Iron Maiden collaboration

Do the covers have to be in the original tuning or can we play around with that?

As for song suggestions, I would like to do any, or all if you guys are up for it!, of the following:
Caught Somewhere In Time
Wasted Years

EDIT: I just realized that this collaboration is for one song only, I thought it would be for a bunch of songs. I revised my song suggestions to just a couple.

Okay, so my vote is going towards Caught Somewhere in Time, also put me down for Drum Programming if needed. Speaking of messing around with tuning I'm cool with playing which ever songs are voted in a half step down if it helps the singer.



waiting for the rest to give their vote and then we'll decide which songs and who's going take which role.
awesome, if someone can knock out guitars to Hallowed by Thy name to a click track, I've got a drummer who I can record

I did a Maiden collab a few years ago with a couple of guys from Australia actually and we did Hallowed, Killers and Powerslave - turned out great but we programmed the drums and they were the weakest part (way before Slate drums et al were around). Real drums would be awesome.
I would prefer to do a couple of different Maiden tracks on this thread but send me the click track anyway and I'll see if I can pull some guitars together for you. Maybe someone else will chime in as well.
ok guys, update:



we have vocalists for 6 songs which is too much.
I think with the current participants we can knock out 3 maybe 4 songs.
with three songs not everybody will be able to participate I'm afraid but with 4 songs we should
be able to accomodate everyone except for the 6 vocalists.

but let's first determine the songs.
Caught Somewhere In Time, the Clairvoyant and Hallowed have already been mentioned twice so the could be potential candidates.

next step: everybody please vote for one of these songs
I won't vote for a song since I'm down for mastering, I will say I am happy to master all 4 tracks if no one else wants to have a crack. :kickass: