ITT You All Recommend Recent Death Metal Albums

I love Despised Icon but I don't recommend them to people because once they hear a breakdown they usually stop listening.
haha yeah there is only a set number times you will find a breakdown followed by a pig squeal amusing.

born of osiris suck I think. Especially those crappy keyboards they put in the music to try and be different.

check out Hail of Bullets.
Imo the grooviest riff Born of Osiris have done is Empires Erased.


Not a massive fan though, call me intolerant but I find it a little hard to listen to music with such blatant core influences :/
I bought a Neuraxis album years ago and I think I dug it. Forget what it's called.

Rotten Sound use play shows in Providence all the time (including at least one show with Misery Index <3<3<3), but I never went to any of them for some reason. Laziness I guess.
haha yeah there is only a set number times you will find a breakdown followed by a pig squeal amusing.

born of osiris suck I think. Especially those crappy keyboards they put in the music to try and be different.

check out Hail of Bullets.

Good call! On both BoI and Hail Of Bullets...

And Despised Icon are the band Cryptopsy want to be as of lately, it seems.. haha... ("The Unspoken King" ain't that bad IMO. Only the clean vocals and the solely replaced drums suck quite a bit...)
So, we've covered some cool brutal/technical stuff, how about some rockin catchy riffy death metal like Unleashed?

God Dethroned


Illdisposed (this is one of the first DM I ever got into, this was the first song I ever heard by them. Still a favorite.

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Recent good death metal albums?

LOL, just go download the Demilich back catalog that they keep freely available on their site.

Or go back to 2004, The Chasm's Spell of Retribution is just pure fucking DEATH.

Another 2004 album, Fleshcrawl's Made Of Flesh.

Edit: Lol, the idiot jewtuber stuck up the Soulskinner cover, a much shittier album.

Their 2007, Structures of Death, isn't too bad either.

Both are easily accessible since they came out from Metal Blade Europe.

Nihilist had their shit rereleased a bit ago, fucking awesome demo's they had:

And of course, you can't go wrong with the last 2 Akercocke albums, Words that go unspoken, deeds that go undone:

And Antichrist:

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Im finding it harder and harder to enjoy death metal these days.
I still like Immolation, Nile, the Forsaken, Malevolent Creation, old Gorguts, Suffocation... but theres so much ass dm out there.