Introducing ourselves.

Hi David and welcome here!
Your story of how you discovered Orphaned Land is cool and funny in a way. You must be a curious person. I do get what you are saying about Mabool. It is very special to me too and I love the album to pieces. Still, I think with the new stuff it will be like with my nephews: every time there is one born, I find I have more space in my heart. You see this is a vessel that is never filled to the point that there is no more space! ( not quoting any writer here FS)

Of course you are quoting a writer: Yourself. Please: "You see, this is a vessel that is never filled to the point that there is no space!" You wrote that, in your non-native tongue. Fess up, Morticia--you're a writer and that's...good. :OMG:

I'll peruse a bit more, and then get ready for a very long day. What? No, I'm not complaining: I signed up for long days; challenges are my friends. It appears that such is the case with most of y'all...oops, Southernism again. Don't chuckle, North-of-the-Mason-Dixon fellow Americans! Many of us here and all the way down to the Gulf savor our drawl and twang. Mr. Faulkner, God Bless you for winning a Nobel Prize "for" Southern literature, sir. RIP.

Heheh: So can you tell by now who my absolute favorite US author is?

Easy. Of course. Difficult is overrated.

Enjoy Your Day!

Hmm- Fitzgerald is your fave? Get a rest!!!!

Not hardly! Heaven, no. The Country Club set never interested me one iota. Faulkner, Welty, Frost, O'Connor.... There's where the pickings are good; it's in neighborhoods such as theirs that I take my walks.

Methinks...oh, never mind.
Ananth! The guy's in his teens and his brief, so un-Hemingway'esque (in their brevity, not quality) msgs are a joy to read b/c his style of writing is one of economy (you there, Ananth? UB good!) that does not compromise quality. 'tis humbling.

Thank you old man! I'm seriously fla-bbergas-ttered !

I'm seriously enjoying the way you write :worship: Its hilarious yet serious and its like there's a part of you which is a kid waiting to burst out.

Still, I think with the new stuff it will be like with my nephews: every time there is one born, I find I have more space in my heart. You see this is a vessel that is never filled to the point that there is no more space! ( not quoting any writer here FS)

Wow as FS pointed out, that's quite a neat analogy. Maybe this should be posted in that other thread which I'm mortified to venture into :D
Oh no Ananth- it was so nice and football free here.:muahaha:

Welcome to the new boys' club :D

:D Yes I forgot to mention, I also love football, and I mean soccer of course:grin: I'm a Real Madrid supporter.

El Classico is one heck of a match ! :D I'd kill to view that match of epic proportions! I must confess leaning towards Barca though. I prefer their style of football, atleast until Rijkaard was the manager. Haven't seen much of Gaurdiola's Barca so I won't comment on that. But you've got C.Ronaldo so its gonna be less of a team from now on :D Raul :worship: Casillas :worship:
And of the older days, Zizou :worship:
Welcome to the new boys' club :D

El Classico is one heck of a match ! :D I'd kill to view that match of epic proportions! I must confess leaning towards Barca though. I prefer their style of football, atleast until Rijkaard was the manager. Haven't seen much of Gaurdiola's Barca so I won't comment on that. But you've got C.Ronaldo so its gonna be less of a team from now on :D Raul :worship: Casillas :worship:
And of the older days, Zizou :worship:

Really, Barça is playing great. As a R.Madrid supporter it hurts a bit to say, but it's just the truth. Last year they won everything (League, National Cup, Champions League) and they started the season winning the European Supercup so, yeh, they're in a great moment and doing great football. Thankfull this year, in the understanding that they're playing great, is not as great as last season, and with C.Ronaldo and Kaká, I really hope for our chances in the big match. Will see what happens the 29th...
Yeah I get what you're pointing out. That sucks actually as then its no longer about football with the team just a mere figurehead in a 'battle' then. Though I support a club because of the way they play, I do have that irrational sports fan gone berserk moments when they play badly and lose :D But its beautiful and utterly graceful seeing swift, free flowing football * teary eyed * .

check your PM dude
I just want to wish y'all a great weekend, wherever on the globe or solar-system you may be presently situated.

My loqacious presence was sadly missed, I'm sure :) But work was brutal and one day literally ran into another. Perhaps that's why, when I have some time to myself, I write so #@$!! much. Whatever. My task right now: To sleep, perchance to dream. Pure (black) Gold!


Be Good,

Hello Will, I do hope you are no Hemingway. Because if he was around now, he'd be seeing you right? And that was a sad ending. Haha, I do feel like a kid now, reading Hemingway in school right now et al.

Right you are, Ananth. It's been a while, dude. I hope you're doing well.

The Hemingways (i.e., dad's side) had strong suicidal tendencies in the form of a constellation of inherited and taught self-destructive traits. His dad wrecked his promising, hard-earned medical career and shot himself. This set quite an example for the lad, alas. Combine that with the author-son's alcoholism, multiple serious auto-accidents due to the aforesaid w/the cumulative brain damage--mostly to the frontal cortex, the part of our brain that "makes us sentient" and is the key player in impulse-control...all this, w/a guy w/little inborn self-control to begin with!

And, as if that wasn't enough, Hemingway obsessively and desperately asserted his masculinity (to himself; nobody ever questioned it) in all sorts of radical ways, such as an embedded (before the term existed) war correspondent. So when age and his recklessness started taking their toll on his strength, he began to hate himself even more than he always did. So he "executed" himself.

Thanks for caring: I don't have suicidal tendencies. Others have tried to kill me, but I haven't tried to kill me. And the characters that tried to kill me are all dead.

Take Care,

Hehehe, I like the idea!
okay here goes...

My name is Mahmoud, it's pronounced Maah-Mood. It's an arabic name and one of the names given to the Islamic Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

21 years old, I live in Bahrain, orignally persian.

-I know Arabic, English and Persian so far. I also know a little french, and I started studying Hebrew lately.
I also want to learn Hindi in the very soon future....My favorite OL album would be El Norra Alila, and that is because it has the most Oriental influences in it...My fav OL songs of all time would be Find Yourself Discover God, Birth of The Three, Of Temptation Born and Ocean Land...I play Oud and an old recorder flute that I once brought cheap lol. I tried to play the guitar but I couldn't go any further so I gave up...My favorite metal bands after OL would be Melechesh and Rudra.

-Err I don't have anything else to say here, just express my love for OL :D

Salam Alikom/Shalom Alechem.

Welcome, Brother!

Man, you speak more languages than anyone I've met lately. I wouldn't worry about the guitar: You've got the Oud and that recorder. If you can handle so many languages, I am pretty certain that you can handle some awesome playing. Maybe we'll jam sometime, eh?

You know, I didn't have a clue about Melechesh until their last CD came out.... I stumbled upon it via the usual suspect: Amazon. The samples alone blew my mind (it's much better now). So that CD's on my shopping-list. What's Rudra like?

Isn't it a shame (hint, hint, Century Media) that OL's earlier releases are not currently in print? How shameful that peace-loving fans like us need to resort to purchasing at mega-inflated prices releases like Sahara and your fav, El Norrah Alilah, from unscrupulous "merchants."

Huh? Nah, I'm not going to support those thieves. I'm entertaining myself checking out obscure music-stores for OL's old know, stores where country music is where it's at :zombie:

I believe I found one w/your fav album in a store way out in sticks. Please pray for me, Disciple :waah: The owner told me something like this: "Yep, ah thaynk thayt we've got thayt thar CD stored in bayk, 'cause the local folks jest don't git into anythang exotic lahk thayt...."


Best Wishes!