Iron Maiden collaboration

Ha, cheers guys! That sound kinda pissed me off for years, always wanted it but could never get anywhere. I dont even think maiden used it live back in the day (probably a reason for that though, maybe it wouldve been a sonic mess!)
Managed to find a cheap-ish set of flatwound bass strings so they're on order and should be here in a couple of days. Will get my bass track done by the end of the week.
thanks, I included you:



what's with the other guys?

OK. I don't know about anyone else but I'm confused as fuck as to what the first steps are. Makes sense that drums should be recorded and/or programmed, click tracks and bass lines done first but we need some direction I think to get moving on each one. Should we put each song on it's own thread and have those involved in that song reply to the specific threads? If we keep them all in one thread, it'll be a nightmare trying to keep everything straight.
OK. I don't know about anyone else but I'm confused as fuck as to what the first steps are. Makes sense that drums should be recorded and/or programmed, click tracks and bass lines done first but we need some direction I think to get moving on each one. Should we put each song on it's own thread and have those involved in that song reply to the specific threads? If we keep them all in one thread, it'll be a nightmare trying to keep everything straight.

well, my goal with this was to arrive at an overview of a) which songs we were going to cover and b) who would play which instrument on which song.

it didn't quite work out because some people didn't tell us which instrument they would like to do on which song so the spreadsheets are incomplete as of now.

moreover, since people have already begun tracking their parts for some songs (which is awesome!) I don't want to slow down the process anymore although we don't have every instrument of the three songs covered yet.

nonetheless, I think it would be a good idea, as you mentioned, to make a new thread for every song and let the people that already know their place work out the song.

I'll make new threads asap.

any input is welcome guys.
well, my goal with this was to arrive at an overview of a) which songs we were going to cover and b) who would play which instrument on which song.

it didn't quite work out because some people didn't tell us which instrument they would like to do on which song so the spreadsheets are incomplete as of now.

moreover, since people have already begun tracking their parts for some songs (which is awesome!) I don't want to slow down the process anymore although we don't have every instrument of the three songs covered yet.

nonetheless, I think it would be a good idea, as you mentioned, to make a new thread for every song and let the people that already know their place work out the song.

I'll make new threads asap.

any input is welcome guys.

Awesome Colonel and thanks for your work pulling it together. I hope I didn't come across as a dick - apologize if it did but def wasn't my intent. Just wanted to get the things sorted out for each tune and get rolling on them!!!
Will check out the tune threads - cheers man!!! :rock:
I dunno why I only have "solo" checked but I can make the whole song, except vocals & mastering. :)

well, because I didn't know. the only information I got from you was:
"Hey I'd love to get on this. I've known Maiden from an album called "A call to iron" about 13 years ago with great remakes like Troopers. The other guitarist in my band could play one of the 2 solos pm me if you need examples of my work"

and that you voted for The Trooper:)

but good to know thanks.

anyway, a new thread for each song has been created.

let's make some music!
I saw some guys including me were interested singing The Clairvoyant.
Just wanted to say I wouldn't mind if we all try it and then someone chooses the best. I wouldn't mind if somebody else is better in the end and gets chosen. But I wanna sing it in any case :)
I saw some guys including me were interested singing The Clairvoyant.
Just wanted to say I wouldn't mind if we all try it and then someone chooses the best. I wouldn't mind if somebody else is better in the end and gets chosen. But I wanna sing it in any case :)

well, in case we'd have more than one person for a certain instrument of a particular song, I don't see why that wouldn't make sense if people are willing to do it. ultimately it just ensures the quality I guess.
Ok, I've been away for a week, I saw that I got the Alex. The Great gig. Feel free to send some more bass tracks my way if needed. When you have the drums, please send them to me so I can record bass tracks. I have a (white) 1977 Fender Precision that nails that Harris tone. :)
I just had a crack at the elusive "somewhere in Time" tone! A bit of the top & some slightly dodgy bends but got it quite close lol

Fuck man that sounds fantastic!!! :worship:
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for Hallowed by thy Name

drums: Skyweaver
bass: Trevoire520
guitars: ?
solo: ?
vocals: Skyweaver

Heya Guys, something must have been lost in translation we need guitarists and solos pls :)
I'll bump this one again since there's at least 2 great singers willing to participate in this. It's like finding a legendary pokemon and fleeing, gotta catch em all. I'm sure we can muster more than three songs don't you all think?

Do the covers have to be in the original tuning or can we play around with that?

As for song suggestions, I would like to do any, or all if you guys are up for it!, of the following:
Caught Somewhere In Time
Wasted Years

EDIT: I just realized that this collaboration is for one song only, I thought it would be for a bunch of songs. I revised my song suggestions to just a couple.


Still up for Wasted Years? I'll record the guitars then.
Done tracking, who do I submit the track when it's ready to get it mixed? Colonel?

well, I think it's not fully decided yet. one thing I think we all agreed with was that everybody should get the three songs as mix practice.
I don't have a plan yet on how we decide on the final mixes and masters but we'll figure it out when all three songs have been tracked.
so everybody is welcome to do a mix.

anybody not cool with it?
I'll bump this one again since there's at least 2 great singers willing to participate in this. It's like finding a legendary pokemon and fleeing, gotta catch em all. I'm sure we can muster more than three songs don't you all think?

Still up for Wasted Years? I'll record the guitars then.

I'll do Wasted Years vocals.