ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

Hey Dred sorry to hear about tapping out of your MOS. I just finished the whole Army Medic program today and i graduate tomorrow and head home. I've been in San Antonio, Texas the past 4 months training next to an Air Force Base and they've started to let the Army use there training simulators and stuff, since the USAF is fucken filthy rich. Hey good luck with what you're doing now though! What part of Texas you going to?
If "Independence Day" taught me something it is this: This strategy won't work.

Good for you, I learnt that the President of the US would allow some fucked up alcoholic who hasnt controlled an jet fighter for years to take part in one of the (or maybe THEEE) most important mission.
When I first watched that movie I didnt realise who cheesy (in the good ol american way) that movie is - nowadays I can't understand how I missed that :lol:
So is Dred Will Smith, Jeff Goldbloom, or That Hillbilly? Just curious to see if you all think hes black, jewish, or gonna die.
lolwut? I want pics of this treat.

Hi Dred!

Go search for em, theyre on my Facebook

I let it die as I seemed to be the main, and only contributor.
Unless refering to the This is Why You're Fat blog, then thats old news, seeing as I'm pathetic and check /ck/ at least a few times a day. :(

Loved the /ck/ til I got teh banhammer

I just read the whole thread. Yes I am very bored. I admire you resolve Mr Dred. Congrats on doing aswell as you did

No idea who you are, but thank you...seriously. It took a lot for me to do what I did...and I'm greatly happy where I am at the moment.

Hey Dred sorry to hear about tapping out of your MOS. I just finished the whole Army Medic program today and i graduate tomorrow and head home. I've been in San Antonio, Texas the past 4 months training next to an Air Force Base and they've started to let the Army use there training simulators and stuff, since the USAF is fucken filthy rich. Hey good luck with what you're doing now though! What part of Texas you going to?

It's all cool brother. Not sure when you said you graduated (I'm drunk and could go back, but I wont,) I'm legit right in S.A. right now 'til Feb 25th at which point I ship to Georgia. And thank you, and you as well. Servicemen unite! \m/

aaaaaaanyways...HI COBOT! Home on Xmas leave, been drunk for 7 days straight, figure I may as well say hi to some of you (who no lie were kinda a big part of my life for an excessive period of time.) So to you out there who know me (and you know who you are,) Mazel tov, be well, and something something...

Omnia mutantum nihil inherit.
"Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost."
Okay, so...heres the deal,

I'm pretty goddamned serious about this armed forces thing. I don't know as of yet which branch I would like to join, but I'll figure that shit out as the date approaches. My goal is to be enlisted at the end of my probation this coming August. If you don't know why I'm on probation by this point...lurk moar.

Now, in order for me to join any branch of the armed forces, I'm going to have to make some major changes in my life.
  • I need to get myself in shape.
  • I need to quit smoking.
  • I need to keep my finances in order to clear the majority of my debt (save for school loans. I'll be paying off those suckers for years.)
I'm going to go all out and kick this shit off on New Years with a bunch of other resolutions including but not limited to:
  • Cut back almost entirely on my drinking. (I'll still have the occasional mixed drink when out with friends, but I'm cutting our beer entirely :cry:)
  • Get with a couple more women before I get shipped off (I've only been with 5.) I don't give a shit if you think this is shallow, but it's something I want. I don't want to end up marrying some chick who's slept with god knows how many guys when I have so few in comparison. It wouldn't bode well for this imaginary, potential relationship. Now I'm not talking 20 chicks in 8 months, but I'm going to play the field a bit as I get in better shape.
  • Start actually doing the work I get paid very little to currently not do.
Now, the reason I bring this up, is because January 1st, 2008 is fast approaching, and this is a HUGE fucking change in my life. I've never done anything with my life. I coasted through high school doing as little as possible, and college was pretty much the same (except I got better grades.) I currently work for an insurance agency owned by my father, a job that I fucking loathe.

I hate my job so much, that I've resorted to posting on COB:OT to pass the time when I should be doing something productive. I have unopened mail (that I've been hiding in drawers) that dates back to the end of October. :lol: I feel bad about it too, because my father kind of got this dumped on him when his boss died back in February. He's really backed up with shit, and he's constantly falling behind on some pretty important shit (eg.- as of 1/1/08 I don't have healthcare any more, and he was supposed to take care of it today before he left the office. Chances are, he didn't.)

So anyways, as I was saying I'm starting to get really nervous about 1/1/08. If I fail...thats it. I've not only let myself down, but I embarrass myself as well so failure really isn't an option...and that makes me fucking nervous. IT'S 4 FUCKING DAYS AWAY!!!!

*begins hyperventilating*

*pulls out paper bag*

So what happened to this guy? Is he in the army or is he dead?

I've improved a lot in my life within the past 2 years, getting a proper job, saving money, not drinking other than party days, not smoking other than party days, eating healthy, and of course maintaining a fitness programme. 3 years ago I was a loser.

Hi Joonas.

I'm alive. I'm currently in school to be a cop (a.k.a. Security Forces) in the United States Air Force. Never been happier, and im currently home on Christmas Exodus (for the first time in ten months.) I don't eat like total shit anymore, I still smoke occasionally, dip pretty regularly, and drink like it's going out of style. The only thing I don't do anymore is smoke the reefer. How are you?

Hi Joonas.

I'm alive. I'm currently in school to be a cop (a.k.a. Security Forces) in the United States Air Force. Never been happier, and im currently home on Christmas Exodus (for the first time in ten months.) I don't eat like total shit anymore, I still smoke occasionally, dip pretty regularly, and drink like it's going out of style. The only thing I don't do anymore is smoke the reefer. How are you?

Glad to see someone on here isn't completely against the military. I'm going in the marines in a few months, how do you like the service?

I want to try to go into the marine corps band, but we'll see how high I score on the ASVAB and then look at my options.

Hi Joonas.

I'm alive. I'm currently in school to be a cop (a.k.a. Security Forces) in the United States Air Force. Never been happier, and im currently home on Christmas Exodus (for the first time in ten months.) I don't eat like total shit anymore, I still smoke occasionally, dip pretty regularly, and drink like it's going out of style. The only thing I don't do anymore is smoke the reefer. How are you?

Moar like chairforce amirite?
Glad to see someone on here isn't completely against the military. I'm going in the marines in a few months, how do you like the service?

I want to try to go into the marine corps band, but we'll see how high I score on the ASVAB and then look at my options.

I love it...but be forewarned, I'm Air Force (Muffin's kinda right on the chairforce thing.) We get more money and are treated better than any of the other services. As for the ASVAB, as long as you're not a total mouthbreather/windowlicker you'll be fine. I took the asvab high and hungover and scored a 97. It's mostly common sense stuff, and basic english and math.