Ketchup is horrible.

I'm French canadian and I'm from Québec...I lived in Montreal before. You will see people putting so much ketchup in their meals that it becomes the main ingredient.

Not all mustard is created equal. Yellow mustard is about as lame as ketchup. Stone-ground, Dijon, and Brown Mustards, on the other hand... now we're getting somewhere.

I like yellow mustard on hot dogs, but then again with hot dogs I just embrace the low-brow-ness of the whole experience. Gulden's is my family's go to brand. Good stuff.
Man the other day I forgot my lunch and I scrounged together what I could find in the break room, which ended up being a hot dog on a slice of raisin bread topped with cheap, vinegar-tasting stone ground mustard.

... and it actually wasn't that bad.
Man the other day I forgot my lunch and I scrounged together what I could find in the break room, which ended up being a hot dog on a slice of raisin bread topped with cheap, vinegar-tasting stone ground mustard.

... and it actually wasn't that bad.

Initially I thought MoL was trolling. Then I proceeded to read all of the posts agreeing with him, which has lead me to the conclusion that you people are a bunch of morons. Not for having different tastes, but for suggesting people are autistic, unintelligent and immature for liking ketchup, and for objectively stating it's quality when it makes no sense to do so.
Ketchup is horrible, and there's no excuse for anyone over the age of twelve to willingly consume it. If you enjoy ketchup, mercy on your soul. I will forgive being too lazy to instruct workers at a fast food place to hold it. A pass could probably be given to any "gourmet" ketchup that is seasoned adequately.

Ketchup is the lowest common denominator of condiments. It is for the mouth-breathers. Never has a circumstance arrived that called for ketchup rather than one of its blatantly superior counterparts. For your french fries, I offer BBQ sauce. For scrambled eggs, salsa. For your hash browns, hot sauce. Hot dogs, or other encased meats? Drag it through the garden. At the very least a brown mustard will do. Burgers? Come on now, you can put anything on a burger. Pity on someone who will call for what probably amounts to a 50/50 blend of HCFS and tomato paste in such an instance.

Ketchup is a pathetic excuse for a food, the type of thing that autistic children probably love. The kind of thing that people who consume Bud Light, Transformers 2, and popular music enjoy. Mutantllama probably loves ketchup. It is a bane.

End the tyrannical reign of ketchup and demand better.

If you're too good for ketchup why are you eating hot dogs?
Ketchup isn't too bad. As a kid, I would never eat it and as I got older I got a taste for it. I don't put it on everything, but I mainly just put on my mashed potatoes or with fries. And sometimes my macaroni and cheese. Occasionally some chicken nuggets. It all depends on what I am craving.

I know no one is going to care about this, but when me and sibilings where younger, our younger brother (now 17) would eat ketchup sandwhiches. It was just bread and ketchup. My mother never knew why he liked it so much. It actually disguested her. I just thought I'd share that.
Butter, pepper, and salt are the only things that should be put on mashed potatoes. I can forgive gravy, but not ketchup.
I put ketchup on my fries, and other potato finger foods.

Salsa on the other hand can be used for pretty much everything. Eggs, potatoes, crackers, chips, tacos, burgers, certain kinds of soup, etc.
Ketchup is made with fucking ripened tomatoes. The basic ingredients in modern ketchup are fucking tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, allspice, cloves, and cinnamon. Onions, celery, and other fucking vegetables are frequent additions. In the UK, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, Iran and New fucking Zealand, a vinegar-less variant of ketchup is commonly referred to as tomato sauce or the red gravy.

Fuck you.
Lol at having a hatred towards any food item. Overall dislike I can understand, but terminal hatred? ha