Jeff Buckley


ghetto philosopher
Jul 7, 2001
behind closed eyelids
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I'm just curious to see if there are any more Jeff Buckley fans here. I think his "Grace" album is one of the finest non-metal albums released in the 90's if not ever. :)

His voice is so extremely emotional and just really hits home with me. I have been meaning to get his live DVD for a while now but haven't had the money. I would have loved to have seen him live as I have a few shows where he interacts with the crowd a lot. He seemed like a really nice's a shame he died so young. :(

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone is a fan of his. If you haven't heard him, definitely try to find some songs or buy his "Grace" album. You won't be disappointed. :D
i got the DVD thingy and i downloaded 'Grace' and 'So Real' videos of the net, 'so real' is a great video up till the bit where the monkeys/apes steal his bike. DVD's great, especialy the bonus stuff. he was voted by the public into the top 100 Men of all time by VH1 viewers. the voice over woman said ''a fully clothed Jeff'' drowned... in case anyone was wandering.

Top 5:

too hard, um in no order as it will change tomorrow:

mojo pin
so real
yard of blondde girls

damn i have to mention nightmares by the sea, witches rave, sky is a landfill, dream brother....oh fuck it they're all great, well almost.

is it just me or is most of the 2nd cd of 'Sketches...' pretty shit. i know its a unfinished album and all but i never play the 2nd cd of the album...oh well still one of my favourite artists after only 1 complete album.
As I commented in before elsewhere I used to find Jeff Buckley amazing. When I first borrowed his "Grace" record I was like "Goddamn, that's a superb record". Well maybe not the first time, but after some listens of course. I listened a lot to it and also borrowed "Sketches (for my..." and thought it was pretty good, although the demo songs destroys it. I taped "Grace" over to my mom who found it amazing too and I always listened to it when I drove around in her car. I listened to so much that I got tired of it! When I finally got my hands on the 180 grams vinyl reissue I only listened to it once. When I got my hands on the triple vinyl "Sketches..." I only listened to it once.
I used to refer to "Grace" (the song) among the 10 best songs I had ever heard! "Everybody here wants you" close by! I still think they're good, but I doubt that the two records will ever be put on my turntable again. Sad bu true. As I've said several times before, the 90's lack something. If you find (at least I do) music that you like, it gets boring after a while and the stuff from the 60's is the stuff you'll keep listening to!
Well, that's all that I have time for as I gotta go see "Deer Hunter" on the tele!
Great great great talent. Also check out Live at Sin-e, cute little EP, first thing he released.

Vancouver is great little song :) Grace is definitely one of the best albums of the past decade.
I have to disagree with some over the second disc of Sketches....

Although it's not as polished as the first disc, and Grace, it gives us an insight into the way Jeff worked. It's raw and rough around the edges, but that's the reason why i love it. How could you say no to Jeff Buckley playing his guitar in a small room with just a 4 track recorder by his side? If more of this sort of unfinished material was released i would definitely still buy it.

The development in his song writing ability from Grace to the material on disc 1 of Sketches..... is remarkable. It's scary to think of how good the album would have actually turned out. And imagine what he would be writing now!

Jeff's passing waw a true loss to the world.
Originally posted by redreflection
I have to disagree with some over the second disc of Sketches....

Although it's not as polished as the first disc, and Grace, it gives us an insight into the way Jeff worked. It's raw and rough around the edges, but that's the reason why i love it. How could you say no to Jeff Buckley playing his guitar in a small room with just a 4 track recorder by his side? If more of this sort of unfinished material was released i would definitely still buy it.

The development in his song writing ability from Grace to the material on disc 1 of Sketches..... is remarkable. It's scary to think of how good the album would have actually turned out. And imagine what he would be writing now!

Jeff's passing waw a true loss to the world.
To me listening to terrible riffs and a vocal out of tune is something I would rather skip! I think it sounds like Jeff's just drunk 30 beers and a bottle of whisky before he went in the studio. Especially songs like "Murder suicide meteor slave", "Back in NYC" & another one of those songs (I think it's "Demon John"), where he sounds like he's gonna collapse of all the alcohol he's been drinking. It's of course a matter of taste, but I prefer clean good vocals and nice playing over sloppy playing with out of tune vocals anytime!
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby, Haven't You Heard and Murder Suicide Meteor Slave are great songs.

Jewel Box and Satisfied Mind are brilliant songs. All are from disc 2.

Terrible riffs and bad vocals you say? hmmmm You must have pretty high expectations, cos Jeff's voice, on it's worst day, was better than most.