respect their work-ethic, and Blythe's lyrics are like total catharsis--the man speaks (or growls) his mind very articulately. However, does LOG = OL? Heck no. OL's Community is real, both the Internet-based one and the worldwide in-the-flesh up-close-and-personal one. The latter, in particular, is fixin' to be a Movement, son. 'xcuse my Southernisms...Missouri's culturally (and historically) a Border State. And I lived in the hills of Kentucky, deep in them thar hills, where snake-handlin' was alive and kickin.' The handlers weren't always alive though. Shoot fire, life's stranger than fiction and I didn't coin that phrase but I've lived it and intend to continue to for a very long time.

OL attracts thinking people, yes. I agree with you, the brainpower here can easily power a semitrailer or...twenty, perhaps more. And we're not talking dork intellect, either. Peeps with real lives and real ideas are attracted to a band with just that. The idea of the "Concept Album" emerged with the Beatle's Sgt. Pepper. So it's not that new...well in the scheme of musical history, it's a newborn, but, yeah, new it is for all due purposes. One can appreciate a concept album for its "hits," if it has them, and both Sgt Pepper and, oh, say, Mabool have them. But the smart people who take in such albums are blown away by how everything fits together conceptually, musically, etc. But by the time the Beatles were telling a very stoned world the Gospel Truth that All You Need is Love, they weren't performing, and, darn, for various reasons they didn't have a Movement.

OL's main thesis is All You Need is Peace. They are performing, more and more people are getting turned on to the music and the message, so a still way stoned world is going to get the message, with much of its members kicking and screaming all the way to the classroom. This can happen! Just like in chemistry, a strong enough catalyst can activate a massive reaction that triggers further reactions of substantial magnitude. OL is the catalyst. We and, God Love 'em, many others, are reacting, and I just pray that the impact will increase exponentially. It can. Because we're not just going to pray. Even the religious among us tend to agree (do you?) that God Helps those who help themselves. So the Community will have to work hard. It's worth it; there are many ways to contribute to the Peace Effort (doesn't that beat the term "War Effort" with a 2 x 4?). I'm going to find mine. I've made up my mind about that.

So I guess I'm in Love :yow:

Y'all be good, alright? I'll be right here, just give me a holler. We'll connect.

[Open post to the members of the band]
You have no idea in how many countless ways you have moved people beyond words and inspired to look forward to a utopia.

End of emo-ish reflection

Ananth, man

You're a modest guy. You're self-effacing, you don't own the average mega-ego that my neighbors seem to. But you're smart, mature, you care about people, and you've got heart. That's why you're finding yourself here.

Your reflection wasn't emo-ish :hotjump: Bro,' emo's about scrutinizing one's own navel and moaning about one's (mostly imagined) angst. You're speaking words of truth, and they're anything but narcissistic.

Those are words of an Orphaned Land metal-head, blood :muahaha:

So give this Community a try, huh? This isn't some cult. There's no Blood in, Blood Out gang code here to fear. This just might be for you, in which case, you've beaten me to the chase by nearly two decades. Cheers, lil' brother :worship:

25th post of the day, is the forum getting active or what ?!?! :D :D

Dude are you a shrink ?! :D Anyway, its really hard to keep up with your pace so I shall reply later.
Yes, Ananth,

I'm a PsyDoc, a man who, if you believe the pick-up lines I get in bars (please don't), can read minds.

It usually goes like this:

She: So, like, are you analyzing me?

Me: No; should I be?

==> Where does it go from there? If she's got any brains, she gets the joke & gives me a wisea** rejoinder. If she's got issues, she takes my response as an insult. So, in the former case, there's hope, because I've made it tactfully clear that I'm not here to do what I do all day (although "analyzing" is a fairly antiquated term here) but rather, well, we'll see. In the latter case, I give her the business card of a colleague (it's a litigious society here; I don't mix work w/play) & work my way...away.

But I'm staying away from the bars these days for various reasons.

Bro,' when I check out of work, I'm me, Joe FiveString. Of course, if there's an emergency in the bar/cafe/restaurant/park, yeah, there's a shrink in the house.

Don't worry about keeping up with me. My Road Not Taken was an English PhD. I love to write. I keep putting off writing my (but of course) Oliver Sacks -style series on really really really (really) interesting patients (and staff; they're a hoot).

Hey: Maybe I can be the road-shrink for OL and the crew. I mean, gigging is very stressful. I need a change. Please contact me to discuss this further. Everything will, of course, be fully confidential, as required by my professional ethics and Federal and State law. This ad was sponsored by the American Psychological and Psychiatric Associations, who both want to unload FS on someone else, preferably thousands of miles away.

