No, I tout old bands as the best because they're the bands I discovered first, and are my favourites - it's my opinion. I would say you're just touting new, "cult" bands to try and impress people with your knowledge of lesser known bands as though it makes you a musical guru.
Sorry stupid, you lost ANY credibility you had with those comments about the Beatles - the Beatles were only a "boy band" in their early years - they became a classic rock band later on - take a listen to the White Album for proof. If you'd ever heard it you would be able to comment on them instead of coming up with bizarre theories like "they probably stole from the underground"!!! Good idea - dont know anything about a band? Make something up to try and prove your point!

I also genuinely believe you have never really heard a Maiden album but are just bashing them to try and sound "cool". If you'd heard any of their stuff why haven't you mentioned any song titles?? You just make broad statements about bands without being specific. How about "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"? Is that not complex enough for you? What about "Alexander The Great"???
Maybe you should try LISTENING to bands, instead of slagging them off with no knowledge to back up your arguments? You may have your own opinions but what do you base them on? Second hand knowledge and hearsay apparently.
Saying Lars is so bad he ruins the music is another crazy and frankly bizarre statement - I've NEVER heard anyone say Lars' drumming fucked up Ride The Lightning or Master of Puppets - more proof you have no idea what you're saying because of all the fucking medication you're on. :zombie: