Just reserved a flight to HEATHEN CRUSADE part 17

We will be giving away CDs, Posters, Stickers, Flyers from different labels that has sent us things. Also, if you want to give out your promo CDs or anything like that, Please bring it.
General Zod said:
Take it with a grain of salt, but eather.com is calling for:

50 in Philly on Friday
21 and snowing on Saturday in Minnesota


Yeah, I heard it's supposed to get cold around here next week though. Hey, I'll take all I can get though to save on those heating bills. It's Fan-fucking-tastic outside today. :)
For those of you staying at the Courtyard Marriott, the headquarters hotel of the Festival....

We have arranged a free shuttle that will run between the hotel and the venue. It will not run the entire day, but will make several trips early in the day and at night. It will basically run 11:30am to 2pm and then 10:30pm to 1am.

I will post an exact schedule once it is finalized. The schedule will also be available at the hotel when you check in.