I was listening to old recordings of my bands back when I was about your age. Nostalgia central! Well...even my kind needs rest. I'm heading for some right :tickled:

So don't be afraid of the big bad shrink. Boo! :Smokedev:

Y'all Be Good,

Well, I'm new here, I've checked this forum many times before, but I didn't registered until now, so well, I hope to have a nice time here, greets :D.
Hey: Maybe I can be the road-shrink for OL and the crew. I mean, gigging is very stressful. I need a change. Please contact me to discuss this further. Everything will, of course, be fully confidential, as required by my professional ethics and Federal and State law.
Hahaha :D
But I'm afraid that those guys don't need a shrink on the road.
They need a mom.
And one who repeats all day (in whatever order) "wake up!" "time to eat!" "The bus is there in 5 minutes!" "don't forget your passport!".

Well, I'm new here, I've checked this forum many times before, but I didn't registered until now, so well, I hope to have a nice time here, greets :D.

Props to you for taking the S-T-E-P and registering. I expect you will have a nice time here with this fine feathered flock of Orphans.

Give a holler any time you feel like it. Again, welcome on-board. It's nice to have other noobs aside from me :tickled:


Hahaha :D
But I'm afraid that those guys don't need a shrink on the road.
They need a mom.
And one who repeats all day (in whatever order) "wake up!" "time to eat!" "The bus is there in 5 minutes!" "don't forget your passport!".


Yeah, BC-A,

That makes sense and you're there to witness it. All that rushing, good grief. But even male shrinks make good "moms." We're so nurturing. :loco: And I do that without coming across all smarmy and touchy-feely. I've got lots of Mediterranean machismo flowing through my veins (and arteries, I hope).

Seriously, my sense from watching vids and talking to some head honchos with good heads on their shoulders is that the entourage is in very good hands, with a doting mom and dad, in fact, right there on-da-ground.

But what about the fans? Surely there are psych issues, from mild to urgent that need attention? Some peeps get very confused when they dig a band, especially those who aren't that stable to begin with. They start assigning all sorts of strange attributes to their heroes, and quite often experience identity issues. And, whoah, what about the ones that drink a bit too much mescal or whatev?' I suppose y'all have that covered.

I haven't been on-tour with y'all (yet--watch out, FS' comin'), so you know what's up. Just tell me how I can help and I'll do my best, like any good Orphan would. I get around, see.

#@!!! Monday's rapidly approaching and, as I told Ananth, I've got a DEADline to meet first thing in the AM.

So have no fear: I'm off for the night. No War & Peace volumes from me on this forum this evening. But you'd better believe that my report will be massive: I don't care. I like to write, especially when I need to be thorough, like with my work. So...they gave me a 1st-thang-in-the-morning deadline? Watch me, if you will, crank out forty meaningful pp by midnight.

Over and totally Out.

noob Orphan (with earlier, unofficial background)
How true! The stories we could tell here :muahaha:

Welcome to the forum ZuzuzOR (what's in a name) I'm glad you decided to join us in a more 'active' role. And don't be afraid: we don't expect everyone to write posts like Five String a.k.a. "Hemingway" does *wink*

Awww, Morticia....

Me, "Hemingway?" Even if I didn't have a report to write, I'd go hide for a few hours. You're sharp n' witty and I'm no Hemingway. But, uh, thanks? :Saint:

And I'd be eager to hear/read the stories that you are authorized to tell me here...or there. Straight!


William Faulkner (FS)
Hello Will, I do hope you are no Hemingway. Because if he was around now, he'd be seeing you right? And that was a sad ending. Haha, I do feel like a kid now, reading Hemingway in school right now et al.
Well, nice thread. I'm David from Spain. I can't promise to be a really active member in this forum but I'll do my best, that's for sure! As some other said, I'm also againts the idea of "nation", since I believe humans beings should all live together no matter what cultural, religious ideas you got. The world has no owners so I found that sharing would be the utopia: no frontiers, no wars, no racism or discrimination. We are all brothers, no matter if you're a believer or not, or in what you believe.

Regarding music (my favourite topic along with literature) I like way too many bands and styles to name there all here. I can say that I can't think about a living without music so yeh, I would say Music is Life. Some of my favourites bands and artist are Opeth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Riverside, Mats Leven, Candlemass, Frost, Redemption, Porcupine Tree, Ayreon (and pretty much everything Arjen Lucassen is involved with), Nightingale, Bloodbath, Dream Theater, Marvin Gaye, Jeff Beck, Gonin-Ish, Mussorgsky (who cares about Mozart when you got the great Modest Mussorgsky?:grin:), Mozart (:grin::D),
Saxon, Therion, Nikolo Kotzev, Kelly Sundown, Beyond Twilight, Jorn, King Crimson, Rush, Marillion...and a huge etc and, of course Orphaned Land.

I discovered the band in 2000. I asked a friend to lend me his Dark Ride album (Helloween) that was new by the time...but inside the CD case it was "El Norra Alila", so I put it on and magic happened. My favourite album is Mabool, and will probably always be since I've live very important moments in my life with the music in this CD.

A wish? To see Orphaned Land live, which I couldn't do so far.

I speak spanish and, as you read, english. At the moment I'm thinking about studying German which I've always like phonetically.

