Is Slipknot metal?

is slipknot metal?

  • yes

    Votes: 55 44.7%
  • no

    Votes: 68 55.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Lee_B

How about Nightwish were the man/woman (whatever the fuck it is.. you can't tell from the pictures) warbles along Opera style? Metal or not?


Well, of course there are other musical disciplines evident in metal. However, I'm loathe to agree that rap is one of those disciplines. It's the way Slipknot meld rap with loud noise played furiously on what appears to be a set of bongos that hints to me that they aren't similar to Cannibal Corpse, nor Iron Maiden.

They're loud; yes. They're angry; perhaps. But so is punk. And punk isn't metal, is it?
this is rediculous. Nu Metal IS Metal too, just a different kind. I don't know why some people get so defensive when someone tries to put certain bands in the metal category... quit being a fucktard and just accept it, it's not the end of the world. Sure they dabble in Harcore which stems from punk but fuck i even have doubts as to why people don't call that metal too... the line is very blurry IMHO. I think most of you just don't like the idea that some popular bands that most people consider to be really heavy call themselves metalheads for listening to it whereas they do not listen to bands like we do such as Opeth, In Flames, Iron Maiden, Nile, Suffocation, etc... it is more an ego thing than anything. And that is silly. Don't you guys think Lee B knows his shit? Of course he does and he doesn't need to get all defensive about "his" metal.
Originally posted by Trapped
Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat is awesome... especially 'gently'. I own the 'self titled' one, and it's got a few decent tracks on it...

It is by no strech of the words 'amazing' or anything, but it is okay.

What exactly is your BEEF with this band? It can't be because of the 'riffs are simple' thing, because 80% of you listen to Katatonia, and THEY are not complex, or even METAL. ... And while opeth are progressive (...they have long songs :rolleyes: wow, that's progressive), they are not complex or technical at all.

It can't be the vocals thing, because you all listen to opeth, and opeth's growls are hideous...!! And slipknot's screaming is decent, and the clean singing is pretty good.

...And those of you who have said 'i haven't heard their first one, but i've heard the POPULAR one, so they suck', tell me, do you have the same mentality towards Megadeth, or Metallica? In that Load sucks, so obviously all their first albums suck too??

You're a bunch of fools, and this thread is proving it.

I presonally don't like Slipknot too much, aside from MFKR, and i don't see how you people can listen to the CRAP you listen to and say that slipknot is crap, when the only thing really different with slipknot is the popularity...

Get over yourselves you elitist assholes.

My beef with Slipknot isn't so much with their music, as with their gimmickry. Their music is average at best, but not HORRIBLE, but they have 9 members in a band that only needs five. But I agree with you that they aren't as bad as some people make them out to be.

After that, though, you start making an ass out of yourself. First off, saying Opeth's growls are hideous is purely subjective. In my OPINION, Akerfeldt's growls are the best in the business. Deep, evil, but understandable. Taylor from Slipknot doesn't growl. He screams, and there is a BIG difference.

As far as Opeth's music goes, their riffs might not all be drop dead difficult to play, but there is a ton of music theory behind them. They aren't as complex as, say, Petrucci's sweeping riffage, but they are nowhere NEAR as simplistic as Slipknot's fifth rooted songs.

And, then you insult everyone because their opinions differ from yours, and in the NEXT SENTENCE call US elitist assholes?

That's hypocrisy of the highest order, bro, and you look like a complete dipshit.
Originally posted by YourFuneral
The argument that Slipknot is not metal is as stupid as the person (can't remember exactly who it was... Misanthrope perhaps?) who said Pantara wasn't metal just because they USED to be a glam band or whatever... So fuck'n what... Tastes change... But anyways, if you want to get technical, nobody can claim to be pure metal because metal hasn't ALWAYS been around... Opeth is REALLY a dark-classical/jazz band or whatever... Genre's are fuck'n stupid and everybody should just shut the fuck up and enjoy their music instead of getting all bent out of shape because somebody disagrees with your ignorant opinion... Slipknot is metal... or not... Who gives a flying fuck?!?

Again with glamtera? Just let it go, you think they are metal, i think they're selling stuff to the kids, we can agree to disagree, you wont convince me that im an idiot, nor will i convince you so let it go already
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
this is rediculous. Nu Metal IS Metal too, just a different kind. I don't know why some people get so defensive when someone tries to put certain bands in the metal category... quit being a fucktard and just accept it, it's not the end of the world. Sure they dabble in Harcore which stems from punk but fuck i even have doubts as to why people don't call that metal too... the line is very blurry IMHO. I think most of you just don't like the idea that some popular bands that most people consider to be really heavy call themselves metalheads for listening to it whereas they do not listen to bands like we do such as Opeth, In Flames, Iron Maiden, Nile, Suffocation, etc... it is more an ego thing than anything. And that is silly. Don't you guys think Lee B knows his shit? Of course he does and he doesn't need to get all defensive about "his" metal.

