Is Slipknot metal?

is slipknot metal?

  • yes

    Votes: 55 44.7%
  • no

    Votes: 68 55.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Lee_B

It IS metal and your comment about the poprock from before is nothing short of idiotic. I'd like to know what exactly isn't metal about Slipknot?

If Slipknot isn't metal then what is? What does that make Manowar, the self-proclaimed "Kings Of Metal" who aren't even nearly as heavy as Slipknot?

Being metal isn't anything to do with how popular a band is. It is, fudamenatally, about heavy guitars and heavy riff-driven music, which Slipknot have by the truckload.

They may well be really popular. They may well dress like clowns. They may well have a fan-base of 12 year old kids. But they're metal none the less. Fact. The more you argue the more foolish you'll make yourself look.

When I was 12 me and all my pals were all wearing Iron Maiden shirts. They were the Slipknot of the early 80's! Are they not metal either?

Lee B

I have to agree.
Originally posted by Lee_B

It IS metal and your comment about the poprock from before is nothing short of idiotic. I'd like to know what exactly isn't metal about Slipknot?

If Slipknot isn't metal then what is? What does that make Manowar, the self-proclaimed "Kings Of Metal" who aren't even nearly as heavy as Slipknot?

Being metal isn't anything to do with how popular a band is. It is, fudamenatally, about heavy guitars and heavy riff-driven music, which Slipknot have by the truckload.

They may well be really popular. They may well dress like clowns. They may well have a fan-base of 12 year old kids. But they're metal none the less. Fact. The more you argue the more foolish you'll make yourself look.

When I was 12 me and all my pals were all wearing Iron Maiden shirts. They were the Slipknot of the early 80's! Are they not metal either?

Lee B

using the chugga chugga sound does not make any band any more metal or heavier than others :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Trapped
Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat is awesome... especially 'gently'. I own the 'self titled' one, and it's got a few decent tracks on it...

It is by no strech of the words 'amazing' or anything, but it is okay.

What exactly is your BEEF with this band? It can't be because of the 'riffs are simple' thing, because 80% of you listen to Katatonia, and THEY are not complex, or even METAL. ... And while opeth are progressive (...they have long songs :rolleyes: wow, that's progressive), they are not complex or technical at all.

It can't be the vocals thing, because you all listen to opeth, and opeth's growls are hideous...!! And slipknot's screaming is decent, and the clean singing is pretty good.

...And those of you who have said 'i haven't heard their first one, but i've heard the POPULAR one, so they suck', tell me, do you have the same mentality towards Megadeth, or Metallica? In that Load sucks, so obviously all their first albums suck too??

You're a bunch of fools, and this thread is proving it.

I presonally don't like Slipknot too much, aside from MFKR, and i don't see how you people can listen to the CRAP you listen to and say that slipknot is crap, when the only thing really different with slipknot is the popularity...

Get over yourselves you elitist assholes.

That was pure genious Trapped. Correct in every sense. Except for the M.F.K.R. thing, i personally haven't heard it. But everything else was.

And whoever the hell said that Pantera isn't metal because they used to be glam is lamost as stupid as though retards saying that second LOTR movie and book(written 48 years ago or so), The Two Towers, is a blatent insensative notion towards the 9/11 tragedy.
Originally posted by Trapped
Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat is awesome... especially 'gently'. I own the 'self titled' one, and it's got a few decent tracks on it...

It is by no strech of the words 'amazing' or anything, but it is okay.

What exactly is your BEEF with this band? It can't be because of the 'riffs are simple' thing, because 80% of you listen to Katatonia, and THEY are not complex, or even METAL. ... And while opeth are progressive (...they have long songs :rolleyes: wow, that's progressive), they are not complex or technical at all.

It can't be the vocals thing, because you all listen to opeth, and opeth's growls are hideous...!! And slipknot's screaming is decent, and the clean singing is pretty good.

...And those of you who have said 'i haven't heard their first one, but i've heard the POPULAR one, so they suck', tell me, do you have the same mentality towards Megadeth, or Metallica? In that Load sucks, so obviously all their first albums suck too??

You're a bunch of fools, and this thread is proving it.

I presonally don't like Slipknot too much, aside from MFKR, and i don't see how you people can listen to the CRAP you listen to and say that slipknot is crap, when the only thing really different with slipknot is the popularity...