Curiosities: My name, David, means as far as I know "God Beloved One", but I'm an atheist.
Well, I figured that when you like Frost, you must like Hemingway. And I'm quite a fan of the man myself. A farwell to arms- what a peice of work. But let's not turn this forum into a literature one.

Not necessarily in order of priority:

(a) You figured me out, Morticia. Who's the shrink, huh? Awesome that I find a fellow-lit-lover here. But, no, let's not turn this into a lit forum. People wouldn't go along with that silliness, anyhow :o. They'll get plumb mad :hotjump:

(b) Being a noob, and avoiding taking the Faulkner et al. route so as to be, uh, fair to y'all (and me--it's the workweek, woohoo), I don't know where the various threads are located. In due time I will, but I'm rushing. No, not Russian; I'm in a rush (so I'll STFU soon). So I'll just throw it down here: Was I in for a beautiful surprise when I mistakenly clicked the Official Orphaned Land link! Y'all know what's new; I know I'm FS-come-lately. I don't care, though: Happy Happy Joy Joy! It's coming to fruition and I'm so excited I'll need to go to the kitchen and eat a pear. Yeah, that excited.

Celebrate, Orphans! Whatever you're doing, know that I am, and I'm making plans for a real bash come Friday. :grin:

I mean, dang.... I can't be any more articulate in Re the sights & sounds I encountered...I'm officially rendered speechless. Hemingway will wait.

Over n' Out,

Well, nice thread. I'm David from Spain. ... The world has no owners so I found that sharing would be the utopia:...Opeth...and, of course Orphaned Land.

I discovered the band in 2000. I asked a friend to lend me his Dark Ride album (Helloween) that was new by the time...but inside the CD case it was "El Norra Alila", so I put it on and magic happened. My favourite album is Mabool, and will probably always be since I've live very important moments in my life with the music in this CD.

A wish? To see Orphaned Land live, which I couldn't do so far.

I speak spanish and, as you read, english. At the moment I'm thinking about studying German which I've always like phonetically.

Curiosities: My name, David, means as far as I know "God Beloved One", but I'm an atheist.

Welcome, Coon AKA David!

Please forgive me for chopping up your "quote:" I figured you had no pressing need to read your post twice.

I like your philosophy. As you know, everybody on earth agrees with you.... Can't you tell? Doggit, I wish they did. We'll convince them. Yeah, that's it.

I want to learn German, too! I took out a massive CD-course from the library but realized that I didn't have any time. So you'll beat me to it.

Opeth? Awesome band.... In a tangential way, which is usually how I work, that band's music brought me to Orphaned Land.

Well, on this side of the Pond:

Gut Nacht,

I discovered the band in 2000. I asked a friend to lend me his Dark Ride album (Helloween) that was new by the time...but inside the CD case it was "El Norra Alila", so I put it on and magic happened. My favourite album is Mabool, and will probably always be since I've live very important moments in my life with the music in this CD.

Hi David and welcome here!
Your story of how you discovered Orphaned Land is cool and funny in a way. You must be a curious person. I do get what you are saying about Mabool. It is very special to me too and I love the album to pieces. Still, I think with the new stuff it will be like with my nephews: every time there is one born, I find I have more space in my heart. You see this is a vessel that is never filled to the point that there is no more space! ( not quoting any writer here FS)
(a) You figured me out, Morticia. Who's the shrink, huh?

Easy: I saw you dropped a hint here and there. If you don't like books, you would never use them as a reference. Like you talked about Tolstoy for instance. we could make a thread about it? Yesterday Ananth asked me about books about the Middle East/ by ME writers. I had to admit I'm not that knowledgable about it. I did read a....
you know what? I'm making a thread :loco:
Easy: I saw you dropped a hint here and there. If you don't like books, you would never use them as a reference. Like you talked about Tolstoy for instance. we could make a thread about it? Yesterday Ananth asked me about books about the Middle East/ by ME writers. I had to admit I'm not that knowledgable about it. I did read a....
you know what? I'm making a thread :loco:

Precisely: I "dropped a hint here and there" because I, as you discovered with characteristic ease, because you are observant (a non-skimmer), like books of the non-trashy variety. I don't like Kindle or its relatives though. I love the sight of fine prose on quality paper, and cherish a well-bound book. Don't flame me, please concerning that dis-affinity :flame:

Ananth! The guy's in his teens and his brief, so un-Hemingway'esque (in their brevity, not quality) msgs are a joy to read b/c his style of writing is one of economy (you there, Ananth? UB good!) that does not compromise quality. 'tis humbling.

Morticia, you can blame me if you go loco and make a lit-thread in your, hmmm, "spare time." It can focus on literature, secular, religious, and what-not regarding the Middle East, metal :muahaha: Why not? Excuse the martial metaphor, but why not use a double-barreled shotgun of peace in the form of Music + Literature? We're up against some very stubborn opponents. So let's give 'em all we got. Keep yer musical and literary powder dry, Peace-Soldiers.

Yeah, here I am. I had three hours of quality sleep. And that's okay.


And Good Day,