Just got this email from Billy Milano

Just show up at the show, and when he calls you out, raise your hand, and if he even touches you, sue him and the club, and then invite us all to the party on your new boat.

Suggest to Billy that you're glad to leave your glasses at home, as long as he does the same with his pendulous man tits.
Thraxgirlie said:
oh gee whiz...

Look out ya'll it's Billy's girl!!

Actually, I don't know if she is, but she sure comes to his defense a lot, saying how sweet he is. And coincedentally enough, it was her I was exchanging barbs with at the Anthrax board when suddenly the thread vanished. Not that I care, cause I have my own venue here, but Billy sure was pissed I posted his email response and address on the Anthrax board.... :loco:

His response to my asking if I was on the guest list:

you fuckin cheap jew.
GEt you fucking great webzine to
get your tickets. I thought you were the man
In Huston?"

Dude seriously needs grammar lessons.
Oh man this thread is reminding me how much ass Speak English or Die kicks, was listening to that one a few nights ago, beer in hand. :kickass:
Thraxgirlie said:
he does...and he rolls his eyes better...
Ah, I notice a color theme too, nice! Is that board any fun? I visited it once when Degradation Trip was coming out, but it was full of depressed 14 year olds (maybe just one, he was very talkative) and people that didn't like Layne. So I bailed.