Is Slipknot metal?

is slipknot metal?

  • yes

    Votes: 55 44.7%
  • no

    Votes: 68 55.3%

  • Total voters
You know what pisses me off the most about this question is the fact that had they not sold a shitload of albums this wouldn't even be an issue....They are an extremely aggresive band and they are definitely metal...Some of the riffs on the first album sound like they were influenced by Morbid Angel and they definitely DO NOT sound like most of these no talent nu-metal bands such as Linkin Park. I have been listening to metal for 17 years now and I listen to everything from Dimmu Borgir to Tool. I think some people are a little too busy trying to "out underground" everyone and wasting alot of energy slamming a band that IS HEAVY mostly because they got extremely popular. Do I like the fact that some of these younger kids today think that Slipknot is the heaviest band ever to pick up an instrument....NO! Do I think they are the best metal has to offer? Also no, but they do write some good songs and they definitely can play and are a metal band. I will admit that I have never enjoyed when a band I like becomes extremely popular because then there are a bunch of people who know nothing about music that like them simply because "it's in" and on top of that a few metal fans who feel the need to categorize everything and I think some of them actually have the mindset that if it has sold more than 50,000 copies it is somehow not metal.
this thread was hilarious to read, because people think that if they don't like it its not metal. hey, i find almost all black metal as ridiculous as slipknot, does that mean its not metal? slipknot is metal...just without much technicality or melody, but those two are not always characteristics of metal, they are just the characteristics of the metal i like.
all this time i just got the impression they were a bog standard mainstream metal band...

'mainstream metal' is still metal :rolleyes:

I like slipknot about as much as i like darkthrone... and yet i wouldn't go around saying that darkthrone "Aren't metal".
Originally posted by YourFuneral
Is GWAR metal? They have gimmickry too... The best explanation I've heard is that Nu-Metal is a type of Metal just as you have Black Metal, Doom Metal, Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Power Metal and so on... Not every metal head likes the other types of metal but that doesn't lessen the fact that THEY ARE METAL... God, I hate genre's... It's MUSIC! Some you like, some you don't... Why the FUCK are people being so defensive about what get's called Metal?!? BAH!

Im an elitist so....fuck you

Misanthrope ( having the balls to say he is fucking elitist and pretty much wants every kid who is just looking to belong with their stupid friends to get away )
Originally posted by Kovenant84
not metal...........
never were........
never will be......
sure ain't now...

but i won't go further, as all of my points have already been made.....

'cept i do take particular offense at relating black metal to slipknot......the latter is just too offspring of the consumerist society that has given rise to first pop, then nu-metal, and now this wannabe metal band that superficially mimics (and badly i might add) the true depth of black metal bands. i bet none of slipknots fans have ever listened to emperor, immortal, or mayhem......but i can't change that....oh well............

Whenever it was a manofactured proved commercial marketing strategy, or a produc of some nord fuck's imagination ( and there for artistic vision ill give you that ), MOST of black metal bands that did and do corpsepainting doit for the same ultimate reasons slipknot does: to get atention. Fine with me but as i say, they just have to stay the fuck away from me cause i wont sacrifice my artistic integrity so that a few people can look at me before they listen to me.

Misanthrope ( elitist, bitter, loner, pretty much an artist )
Originally posted by Duvall
The story I heard is.. they formed a band on their own (NOT manufactured) and found that no one would pay them any heed until they decided to go the route of spectacle.

Now tell me.. if masks make you hate a band, then what's your reaction to any (or most) Blackmetal bands that do their corpsepaint? It's just as silly, and makes them seem all-the-more-metal, right?

Regardless of their popularity or how they dress, they're still metal. I've gone from hating most nu-metal to the point where I can tolerate some of it.. Except Stinkin' Park, they belong back with OTown and NStink. Waste of my time.

If I heard Slipknot and didn't know who it was, I'd think "metal."

And so would all of you. :p

Slipknot music AT THIS POINT is just as manofactured and produced as otown, fuck they are not the first or last to have that "freak" image and simplistic open stringed powerchord focused on mindless rhythmic patterns specially designed to stick in one's head. Otown is more music because it at least has a bit of melody and SOME highschool music class harmony, on the image side they are equal. So slipknot started out metal, old fags trying to make it in the bussiness, im cool. But when they take the metal and shape it into something 13 year olds can get into. So by that standarts, they are sellouts. Nobody calls Metallica metal after load, now do you? of course not. I wont call slipknot metal after they commercial process, just as i woulndt call newer theatre of tragedy, moonspell, samael, or tons of other ex-metal bands metal.

YOu just gotta stop acting like you wanna attack slipknot without looking like elitist bastards, YOU ALL ARE. Thats what metal is and represents, thats what underground is all about whenever you like it or not. I seem to agree with belial this forum's honesty fucking sucks
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Good point.

If they aren't metal, what are they?

They'd certainly be the only non-metal band to utilize blast beats.

Read above: Sellouts. Thats what they are, they are part of the extreme music sellout genre, enough bands and posers to be a genre on its own, and everyone pretty much thinks that when they say nu-metal.
Hehehehe, no such thing as mainstream metal. Metal is and has been used to define extreme underground music and scene. Mainstream destroys that, POPULAR metal bands exist and could get a lot of atention, but mainstream implies following stupid threads to get audience and money.
The first metal band were Black Sabbath. I seem to believe they were very succesful, from the beginning. Metal goes in and out of the mainstream, because the media pick up on different types of metal, and decide them to be 'the next trend', and after a year or two, discard them. There IS a metal mainstream, like it or not, but it is mainly style over substance. It will never evoke the same passions as the underground does, due to the fact that most people who like it, only do so because their friends like, or are told to by the media.
Originally posted by random_phil
The first metal band were Black Sabbath. I seem to believe they were very succesful, from the beginning. Metal goes in and out of the mainstream, because the media pick up on different types of metal, and decide them to be 'the next trend', and after a year or two, discard them. There IS a metal mainstream, like it or not, but it is mainly style over substance. It will never evoke the same passions as the underground does, due to the fact that most people who like it, only do so because their friends like, or are told to by the media.

There is mainstream or metal sellouts ( glam, nu-metal and other crap ) and there is Popular metal bands ( sabbat, maybe maiden ( but it borders the line ) right now inflames, etc ).

True the media picks up stuff and is style over substance, but is metal sellouts or mainstream, not mainstream metal. Its an easy way to look at it ( and of course still remaining in my ultra elitist position )