Is anyone else really bored...

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DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
...with the discussion on this forum?
I sure as shit am. And it is disappointing. I have better things to do in my life other than be on the Internet, sure, but when I do log on, I'd like to see some good discussion. Sure, there's always been n00bs and trolls dumbing up the forum (like myself), but fucking-a-christ-on-a-stick, it's getting down right abysmal on this forum lately. Fucking dull. I mean, seriously, it's pathetic.

(My $0.02)

PS: Vx5/Erik/Deron - Go ahead and lock this thread if you want, but I really feel that this issue deserves serious discussion.

Maybe if you would actually attempt to offer something worthwhile to the conversation, we wouldn't have this problem.
The_Isle said:
Goto the Royal Carnage sub-forum for quality discussion of the highest calibre.
I especially recommend the Write anything you like thread.

I recomend he cancel his account and never listen to metal ever again. Calling me a noob for misplacing Lamb of God (a pretty mediocore band at the best)
the reason this forum is boring is because everyone (myself included) are a bunch of self-righteous shits who force their opinions down the throats of everyone else. This isn't neccessarily a bad thing though because it creates some very entertaining fights.
Over-moderation and limiting what people can express on a forum leads to dull, dull topics and predictable results.

This is why RC is generally a better forum than GMD. Pretty much anything goes. Except Susperia, which I find rather confusing. She seemed nice enough.
Susperia said:
Oh shut up RC isn't that great anyway in terms of discussion. It's just a nice place to go to get a laugh. Big freaking deal. Nothing intelligent going on there. Rarely talk about music, and even less of Metal.

I suppose you didn't go there for very long? I only lurk there now, but having done so since after the Appropriate Apocalypse forum went down I think it would be pretty tragic if some of these fuckers went to rc.
I dont know if this has anything to do with it, but there have been so many closed threads since vvvvvvvv became a moderator it has really made me give up posting here. maybe others feel the same.
I agree with byrne. The moderation should focus more on banning people who repeatedly troll and screw up every thread (and there are plenty of those people still around on this forum as we speak) rather than constantly locking every thread that goes even slightly off topic. Locking some stupid newbie thread that has no hope of every turning into something is fine but sometimes threads that have gone for pages seem to randomly get locked for no apparent reason. It's annoying.

Basically I think most of the rules in the "rules" sticky threads are bullshit.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
...with the discussion on this forum?
I sure as shit am. And it is disappointing. I have better things to do in my life other than be on the Internet, sure, but when I do log on, I'd like to see some good discussion. Sure, there's always been n00bs and trolls dumbing up the forum (like myself), but fucking-a-christ-on-a-stick, it's getting down right abysmal on this forum lately. Fucking dull. I mean, seriously, it's pathetic.

(My $0.02)

PS: Vx5/Erik/Deron - Go ahead and lock this thread if you want, but I really feel that this issue deserves serious discussion.

:waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:

boo friggedy hoo. cry about it.
Most of the threads that are being locked are the threads that used to simply devolve into me and several other people yelling at other people for being stupid, so I don't see a whole lot of difference except for a bit less aggravation.
Necuratul said:
Most of the threads that are being locked are the threads that used to simply devolve into me and several other people yelling at other people for being stupid, so I don't see a whole lot of difference except for a bit less aggravation.

We've hit the point on a board's life where the old timers say "This board sucks now! It used to be good." It usually happens every six months. I assume it'll go away soon

Get the fuck over it. I'm sorry if you're unhappy with how I mod; I take others' opinions very seriously so instead of fucking whining about it (SUSPERIA) just fucking PM me and tell me what I could improve. I'm here to make sure things are good for everyone. I'm sorry to hear the discussion is boring, but if you so desparately want something good discussed, make a thread about it and if it warrants interesting, quality discussion, it will be kept.

Seriously guys...just talk to me, I don't want to be an asshole about this stuff, but really.

On locking threads: Yes I tend to do it a lot. Sorry, but that's just how it is. Threads overstay their welcome, become welcome mats for ignorance, or devolve into regs arguing pointlessly. That's just how metal forums are can't expect good threads to stay good forever; there's always shit to be posted that will derail threads, and that's when they get locked. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH MY JUDGMENT, TAKE IT UP WITH ME IN A PM. I have had several cases of people complaining to me because their threads were locked, and they provided valid arguments and not just "wTf m8 my thrad lokd" and do you know what I did? No, I didn't ban them; I unlocked the damn threads, because I felt they had a say in it. I'm sorry if I come across as a major dick sometimes with this stuff, but I'm trying to incorporate some sort of communication between me and the posters so you guys feel like you actually matter to the board and aren't just pawns or whatever I dunno. So basically just argue your point and all will be well; I promise I won't take offense.

Killbot said:
This irritates me too, some of the best discussion is off topic.

Only it's really not; this is a GENERAL METAL DISCUSSION forum. There are currently two threads where hardly ANYTHING is ever deleted. Go post your off-topic shit in there.

Demilich said:
This irritates me too, some of the best discussion is off topic.

Please cite actual instances of this "over-moderation." I close what is against the rules and nothing else. I'm actually asking all of you to communicate with me on the subject, so if you don't want to talk about it, I don't see why I should listen to you.

This thread stays. It IS a big deal and I honestly want to hear what people have to say.
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