It's good to see so many old faces

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
I just wish it was under better circumstances. I was really holding out for a Nevermore ruinion, and from what it sounded like, Warrel had reached out to patch things up with the rest of the guys recently.

Some of us has been around since 2001 and 2002. Hard to even think about how life was back then.

Regardless of what happens in the future, it's good to know we have this gateway to the past to remind ourselves of the kind of friend Warrel was to each of us.
Hey folx, it's Pyrus/Lies & Perfidy/Reuben (locked out of my old account cause I can't remember what email address it used, naturally). Obviously there's been a ton of stuff posted on Facebook in the last few days and it's kinda startling to realize how many people I met on this fucking message board I still consider friends (even distant Internet ones). Thought I'd swing by and see who else was turning up.

I hope you're all doing well. Obviously I wasn't that close to Warrel but he was so patient and gregarious whenever we interacted, and his music & the community around it played such a big role in my teenage years, that it feels less like losing an artist I admired and more like losing a friend. Cliche, I guess, but there it is.

Hope you're all doing well. Nobody's in the office this Friday so I'll be hanging around.
Old feces, you say?!



RIP in Warrel... your music and voice meant a lot to me and got me through many hard times growing up. I hope you are in a peaceful place now. I hope everyone one here is doing well too, this forum used to be lively. Nice to see some familiar names.