Morningrise - Opeth's hardest to get into?

Morningrise is solid gold, I got into Opeth when Morningrise came out and I listened to it a milllion times. The record highly influenced me and how I write some acoustic riffs on guitar, and i've been listening ever since.
I'm a big fan - have every album. Love MAYH, Still Life, Ghost, Deliverance, name it.

But I must admit - I have a hard time getting into Morningrise. Does anyone else experience this? I don't know why either.

I'm sure it's just a matter of repeat plays and it will come, but just interested to know if others have found this?

obviously depends on where you're coming from musically
for example i first heard morningrise when i was deeply into the whole prog dream theater symphony x scene.. could not get into it for the life of me.. but now with my current taste if i heard morningrise right now i would cream myself..
It was easy for me to get into Morningrise..considering it was the 2nd opeth album i bought after GR..

heck the 1st song i heard frm Morningrise was BRI.. and i cant stop listening to it eversince..eventhough its damn bloody long ahahah..
Personally, I found My Arms, Your Hearse the hardest to "get into", because it was so dark and at the time of release I wasn't really in a position to enjoy the gloomy vibe of that album. Needless to say, it has grown to become my favorite Opeth album next to Still Life.

With Morningrise, it took a little while too, mainly because at the time there weren't really any bands being this progressive and deadly at the same time. I remember hearing "Advent" and thinking 'what the fuck is this?'. Needless to say, the album grew on me and I consider "Advent", "Black Rose Immortal" and "To Bid You Farewell" among their best tracks.

Maybe you should listen to the album from the last track and forward, starting with "To Bid You Farewell", then "Black Rose.." etc.
All good songs, but I find myself preferring Orchid to Morningrise. I'm sorry if this brings the "z0mg noo wai!1!"
"Either you like or you don't" is a bit black and white don't you think. Only the Sith deal in absolutes. Said the Jedi absolutely.

Anyway, giving Orchid a 7 is just plain wrong. This album, which contains more awesome melodies, riffs, drumwork than .. most albums.. deserves a fucking 10 for outstanding songwriting, refreshing death metal, taking the first step into progressive territory.. and perhaps a -1 for the production, the few parts that are a bit junky, I has spokeN!
For me the first Opeth album I ever heard was Still Life which blew my mind. Morningrise and orchid were the last 2 albums that i listened to and at first I wasnt sure if I liked them as much as other Opeth albums but soon they became all I could listen to,for a month it seemed they were the only 2 albums I liked out of any bands i listened to. That was a 2 year ago, now Opeth are my favourite band by a long shot.

This is my first post. Opeth for life!