He is just an old english fag dont worry :D
You know what, slipknot its metal, if it means all of you will shut the fuck up then go ahead. Really its just too damn similar to metal to worry about it, you all should worry then to decide if black metal bands are metal or not, they are about the same as slipknot, only with crappy production
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
this is rediculous. Nu Metal IS Metal too, just a different kind. I don't know why some people get so defensive when someone tries to put certain bands in the metal category... quit being a fucktard and just accept it, it's not the end of the world. Sure they dabble in Harcore which stems from punk but fuck i even have doubts as to why people don't call that metal too... the line is very blurry IMHO. I think most of you just don't like the idea that some popular bands that most people consider to be really heavy call themselves metalheads for listening to it whereas they do not listen to bands like we do such as Opeth, In Flames, Iron Maiden, Nile, Suffocation, etc... it is more an ego thing than anything. And that is silly. Don't you guys think Lee B knows his shit? Of course he does and he doesn't need to get all defensive about "his" metal.

in flames and iron maiden are both popular bands.
Is GWAR metal? They have gimmickry too... The best explanation I've heard is that Nu-Metal is a type of Metal just as you have Black Metal, Doom Metal, Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Power Metal and so on... Not every metal head likes the other types of metal but that doesn't lessen the fact that THEY ARE METAL... God, I hate genre's... It's MUSIC! Some you like, some you don't... Why the FUCK are people being so defensive about what get's called Metal?!? BAH!
Yourfuneral may hate genre's, but we have them and he'll have to deal with it. It's good to be able to classify music into Gothic metal, power metal, doom metal, black metal, death metal, progressive metal, etc. This way we can order bands we haven't heard into an order of when we get to listening to them, hope that made sense. Hehe. Anyways the genre slipknot belongs in is "Dumb-fuck metal"
Originally posted by KielbasaSausage

in flames and iron maiden are both popular bands.

In Flames is unheard of in western Canada. Everyone knows Iron Maiden of course but they came from the 80's and were one of the original metal bands in a way. But around here about a million more people listen to Nu Metal than there are even just iron maiden or metallica fans (the two biggest metal bands presumably) that is what i meant. Maybe it is only like that in western canada then....
Originally posted by Metal88
Yourfuneral may hate genre's, but we have them and he'll have to deal with it. It's good to be able to classify music into Gothic metal, power metal, doom metal, black metal, death metal, progressive metal, etc. This way we can order bands we haven't heard into an order of when we get to listening to them, hope that made sense. Hehe. Anyways the genre slipknot belongs in is "Dumb-fuck metal"
Yes, that's all good and fine, however not everybody does this... Personally, I just ask people about new music or observe people discussing a band and just go from there and d/l some songs... If I like it, great! I add them to my list of bands I like... I recently got turned on to My Dying Bride, what are they classified as? I sure as hell don't know because I don't classify and could care less... I LIKE THEM... I like Tori Amos... Just TRY to classify her! (good luck) How about Primus? Sorry, but I don't care about genre's and most "open-minded" music listeners wouldn't either... If you can't understand that, then I truly feel sorry for you...

Think about this, if genre's didn't exist, you wouldn't have idiots going around saying that "METAL" is the devil's music and other stupid shit... Black people only listen to "RAP" especially "GANGSTA RAP"... You see my point... Genre's are STUPID... It goes hand in hand with the ignorance that most of this world spouts...

On a different note, who has a right to say what genre a band fits in anyways? It's all opinion... If you want to sort your mp3's by genre, that's fine... But ultimately, it's just your opinion what it goes under and most importantly, your opinion will vary from everyone else (for the most part)... Thusly it is stupid to classify...
not metal...........
never were........
never will be......
sure ain't now...

but i won't go further, as all of my points have already been made.....

'cept i do take particular offense at relating black metal to slipknot......the latter is just too offspring of the consumerist society that has given rise to first pop, then nu-metal, and now this wannabe metal band that superficially mimics (and badly i might add) the true depth of black metal bands. i bet none of slipknots fans have ever listened to emperor, immortal, or mayhem......but i can't change that....oh well............
The story I heard is.. they formed a band on their own (NOT manufactured) and found that no one would pay them any heed until they decided to go the route of spectacle.

Now tell me.. if masks make you hate a band, then what's your reaction to any (or most) Blackmetal bands that do their corpsepaint? It's just as silly, and makes them seem all-the-more-metal, right?

Regardless of their popularity or how they dress, they're still metal. I've gone from hating most nu-metal to the point where I can tolerate some of it.. Except Stinkin' Park, they belong back with OTown and NStink. Waste of my time.

If I heard Slipknot and didn't know who it was, I'd think "metal."

And so would all of you. :p