It's good to see so many old faces

Hey folx, it's Pyrus/Lies & Perfidy/Reuben (locked out of my old account cause I can't remember what email address it used, naturally). Obviously there's been a ton of stuff posted on Facebook in the last few days and it's kinda startling to realize how many people I met on this fucking message board I still consider friends (even distant Internet ones). Thought I'd swing by and see who else was turning up.

I hope you're all doing well. Obviously I wasn't that close to Warrel but he was so patient and gregarious whenever we interacted, and his music & the community around it played such a big role in my teenage years, that it feels less like losing an artist I admired and more like losing a friend. Cliche, I guess, but there it is.

Hope you're all doing well. Nobody's in the office this Friday so I'll be hanging around.

REUBEN!!!!! <3
It's still hard for me to think of WD in the past tense. He was just one of those people that you forgot wasn't going to live forever. I don't know how to explain it.

He had such a way of putting you at ease in any situation or surrounding; calling him down-to-earth doesn't do him justice. He had this natural charm about him and was always the most interesting person in the room just by standing in it.

The forum has all but been abandoned, yet everyone lurks to see what he has to say years after the fact. This forum is about WD more than anything, and I think it always has been.

All I can think of now is how quickly things change in the span of just a few years. The internet and how we communicate and how seriously we take the internet now is far and away from what it was when we all first started on the forum. Remember when the internet wasn't serious? Remember what we had to do to access music on the internet? Remember how harmless it was, yet this forum united so many people IRL all over a band...and if we want to be honest, over one guy in that band? It's almost too much to bear.

I've missed all of you and your stories and opinions and hilarious posts in the ten years we've abandoned this place. I know soon we will go back to our own lives and habits and current internet hangouts and dwellings, but it was nice to see you all post again. There's something nostalgic and innocent when I think back to how it used to be.
90% of the people on here hogged the board with there own agendas lots of good people left Many moons ago.

The other 10% the information was helpful and still is !!!
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