Morningrise - Opeth's hardest to get into?

Nectar is the best song on the album!

+1 Agree whole-heartedly...

TNATSW is probably my least favorite on MR. Orchid was the hardest for me to get through (fell asleep while listening to it), but after idly listening to it and repeating it many times, I grew to like it.
Opeth attracts both veteran extreme metallers and those who normally don't listen to metal much at all. Non-metallers will struggle the most with anything pre-SL

Generally, that seems to be true. However, that wasn't the case with me. At the time I started listening to the album (I already had Blackwater, and that got a "meh, not bad"), I was only into In Flames, Dark Tranquillity and so on, and even that for only a few months. So, since Morningrise is my favorite Opeth album, I guess I'm an exception to the rule - but it does seem to be true.
Morningrise is my 2nd fav Opeth album.

if you are a fan of the guitar work on the albums it shoudlnt be too hard to just let this album take over. however, if you cant stand twin harmony guitars, etc, then u prolly wont ever dig this record.
I didn't find it 'difficult' to get into. As with any music with progressive song structures, it takes a while for it all to come together, but it wasn't difficult per se. Morningrise is probably my favourite Opeth album - I love the rawer sound, I think the vocals are some of his strongest they have ever been, and some of the harmonies are just sensational.
Orchid is The hardest to get into...Morningrise is full of awesome songs....Its just a different style. Alot of people would agree that MR is Opeth's best but I tend to think otherwise.
What do you guys think of the albums you´ve had a hard time getting into? Are they among your favorites or? Apart from Morningrise which i had an easy time getting into my two other top 3:ers are Deliverance and BWP,the two albums which took the longest for me to get into from the start. I dont know if there´s a connection,that albums you have to struggle with at first tend to last longer or something. What do you guys think?
when i first got into opeth, morningrise was my favorite. it has since fallen into the bottom 3 of my favorites.

but its a lovely album by all means.
Listen to black rose immortal, that´ll grab you by the nuts. Its the hardest Opeth album to get into cos the production is weird, still its better than D/D albums.
I really enjoy both Orchid and Morningrise, but I'm also a really big fan of the early works of In Flames and Dark Tranquillity, so they kind of go hand in hand. But to be honest, I have yet to find a Opeth album that I didn't like, at first I didn't like the vocals but that was only because I wasn't into death metal at the time, now what is considered melodic death is one of my favorite genre's.
Morningrise was the first album I heard from Opeth (FWIW). It's not my favorite by them, but its tops in the sentimentality department. TNATSW's acoustic passage is amazing; those few notes are very simple and catchy but eloquent at the same time - very expressive, IMO. BRI is great and I like Advent as well. I would say Orchid is probably the most inaccessible, but it all depends on taste. Someone who loves Damnation to death would probably be a hard sell for Opeth's first two albums.
Listen to black rose immortal, that´ll grab you by the nuts. Its the hardest Opeth album to get into cos the production is weird, still its better than D/D albums.

That song is good but To Bid You Farewell is the best on that album I have to say...actually it's just one of their best songs, period. I didn't find any of Opeth's stuff "hard to get into" except for Deliverance. I actually still find it harder to get into than the other albums.
Well since I started listening to Opeth at the end of their Orchid era, no...Morningrise was not hard to get into.

The hardest Opeth for me to get into has been Blackwater Park...mostly because it's overall their worst album. It's got it's moments, and a few songs are pretty good...but as a whole it's just lacking that special something that normally Opeth albums have.
I dunno, I don't think you can really compare MR and Orchid to the rest of their albums, the first two are so drastically different.

They are great albums, and I am finally getting into Orchid. Morningrise really took me no time at all. Advent is one of their best songs and is perfectly put together. NightSilent is pretty cool, takes a few listens, as well as Nectar. BlackroseImmortal is a pretty awesome, if not slightly long song. And To Bid You Farewell is just one of the most gorgeous pieces of music I've ever heard. I play it every single time we go camping, or sit out in the backyard at night. My parents even love the song.

MAYH is so different from MR that I don't even compare the two. MAYH pretty much gave up a lot of technicality for heaviness and power and emotion. Still Life sort of combined the 2 styles, blending emotion and heaviness with technicality.

I can see why some would only really like stuff post-Morningrise, or perhaps prefer Orchid and MR to the rest of their stuff. I happen to like both styles for different reasons.
Morningrise was the first opeth album I heard. I'm not gonna lie, at first I didn't love it. It certainly takes time to grow on you. Incidentally, morningrise is now one of my favorite opeth albums!

I hear where you're coming from. Especially if you heard something like Ghost Reveries first, I could definitely understand Morningrise being a little tough to swallow. All I can say is, give it time, and you will anticipate every twist and turn the epic tracks on morningrise have to offer!