I've got the fire karaoke mix

This guild is starting to come to life again! Woo Hoo!

Mixing is sounding good. Guitars are mixed very well together..and solo stuff sounds good. Your drums sound farkign excellent on this one. I was expecting vox..but I guess Jim still wants to fix a thing or two?

Two things I would personally like to see happen.

One, can you bring the bass up a bit? Its a bit hard to hear.

Two..can you see what you can do about noise reduction on Adde's track? There is a computer hum (or something) prevalent on his track....and for most of the song, you can't hear it, but at the beggining and very end its quite noticable (to me).

This is Hyde's bass track right? I hate to sound like a jerk..but it sounds like you are dragging a bit behind on the main riff ...or maybe Adde and I played it too fast... :D Let me know what you think Hyde.
Woah.....that bass is way, way, out of sync. My timing ain't that bad!:lol: There were only a couple of parts where my timing was a little bit off but not through the whole thing. I'll post a rough mix I had, so you can check it out.
Ok..good.. I wanted to be nice as possible as its our first track together and all...but yea...I agree with you. the bass is way, way off. Sounds like its a good 1/4-1/2 second or so behind all the way through.
Rabs..........wow, cool glad you like the mix.
Jim is gonna re do his track, he was'nt all that happy with it. Plus I sent him the lyrics and he tells me he goofed on a few lines.
I did notice the hum in Ad's track. I'll see what I can do about that.
I will take your notes and adjust the mix accordingly.

Hyde......... I did'nt adjust your sync with the drums, I just thought you were a bit off, haha sorry brother:) I'll give that a go and see if I can tighten it up a bit. Oh, post your mix too, I'd like to hear how well you got it to match up

I'm at my parents place now. Soon as I get home I'll see what kinda magic I can work. Look for a revised mix in a few hours
Ok, It's time for me to be a jerk. I posted my file on myplay so you could hear that I do have some sense of timing!:lol:

Anyway: I'm not good at criticizing others, but I'm real critical when it comes to my playing. I submitted my bass track with the knowledge that it isn't my best playing...a couple of things on there I would never have left but I did for the following reasons.

(Jerk alert)

1: The tracks you guys did have a lot of tempo fluctuations.
2: You play some of the parts with a different feel than I hear on the cd.
3: Some of your parts are rushed.

and, that being said, you guys are better at cutting and pasting stuff and getting it to sound on time than I am. I rely almost entirely on feel...It's critical on bass because the bass stands out like a sore thumb when it's off. I didn't cut and paste my parts to try and get them exactly on time. Instead, I just kept trying to play the song all the way through....I started getting tired after about the 10'th take. Anyway, I'm not going to blame you for my mistakes, but I gotta let you know that I don't have a problem playing this song. I was having problems because I was guessing at the vibe during some of the parts.

I recorded the song in two parts, and the first half of the song is way better than the second....mainly because I had to edit out a mistake my software did with the volume on the second half. The only solution I found was to cut the track into two tracks and manually adjust the fader for each half and then bounce the track back to another track. The track I posted for MM didn't have the volume problem corrected, you'll notice on the rough mix I just posted that the bass on the second half is a little out of sync because I have trouble getting things on time when I have to edit stuff.

My main point is that there were only a couple of spots on my bass track where I thought the timing was a little off. The most obvious was where the bass goes to the chords in the second half of the song, I didn't hit the first notes hard enough and it sounds like I was late there.

Ok, I'm finished being a jerk.
If you listen to my rough mix I posted and still think I'm way off.
Then I'll redo my bass line no problem.
Doh! You jerk! ;)

1. Were the tempo changes from the drums, or was this a guitar thing? If its mostly guitar changing tempo's its probably my fault, as I went first...and Adde probably just matched me. This is why I typically like bass/drums tight first.

2. That always happens. Different interpretations of the original. After awhile, it gets kinda cool..cause you get to hear how other people think to the original goes. Plus, on this song, we kinda were listening to the live version with Di'anno and the studio version...

3. I always rush my parts. :lol: If i'm not rushing em...I play too far behind the beat! ;)

The bass on your track is not only MUCH more on the dot...the level is mixed nicely too.

Lets make sure you lay down your bass track to Beast first. I think you have a better feeling on the vibe than I do.

By the way, these are all good criticisms. We went from tracks where there were flubs, guitars not playing together very well, major mistakes...etc..now down to making sure we all gel on the same vibe on a song. We are polishing our act!

If you thought the drums were spot on, you wanna just scratch everything and start over with you laying down the bass and establishing the vibe? I'm cool with that! :D

You rule dude!
Did you think that it sounded good enough to keep? I think that it sounds pretty good because it's my first chance at playing along with you guys. I definitely didn't mean to imply that my timing is perfect, I understand that the first person to play on something has the hardest job of all. Usually the drummer...and then bass....but in this case guitars. Even though I play bass, I still think like a guitarist, and I'm used to recording my parts when there is already something there for me to reference.

Like on Beast. I tried playing my part to the drums and couldn't.
I listened to your rough reference track and you were really close.

I just had to try and explain after what I heard on that Karaoke mix that I didn't think I was that bad!
I actually like the way you guys played the song, I don't think you need to redo your parts at all. I think you guys do a really good job of getting into each others heads and getting the same vibe going. It was me who had trouble finding the right vibe to play to.
The only thing I had to reference was the CD and It's hard to get a clear picture of what I'm doing when I can also hear the great bass work of Steve H. playing with me.

Since you've listened to my mix, do you think that I need to redo the bass?
Hey you Jerks...:)

No need to redo anything, I matched Hyde's Right along to mine no prob, sounds great. Sorry about that. I should've done that in the first place, but hey ..what the hell! Do I look like Martin friggin Brich? :)
And I really like the track Hyde so I see no reason to re do it. I'm gonna post the revised mix now so have a listen and see if you 2 like it better.

I raised the volume on the bass

Got rid of the hum in both of Adde's tracks

and added a 10 minute drum solo at the end..........you dont mind do you?

lol fear not, I was kidding

I think we had a bit of a misunderstanding. I think this song is turning out to be one of the tightest we have ever done. Me and Adde are pretty damn close to each other in playing. Your bass is right there. Hella nice fill at the end too mate! Didn't hear that the first time around.

I was a bit worried after hearing MMs first track..as your track was out of sync....but after hearing your rough mix. I am confident your timing is just as tight if not better. Listening back critically now, I can hear where I rushed quite a bit in some spots! Doh! I always listen back and hear screw-ups later on that I did not catch the first time. The original had a slightly more laid back vibe... Oh well.

..I guess you can drive yourself nuts trying to get something perfect.

Oh..btw.MM...on this second mix..now the bass is a bit too loud. :cry: ...actually..it might just have too much bottom end..with your bass drum. Maybe try EQ'ing the bottom out a bit? What do Hyde and Adde think?

..sorry....and i must have missed the 10 minute solo..:p ;)
Hi guys, yeah as you said Rabs, the bass on this track shouldnt have much bottom cuz then the bass sounds will take over too much. I think we need much of that Harris sound here, that can easaly be manipulated in with equalizer.
Yeah, no problem, the bass fits fine, just listened to that Hyde mix, it`s killer(in context with that very fine guitar mix.....:rolleyes: ) This one will be a rocker!
I haven't had a chance to go get your second mix, I'll trust your judement on the bass level and wait for the remix!

Rabies: I always drive myself nuts trying to get things perfect. I'm never happy with my playing. I always find something about it I don't like, but in the end I have to let some things go if I want to get anything finished while I'm still alive!:lol:
I know you are gonna hate me and all...but you EQ'd the entire MIX rather than just the bass track didn't you?

The levels are now good...but the guitar tones now sound like they are playing through a metal pipe...you know what I mean?

I'll go crawl back in my hole now. I'm sorry for giving you so much greif MM!