Get over yourselves you elitist assholes.
I actually agree with you pretty much. Except that "Opeth's growls are hideuos"! I love the growls, not saying that they are better or whatever than anyone else but i think its just a subjective opinion. Anyway, yeh, too many people are too quick to bag the shit out of something they just happen to not like... and well theres obvious more even sadder reasons for this "Slipknot sucks" attitudes, as well as everyones attitudes towards anything popular. I think people just enjoying making themselves feel better than everyone else by attacking everything which isnt them.

Who cares if slipknot are metal or not... genres change and progress. My friends call Faith No More metal, and good for them.. not what i call metal but who cares, if to them it has a powerful/heavy effect then they should class it as metal. If under your definition of metal they arent metal then fine, if under my definition of metal they are metal then fine again. In the end none of that means shit. Just listen to it, if you like it then you like it, if you dont then leave it alone for the people who do like it.

Too many people get so caught up in their own minds that cant see that other people live their lives differently and want different experiences and need different things and value different things... and that theres nothing wrong with that.

Its all just an ego problem.

In conclusion: Slipknot are whatever you think they are, there is no global definition of 'heavy' or 'metal' and as such we each only have our own definitions, call them what you like. And dont feel the need to seperate slipknot from metal just coz you dont like them.
lets just agree. Slipknot=crap, so what does it matter if they are metal or not? Mortician sucks, but everyone agrees they're metal. So just do as everyone does to Mortician, which is to say IGNORE THEM.
whatever that song at the end of ''resident evil'' the film is so so so so so boring, and i love The Gathering (which i dont consider boring but others do) i didnt think it was possible but at that moment i wanted to listen to Westlife instead, oh well...
Man there is soooo much fucking bullshit in this fucking thread it's starting to STINK! SINCE WHEN THE FUCK IS METAL ABOUT FUCKING TEEN ANGST ????

this is idiotic....just because they sound heavy it doesn't make them metal ....if metal was what some of you people say it is "theoretically", then i wouldn't even listen to that load of shit....MFKR was good ... it was nice, had a metal sound to it (i'd say that Anders' vocals were just adding to it!) and the guitars were nicely mixtures with chords, SHREDS AND SOLOS .... jesus, i bet i could play a newer slipknot song right now ....and i played guitar only for 5 months now!!!!....the only good thing about slipknot now is Joey Jordison .....and even he isn't that great...
That was pure genious Trapped. Correct in every sense

thanks ecstatic... I do try... :)

And whoever the hell said that Pantera isn't metal because they used to be glam is lamost as stupid as though retards saying that second LOTR movie and book(written 48 years ago or so), The Two Towers, is a blatent insensative notion towards the 9/11 tragedy.

:lol: at both those things... he he...

My friends call Faith No More metal, and good for them.. not what i call metal but who cares

Faith no more are more metal than alot of bands that are mentioned around here... Amazing band... Wether or not people like them does not negate the fact that they are a metal band... If you're interested, check out "Malpractice", "Caffeine", "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies", "Zombie Eaters"... really good songs, with great guitarwork... Malpractice has got a pile of 5/8 and 7/8 sections which are REALLY cool.

It is just like if you played 'benighted' to a death metal head of no previous knowledge of opeth... they would FOR SURE bag the hell out of it, and swear black and blue that it is not metal... it's all subjective..

To those people that say "Slipknot are not metal", wether you like them or not... go and download Purity of S/T, or Gently of M.F.K.R (take note... there is a DIFFERENT song called gently on iowa, and it sucks as... so make sure it is the OLD one), and THEN try and tell me that they are not metal... wether you like them or not.

It appears to me that alot of people here have jumped on a bandwagon... It is no different to the 'metallica thing', same deal... new metallica is crap, so a pile of people have followed in the footsteps of a few blind individuals and started saying that "Metallica were always crap!", when quite obvious metallica MADE metal what it is today.

Like i said, check out those two Slipknot songs i mentioned, and then come back here... wether you like it or not, they ARE a metal band. Heavy, riff driven music.

-Trapped in a genre
the only good thing about slipknot now is Joey Jordison .....and even he isn't that great...

thats got nothing to do with it. I HATE Dark Tranquillity with a passion, but does that mean that they AREN'T metal?? of course not...

Your convictions lack definition and form... come back to this thread when you have a mind of your own.