karmic for president


lol! might as well give snakes Mounted Invisible Infrared Pulsed Laser Rifles and grenades. :lol:
Ninjas are primarily black ops. That and we hire them out for extras in films and for children's parties. Well, not children's parties anymore. They killed all the kids and took the food and presents last time.
I reckon if we hire Christian Bale, w/ Nolan to direct him, we won't need the Penguins or Skeletons for anything other than our own amusement.
Can I be the Chairman for Coffee and the Kitteh's? :( Someone has to over see and rule over the coffee of the world, and if you don't over see the kitteh's they run wild in the streets. We can't have them eating up all the omelets either.

If that position is taken, I will gladly take over Athens Ohio, and kick all the rednecks out. :D
I would like an important government position too... but i'm not known well enough on here to be given a title based on this that, or the other.... :(
I want to be in the armed forces. i do not want to be at a 'high' post. would like to be the sniper or the tailgunner or something like that. no navy, please. not much of a fan of them navy boys.
As Chairman of the Committee for foreign affairs with fictional universes, I move that we should create mandatory Huttese classes in our schools. It is, after all, the lengua franca of the Outer Rim.